Wednesday Workshop

For a long long time, every single Wednesday, we used to have a little coding challenge.
A fun little weekly feature that started on the now defunct website CodersWorkshop, and served as the main reason for me creating this website in the first place.

Because of it's significance, these pages remain available, although the likelihood of us having any more Workshops remains somewhat minimal at best.

For now, however, you can relive the joys of frantic coding, and look back at all the past entires.

There are many entries!
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Wednesday Workshop #001

(15 Jun 2005)

The Five Object Challenge

Entries : 9

Using only Blitz's internal 2D drawing commands (Plot, Line, Rect, Oval, Text) to draw, you must create a game which only ever draws 5 objects onscreen per frame. You may not use CopyRect, or otherwise, to replicate more objects. A single Object = 1 single drawing command. If you use Text, you can have as many characters in that line of text as you wish.


Wednesday Workshop #002

(22 Jun 2005)

Foppy's Shoot-em-Up Challenge

Entries : 8

Foppy's sick of playing R-Type. He knows all the patterns off by heart, and it's no longer a challenge. He's had a hunt online, and can't find anything that feels "Just Right". You're challenge is to build the perfect Shoot-em-up for Foppy. But Foppy can't wait. So build that game quick!


Wednesday Workshop #003

(29 Jun 2005)

The Firework Challenge

Entries : 5

This coming Monday is July 4th, so this week's compo will be a Firework challenge. Your task will be to create a game which, in one way or another, features Fireworks as a main theme. (Meaning that Fireworks should be part of the game, and not, for example a game of Pong, with Fireworks in the background.) You can use any method you'd like to create the fireworks.


Wednesday Workshop #004

(06 Jul 2005)

Tainted's Light and Dark Challenge

Entries : 2

For this week's challenge, 'Tainted Instinct' suggested "Light and Dark", which had previously been a compo at . So we'll nick that, then.. This week, you must make a game that features the theme of Light and Dark. You have 5 days. If you had previously entered the old Light + Dark compo, you may NOT reuse that game, and must make something else.


Wednesday Workshop #005

(13 Jul 2005)

The Moody Text Adventure Challenge

Entries : 9

Moody loves his games, but he also likes to read. Unfortunately, the last Text Adventure on the market was about 50,000 years ago... So, make him a new one!


Wednesday Workshop #006

(20 Jul 2005)

The Ignored Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #007

(27 Jul 2005)

The Mouse Challenge

Entries : 8

Tainted Instinct seems to think that a game that uses the mouse, only, would give us some interesting games. I'm slightly worried by that, and am expecting nothing but "Whack-A-Mole" clones. Never mind, we'll do it anyway.


Wednesday Workshop #008

(03 Aug 2005)

The Lucky Challenge

Entries : 6

Are you lucky enough to win this week's challenge? You'd have to be with all of last week's Voting nonsense! No matter... Moody keeps telling us that he wants Games of Chance, so that's what this week's is. Fruit Machines, Card Games, Flip of a Coin, no matter what, so long as the winning is more Random Luck than anything else..


Wednesday Workshop #009

(10 Aug 2005)

TNT Guy's Buddy Challenge

Entries : 4

TNTCoder found an interesting Flash game online, which let you play with a small creature. After you've done so much, the game let you create scripts, to teach the buddy new fun things to do. The general idea was good, but there's no way we could all learn a new script language, and then get a whole compo going, within the allocated 5 days. So, instead, we decided that you should just code your own little Buddy, from scratch. You have 5 days to invent, draw, animate, and interact with your very own buddy.. This seems like a biggy, so get started as quick as possible!


Wednesday Workshop #010

(17 Aug 2005)

The Sports Challenge

Entries : 8

Sports!? Ten, to me, instantly brings to mind Daley Thompson's Decathlon. Strange but true.. So this week, being number ten and all, is the plain and simple "Make a Sports game" challenge. Anything goes, from "Bunch of real olympic events" to "Make up your own olympic events", from "Football" to "Super Deadly Ball", whatever you want, so long as it's Sports related. (Except Pong, of course!)


