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Wed, 31 Oct 2007, 09:14
power mousey

dang dudes!
I'm shakin cold like a Tastee Freeze.

it has to be part from the global warming and greenhouse effects, strange weather patterns, and also the fires
that are still rangin in Southern California.

sheesh and brrrrtr!!!
I have 3 shirts on and my little portable heater
going too. I'm still cold.
Its very cold outside.

also, with my new exercise and workout routine
I'm losing weight really good. I guess thats
part of it too. It has its advanteges but also disadvantages too.
I remember going with some friends and others
when we were in the College group at Church. We went
White Water rafting near the American/Russin rivers in Napa county.
We were in tents and my friend Rod Cardoza...a lot skinner than me... had five shirts on and 5 blankets
while sleeping in his sleeping bag.

going back to bed in about 5 minutes.
Curl up and stay warm too.

A true Campfire.
Wed, 31 Oct 2007, 10:54
Guess global warming isn't delivering what it promised then!

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Wed, 31 Oct 2007, 17:14
Hey,shut up you!
You really ought to go buy and watch this DVD right away! I hope to God that Al Gore will someday become president of the US, so he can teach the Americans a lesson. I know you're not an American, and that all Americans aren't as 'bad' as the next one, but with that attitude I don't care if you're from the US, UK or friggin Africa... you (and everyone else that are still doubting that something is happening) needs to open their eyes now!

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Wed, 31 Oct 2007, 17:35
Just messin', matey

I know it'll be a problem, but with cooperate capitalism dominating the planet, ain't nothing I can do to stop climate change right now. I'm in the socialist party, campaigning for a decent government, so let me have my fun

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Thu, 01 Nov 2007, 00:03
power mousey

easy! Don't tell Hobo to shut up.
He was just messin and having some fun.

And yeah, about this global warming.
Its been going on for years and for a long time.
And not just from cars, and other industrial emissions
but also from natural cycles of Mother Nature and also from Solar Radiations from the Sun too.
There have been other scientists and others long before
Al Gore warning,alerting,sharing about green house effects,
global warming and strange weather patterns.
Al Gore...in my opinion...has just brought the issues and effects of Global Warming to the forefront more. More in the media and in politics. And for sure and being human and with alterior motives....for his own personal and political gain too.

Thank gosh for now...we are not seeing the full effects
of this Global Warming and other things too. Its definitely being held back for part of Gods' judgements.
Thu, 01 Nov 2007, 04:36
I don't believe in it.

I think that global warming is a big fraud - and not because I refuse to believe in "the inconvenient truth". If you asked me last year, I'd say that the climate change was a problem. However, I don't want to have an argument about this since I know only just enough to have an opinion, and it's not an area I'm very interested in.
Thu, 01 Nov 2007, 06:05
power mousey

of course its your belief and choice.
I'd rather rnot argue myself. Just some friendly and healthy discussion and perhaps debate too.

and you bet and I agree with you
its part of the climate change and strange
weather patterns and signs in the sky too.

And sorry you are not interested in this. For yourself,your family and friends. For the whole planet and ecology.

later gator
power mousey
Thu, 01 Nov 2007, 13:19

Hey,shut up you!
You really ought to go buy and watch this DVD right away! I hope to God that Al Gore will someday become president of the US, so he can teach the Americans a lesson. I know you're not an American, and that all Americans aren't as 'bad' as the next one, but with that attitude I don't care if you're from the US, UK or friggin Africa... you (and everyone else that are still doubting that something is happening) needs to open their eyes now!

You're right, Al Gore should be president. After all, he did invent the internet!

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Thu, 01 Nov 2007, 18:00
power mousey

oh yeah,

you're right Instinct.

Al Gore did invent the internet.
duhhhhhhhhh! on me.
Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 06:45
For those interested, there's a fantastic documentary that shows that man isn't directly responsable for global warming and that there's actually very little that we can physically do about it.


The Great Global Warming Swindle - first aired on UK Channel 4 about 6 months ago, provides 2 hours of facts and figures, with in-depth analysis of what's been happening on Earth since before the age of the dinosaurs.

Expert opinions state clearly that governments and media are lying to us because it's actually financially beneficial to them.

Of course there are also debates about the programme, but none I've seen are able to prove that the programme is actually wrong - unlike Al Gore's misinformative film...

There's also a fantastic website - www.friendsofscience.org/ that also agrees that global warming is not a new phenomenon and has not been caused by man.