Wednesday Workshop #011

(24 Aug 2005)

The Crystal Challenge

Entries : 4

Another Moody suggestion, this time we're to step back a few years to when The Crystal Maze was on TV. Your challenge for this week is to design a puzzle, be it Skill, Mental, the other two.. Your game must last for exactly 2, 2.5 or 3 minutes, and fit the style of the TV show. If you are unfamiliar with it, think "Fort Boyard", or just click here. Any further questions, post them below.


Wednesday Workshop #012

(31 Aug 2005)

The Bladed Challenge

Entries : 2

It's time to code a sword! We've already had a Shoot-em-up challenge, so this week you're to make a game whereby the main character is holding a sword. Code an onslaught of enemies, and let the player slash away.


Wednesday Workshop #013

(07 Sep 2005)

License Month - The TV Edition

Entries : 2

99% of games nowadays are either Sequels or Licensed games. In light of this, this month is License month. For this week's challenge, pick a TV show, and then make the worst game you can, which still vaguely resembles the TV show. Just like the professionals do!


Wednesday Workshop #014

(14 Sep 2005)

Another ignored challenge..

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #015

(21 Sep 2005)

The Simple Stickman Challenge

Entries : 3

Having given up on the License Month idea, make some Stickman games!


Wednesday Workshop #016

(28 Sep 2005)

The Colorful Challenge

Entries : 5

This week's challenge is to create a game whereby the main purpose of gameplay will revolve around the use of color. The colors can be used in any number of ways, but must be integral to the gameplay in one form or another. Try to be as creative as possible.


Wednesday Workshop #017

(05 Oct 2005)

The Good vs Evil Challenge

Entries : 3

This week, you must make a game in which there's very obviously One Large Baddie.. In the style of all classic platformers/shoot em ups End of Level baddies, make a game whereby your character must fight against a big old evil super bad guy.


Wednesday Workshop #018

(12 Oct 2005)

The Water Challenge

Entries : 4

This week, the theme of Pirates was suggested. Although I think that's a good idea, it does seem a little limited. So, we'll make it a Water challenge instead. Your game must involve water. Be it boats in water, pools of running water, or whatever, your game needs plenty or it..


Wednesday Workshop #019

(19 Oct 2005)

The 7-day Challenge

Entries : 2

OK, a slight change this week. For the next 7 days, you must try as hard as you possibly can to create 7 different games. They needn't be big, or clever, but they also can't all be variations of the same game. Otherwise, there are no limits to the games you can make.


Wednesday Workshop #020

(26 Oct 2005)

The Halloween Challenge

Entries : 2

It's Halloween on Monday, so this week's challenge was a no-brainer. Make a Halloween themed game.


Wednesday Workshop #021

(02 Nov 2005)

The Fire Challenge

Entries : 5

"Remember, Remember. The 5th of November" The date that UK citizens celebrate a plot to blow up a government building. Or, something to that effect. This week being "Bonfire night" week, I thought we'd have a "Fire" challenge. Make any game you want, with lots of fire in it.


Wednesday Workshop #022

(09 Nov 2005)

The Racing Challenge

Entries : 2

Time to get out those stopwatches, and AI routines. Make the best Racing game you can make, be it 100 meters sprint, Swimming laps, a classic 3-lap race, or a complete Le-Mans 24 hours.


Wednesday Workshop #023

(16 Nov 2005)

The Gameboy Challenge

Entries : 5

This week, you're stuck in a tiny screen!


Wednesday Workshop #024

(23 Nov 2005)

The Minute Challenge

Entries : 8

This week, you must allow the player No More than 1 minute of playtime. (not counting menus, restarts, and all that jazz.) Within that single minute of playtime, try to cram in as much playability as possible.


Wednesday Workshop #025

(30 Nov 2005)

The Useless Challenge

Entries : 1

In the spirit of useless seasonal gifts, this week's challenge is to create a game that LOOKS like it could be really interesting. Something that shouts out "Buy Me" from the store shelf. Something your Gran would pick up, and find instantly amusing, but which ultimately turns out to be a rather dull experience after about 5 seconds.


Wednesday Workshop #026

(07 Dec 2005)

The Board Game Challenge

Entries : 1

Create a board game on the computer. It can either be a brand spanking new game, or a remake of a classic. Or why not mix and match older games to make a new one.


Wednesday Workshop #027

(14 Dec 2005)

The Xmas Party Game Challenge

Entries : 3

The last of our Xmas themed challenges is a rather simple one. Create a game that is both a "Party Game" and a Xmas themed game.. I'm not going to be too specific as to the rules of this challenge. My idea of a "Party Game" is essentially one which can be played by multiple players, all together, all at the same time, with extremely simple rules. But, read the rest of this topic, and you're bound to see differing opinions on this matter. (ie another "Party Game" could be Truth or Dare, in which the players take turns, rather than playing together.)


Wednesday Workshop #028

(21 Dec 2005)

The Fascinating Challenge

Entries : 1

This week is Christmas week. As such, most people will be spending extra time with their families, and such. At the same time, more people will be at home, instead of work/school. So, this week's challenge is simple enough to make quick entries, but interesting enough to get everyone to bother.


Wednesday Workshop #029

(28 Dec 2005)

The Pong Challenge

Entries : 12

Make Pong. HOWEVER.. Your game of Pong may not be 2 bats, 1 ball, 1 line, 2 scores, black and white, basic, generic Pong. You must add something else into the mix. What you add is your own choice.


Wednesday Workshop #030

(04 Jan 2006)

The Level Based Challenge - Part One

Entries : 3

This week, we'll be making games that require External File Levels. Games where you can design levels using either an in-built editor, an external editor, or even just Notepad to fiddle with the files.


Wednesday Workshop #031

(11 Jan 2006)

The Level Based Challenge - Part Two

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #032

(18 Jan 2006)

The Co-Ordinated Challenge

Entries : 3

This week, your challenge is to make a "Two Player Co-operative" game. A game, where two players are onscreen at once. Where both can play freely, but also, and here's the hard part, where it's possible for one player to play the game using both hands.. One hand on each set of controls..


Wednesday Workshop #033

(25 Jan 2006)

The Weirdest Challenge

Entries : 6

Ages ago, Magicman suggested we have a "Weirdest Game" challenge. So, Why not!! The weirder the better.. But stay within the realms of taste, please!


Wednesday Workshop #034

(01 Feb 2006)

The Quite Hard challenge..

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #035

(08 Feb 2006)

The Basic Challenge

Entries : 3

This week, you will be making a basic game engine. A nice, simple, little system with a few basic features. It could be a platform engine, a racing engine, a sports game engine, a RPG engine, or anything else you might think of. You will need to include full source code for the game, and try to make the code as readable as possible.


Wednesday Workshop #036

(15 Feb 2006)

The Expanded Challenge

Entries : 2

Last week saw 3 entries. This week you must take one of these three games, and expand it however you see fit. You might want to replace the levels, redo the art, add new features, or just make the interface a little neater. Whatever you choose to do, make sure the new game has at least the heart of the old one.


Wednesday Workshop #037

(22 Feb 2006)

The Love Challenge

Entries : 5

This week, the target theme is "Love". That's the romance type, with Hearts, Flowers, Chocolates and stuff.. Not the other sort! Make a game full of Love!


Wednesday Workshop #038

(01 Mar 2006)

The Replay Value Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #039

(08 Mar 2006)

The DS Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #040

(15 Mar 2006)

The Dream Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #041

(22 Mar 2006)

The Zombie Challenge

Entries : 4

Make games with zombies in them. I'll be looking forward to plenty of off-color greenish blood this week!


Wednesday Workshop #042

(29 Mar 2006)

The New-Retro Challenge

Entries : 1

Take any modern day game, and make a version that looks as retro as possible.


Wednesday Workshop #043

(05 Apr 2006)

The Fast Challenge

Entries : 4

This week, you can make any game you like, but the game has to be FAST. It might help to use "Flip False", to get the game running as quick as possible. Don't let timings slow you down, go for broke. The faster the better..


Wednesday Workshop #044

(12 Apr 2006)

The Easter Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #045

(19 Apr 2006)

The Typing Challenge

Entries : 3

Make typing games!


Wednesday Workshop #046

(26 Apr 2006)

The Music Challenge

Entries : 4

Make a game which is based upon music. Maybe it can be a game where you play music, maybe the game changes based on the music, or perhaps you might like to pick a favourite song and base a game on it's lyrics.