Of course, one could argue that it is still in man's best interest to do everything possible to prevent the situation being worsened. Whilst the majority of the world is more aware of green issues, we still continue to rape the natural world - especially in developing countries, pretty much all for financial reasons.

As for it being cold, I wear a t-shirt all year round. I'm finding this weather particularly mild.
Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 06:49
I actually watched that movie this morning It's quite interesting.
Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 07:04
Yeah, Global warming isn't caused by us, but I'm 99.9% sure we've pushed it's cycle along a little faster than usual!

Still, not to worry. At least it's not as bad a problem as the reduction of polution, which cancels out the Global Dimming and eventually fries us all!

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 10:37
power mousey

all part of the curse of the
Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Warmer or hotter in some areas
colder in other areas....

I still say we are not seeing all
the effect nor a lot of them either...yet.
But on our present course and as Jay put it
we're helping to accerelate the process more.
Than the ecologicals recycling and re-adjsuting
and re-balancing on the variant primal set ups
for all living things on this planet.
Consider the Water cycle for example....

The Green Project.

Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 11:45
In the movie Rockford talked about, they say that only 0.054% of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are carbon, and that only one percent of that (0.00054%) is produced by humans.
Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 17:15
Yes, farting cows produce a lot of greenhouse gasses, and CFCs have 70,000 times the warming effect of CO2. However cows have always been farting, and it was fairly easy to stop producing CFCs. We cant stop producing CO2. Small imbalances can make big differences in systems, especially when its cumulative, as in when theres nothing left to convert the excess. Also rising population and 3rd world industrialization are going to make this shit sky rocket.

Tbh. I dont really care much about global warming, wherever you look its always shoved in your face. I havent watched al gores movie. I imagine its probably hideously biased in order to entertain the American population, but that dosent mean that I think its all a scam though.

Nearly all scientists agree that global warming far likelier to be causing climate change than anything else. Also business' in general stands far more to gain by ignoring this than by doing stuff about it. I highly doubt this was all just made up to create a false economy.
Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 17:27
Phoenix I don't believe in it.

I think that global warming is a big fraud - and not because I refuse to believe in "the inconvenient truth". If you asked me last year, I'd say that the climate change was a problem. However, I don't want to have an argument about this since I know only just enough to have an opinion, and it's not an area I'm very interested in.

Word !.....

Most of it is a way of conning the public by using Global Warming to ramp up the price of fuel. If global warming is on such a big scale, then why dont the government ban Petrol /Diesel and LPG, and give us the electric cars that we were once promised ?.
Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 17:32
I'm sorry, but that video is a load of s***, and some of the people on this forum, seem to probably have not looked into this themselves, and just snapped up an opinion.

Now, saying Al Gore's video is mis informative, i believe, is incorrect. In interesting fact, is that if global warming is correct, and made by humans, it won't actually affect them. That video, is the only one that is mis informative.

There are always going to be arguments, and I believe, that this argument, the one rockford is putting forward, is a load of rubbish, and I have my reasons.

Firstly, a number of their facts, are wrong. The levels of carbon dioxide they say are produced are out, by a long way. This, says pretty much the opposite of what is stated in the video. Also, they say we are made up of carbon dioxide, and carbon dioxide is what makes things grow. Wrong, we are made of carbon, and carbon that has a very different atomic structure to that of the pollutant type.

Secondly, just like you can post things saying that this website agrees with me, well, this one agrees with me - linkage

Thirdly, a number of issues that are stated in this are actually talked about in the Inconvenient truth. For example, the graphs shown in The inconvenient truth don't have a gap in them, especially the one actually shown in the video there. Also, some of the graphs don't correlate very well in that, hows this for correlation? This is basically identical to a graph that Al Gore Shows. Also, the fact that they pick up on a few words that Al Gore says, which they can't definitively say mean one thing, is ludicrous.

One thing that is quite obvious, is that some people on this topic have seen that film, but not Al Gores, and I wouldn't be surprised if rockford is only saying what was in the news. Interestingly, wasn't it in the news that Al Gore was awarded the nobel peace prize for his work. If you're going to attack a point of view, look at the other point of view first, and do a bit of research.

I also hate the entire way the video is done, always attacking face on the theory of man made global warming, saying it it completely un-reasonable.

Now, I could go on for ages, as some peoples attitudes infuriate me. In the video, someone says that it infuriates then to hear CO2 described as a pollutant. Well, it infuriates me when someone says Global warming is all hype.

To finish off i will say one last thing. The things we need to do to stop global warming need to be done for other reasons. We are using up fossil fuels very fast, and we will soon run out. Oil is needed to create plastic, and if we un out of oil, it is probably possible to use other methods of obtaining energy. However, how do we get plastic.