Wednesday Workshop #047

(03 May 2006)

The Action Board Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #048

(10 May 2006)

The Breakout Challenge

Entries : 2

This week, we're heading back to a Nice and Simple challenge. Make a Clone of Breakout/Arkanoid/Megaball/DXBall/Whatever. Simple, or Amazing, however you want to do it, just make sure there's lots of blocks!


Wednesday Workshop #049

(17 May 2006)

The Projectile Challenge

Entries : 3

This week, you need to throw things around! Be they weapons, fruit, toys, or whatever.


Wednesday Workshop #050

(24 May 2006)

The Sequel Challenge

Entries : 2

Take an entry from any of the previous challenges, and create a sequel. The game can be one of your own, or one of someone elses. If you choose to create a sequel to someone elses game, do remember to credit the original creator.


Wednesday Workshop #051

(31 May 2006)

The Stupid Pun Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #052

(07 Jun 2006)

The Text Adventure Challenge II

Entries : 2

Moody loves his games, but he also likes to read. Unfortunately, the last Text Adventure on the market was about 50,000 years ago... So, make him a new one..


Wednesday Workshop #053

(14 Jun 2006)

The World Cup Challenge

Entries : 1

This week you have a choice of what sort of game you wish to create.<br>If you LOVE the Football, make a Football, or Football-related game.<br>If you HATE the Football, make an anti-Football-related game.<br>If you're already sick to death of the Football, Make a game based on the words "World" and "Cup".... Anything will do, but the gameplay must involve both of those words!


Wednesday Workshop #054

(21 Jun 2006)

The Educational Challenge

Entries : 4

Whatever happened to those really naff games you used to see in schools? You know the ones, on the BBC Micros and Archimedes. Really awful games that the teachers made you play, in order to learn things...


Wednesday Workshop #055

(28 Jun 2006)

The Space Challenge

Entries : 2

"Make a game that involves the confusing and mysterious void of space?", or alternatively, just do a Space themed game!


Wednesday Workshop #056

(05 Jul 2006)

The Ascii Art Challenge

Entries : 7

This week, your game must be made up of Ascii Art. You can use single color bitmap fonts, or the normal Text command, either will do. When designing your game, you cannot allow any single entity to be made up of only one ascii character.. That is, for example, a coin cannot be a letter "O", but it can be "($)". Try to design as many little Ascii objects as you can.


Wednesday Workshop #057

(12 Jul 2006)

The Audio Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #058

(19 Jul 2006)

The Super Hero Challenge

Entries : 2

This week, try to make a game involving a superhero. Pick a well known one, or make up your own. Include strengths, weaknesses, and possibly even a super-villain too.


Wednesday Workshop #059

(26 Jul 2006)

The Frogger Challenge

Entries : 5

This week, make a Frogger game, but different. Powerups, Scrolling, Different Themes, whatever you wish, so long as it isn't plain old generic frogger.


Wednesday Workshop #060

(02 Aug 2006)

The Building Challenge

Entries : 2

The word Building can mean many things.<br>
A Building can be a house, a shop, a warehouse, a factory, or otherwise. You can run a building. You can destroy a building. You can even Build a building.<br>
You can also Build other things. You can build with metal to make cars, and boats. You can build with Lego, Meccano, or KNex to make toys. You can even build a track with Scalextic.<br><br>However you wish to look at the word Building, that's the type of game you need to make.


Wednesday Workshop #061

(09 Aug 2006)

The Candy Challenge

Entries : 1

Pick a Candy, or many Candies.. They can be chocolate bars, sugary things, snacky things, or pretty much anything things.. So long as they're candies. Then do some kind of game with them.


Wednesday Workshop #062

(16 Aug 2006)

The Line Challenge

Entries : 7

This week, we're looking for Line-based games. Be they "Light Cycles/Tron" clones, Classic Vector style games, or even your own homemade 3D Wireframe engine (No cheating.. If you're doing wireframe you do it in 2D, not by using the "Wireframe" command.)
Whatever sort of game you like, so long as it's full of lines!


Wednesday Workshop #063

(23 Aug 2006)

The Rules Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #064

(30 Aug 2006)

The Random Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #065

(06 Sep 2006)

The CW Challenge

Entries : 1

What happened to it? Where did it go? When will it be back?
Create some kind of game that illustrates possible reasons for the site's dissapearance. Was Seth kidnapped by Krylar, wanting his site back? Did Aliens take away the server? Perhaps Draconus came along and pulled the plug for a laugh.