Ill stop now |edit| Or not... |edit|

|edit| Actually, could you lock this topic Jay, or delete it, as otherwise a lot of people will get angry, and we'll have a mini war... |edit|
|edit| Wow, that must be my longest post on any forum, ever |edit|
|edit| Another point - Mike, how can you say that you think its horribly biased, if you've never actually seen it. I watched all of both movies... If you're calling Al Gores movie biased, the movie link posted is off the scale of biased |edit|

''It works, but I'm not sure why it works...''
Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 17:47
Dont get me wrong, I'm not saying that there is not an issue with Global Warming, I'm just pointing out that nothing can be done due to the fact that there is a lot of spin in the world government systems.

Here's one case that I need to point out. Arnie Schwarzenegger welcomed the EV1 Electric Car into California, then GM decided to destroy every one of them in spite of a large waiting list, instead of giving the leaseholders the option to buy them. There excuse was, there was not a big enough market for them. Well !... When the motor car was first invented, there was even less of a market back then.

Here be some linkage...


|edit| Read enough stories about the death of the EV1, and you will discover the truth behind the blood sucking governments, OPEC, and the sly motor companies. |edit|

Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 17:58

Word !.....

Most of it is a way of conning the public by using Global Warming to ramp up the price of fuel. If global warming is on such a big scale, then why dont the government ban Petrol /Diesel and LPG, and give us the electric cars that we were once promised ?.

Well the rising price of fuel is due to stained relationships with oil rich counties and dwindling reserves. In the UK car tax is where the government mainly charge for carbon emissions.

Also electric cars don't make much sense to me since we get most of our electricity from burning fuel anyway, then the electricity has to be sent across the grid where a large proportion is lost as heat.

Another point - Mike, how can you say that you think its horribly biased, if you've never actually seen it.

I said "I imagine". In the last american movie I watched abpout global warming the whole world froze over in one day. Sensational
Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 18:04
@ mike_g...

If you are a driver in the UK like me, then you should notice that it is not just the road tax that were having to endure. The fact is that 68 percent of the £1.00 per litre we are paying is also tax.

And as you saying that electric cars make no sense, there are other ways of generating electricity. The Powers That Be, just have innocent people like you whipped.
Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 18:18
If you are a driver in the UK like me, then you should notice that it is not just the road tax that were having to endure. The fact is that 68 percent of the £1.00 per litre we are paying is also tax.

And as you saying that electric cars make no sense, there are other ways of generating electricity. The Powers That Be, just have innocent people like you whipped.

Then why should I have to pay 30 to 40 percent out of my wages in tax? Why should I have to pay 17.5% VAT on everything I buy except food in VAT? Why should I have to pay 100s of percent tax on tobacco and alcohol?

At the end of the day theres more pressing issues that need to be addressed with cars, such as gridlock, parking facilities, road maintenance, and traffic facilitating infrastucture. Would you want to pay for that if you dident drive?

Unfortunately theres only one way to control the amount of cars on the road, and thats financially. Its either that or you would have to have every driver need to apply for permits which would cost an arm and a leg in beurocracy.
Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 18:21
This, says pretty much the opposite of what is stated in the video.

Your link doesn't mention the opposite. It mentions big numbers, but not relative values.

For example, the graphs shown in The inconvenient truth don't have a gap in them

If that's true, then it does not directly mean that The Inconvenient Truth is the one speaking the truth.

I also hate the entire way the video is done, always attacking face on the theory of man made global warming, saying it it completely unreasonable.

Well perhaps it is? Part of the movie's purpose is to attack Al Gore's film.
Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 18:23
Either way, it won't kill me so I ain't too bothered.
Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 18:31
I have to drive for a good reason, I have a few medical issues. And there would'nt be gridlock and badly designed roads if they were actually designed by people who actually drive. That's another fact, alot of people that design the roads and the people that make up all the spin and b***ocks, dont actually drive.

The bottom line of my argument is. If cars were actually so damaging to the environment, then why have'nt they been banned ?.

Dont get me wrong. Even though I drive, It does not mean that I like cars. It's like the public transport issue, I cannot use it because I also have mental health problems that cause anxiety and paranoia as a side effect.

What I would like to see is, all the cars dissappear from the roads, and be replaced by some sort of travelator/conveyor belt system, that we just stand on and get transported to a destination. That could easily be funded by the council tax.
Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 18:35
JL235 Either way, it won't kill me so I ain't too bothered.

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