Wednesday Workshop #066

(13 Sep 2006)

The Pirate Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #067

(20 Sep 2006)

The Ninja Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #068

(27 Sep 2006)

The Turn Based Challenge

Entries : 1

Make games that require the player to make their move, then wait for the other player. The other player can be an AI opponent, and online opponent, a friend sitting on the chair beside the player, or the player playing two players at a time because they've no-one to play against. "Vs the Cat/Dog/Budgie/Hamster mode"


Wednesday Workshop #069

(04 Oct 2006)

The 3 Hour Challenge

Entries : 4

Set yourself a 3 hour time period. Or if you don't have a single 3 hour slot during this week, 3 single hour ones will do. Make a note of the time you start, and the time you finish. You have 3 hours to make the best game you can.


Wednesday Workshop #070

(11 Oct 2006)

The Crate Challenge

Entries : 1

Make a game, any game, but fill it with crates!


Wednesday Workshop #071

(18 Oct 2006)

The One-Button Challenge

Entries : 1

Make a game that uses only one button! Preferably Spacebar, or a Mousebutton.. A nice easy to access button, that can be pushed.. like a button.. (You may use Esc to quit.)


Wednesday Workshop #072

(25 Oct 2006)

The Halloween Challenge 2

Entries : 2

We've done this before, so no re-entries!
"It's Halloween on Tuesday, so this week's challenge was a no-brainer. Make a Halloween themed game."


Wednesday Workshop #073

(01 Nov 2006)

The Nothing Challenge

Entries : 1

"Nothing challenge would be kinda cool, like not literally nothing, but try to make something of it. Like the character is in an empty room or something like that."


Wednesday Workshop #074

(08 Nov 2006)

The Planetoid Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #075

(15 Nov 2006)

The Backwards Challenge

Entries : 1

Try to come up with some kind of game, whereby the whole thing looks like it's being played backwards.


Wednesday Workshop #076

(22 Nov 2006)

The Highscore Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #077

(29 Nov 2006)

The TV Challenge 2

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #078

(06 Dec 2006)

The Flying Challenge

Entries : 2

Make a game about Flying. Anything will do.. Planes, Kites, even Flys.


Wednesday Workshop #079

(13 Dec 2006)

The Food Challenge

Entries : 3

Make a game about cooking, or eating, or something otherwise food related. It doesn't have to be christmassy if you don't want it to be!


Wednesday Workshop #080

(20 Dec 2006)

The Christmas Title Challenge

Entries : 3

Pick a game title from the list below, then make a game!<br>
<b>The Pudding Dilemma, </b>Mistletoe and Whine, <b>One of our Stockings is Missing, </b>Santa Gone Wild,<b> Elf Ball, </b>Present Scramble, <b>Boxing Day, </b>Wrappers, <b>Christmas Surprise, </b>Dead Elf, <b>Lost at the North Pole, </b>Elves Lives, <b>Santa Got Run Over by a Reindeer, </b>Blizzard, <b>SnowCoder, </b>Mr Happy Snowman, <b>Granny Dancing</b>


Wednesday Workshop #081

(27 Dec 2006)

The "New Year, New Language" Challenge

Entries : 4

This week you can make any type of game you want, but you must code it using the new Cobra Demo provided at <a href=""></a>


Wednesday Workshop #082

(10 Jan 2007)

The Physics Challenge

Entries : 3

Make any sort of game you'd like, but incorporate some kind of physics into the gameplay.


Wednesday Workshop #083

(17 Jan 2007)

The Schoolyard Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #084

(24 Jan 2007)

The Four Object Challenge

Entries : 8

Using only Blitz's internal 2D drawing commands (Plot, Line, Rect, Oval, Text) to draw, you must create a game which only ever draws 4 objects onscreen per frame.


Wednesday Workshop #085

(31 Jan 2007)

The Three Color Challenge

Entries : 2

This week, you can use no more than 3 colours per frame. Other than that, you're free to make any kind of game you'd like.


Wednesday Workshop #086

(07 Feb 2007)

The Tall Challenge

Entries : 2

This week, create a game using a resolution of 320 x 600... Without it being a Tetris clone!


Wednesday Workshop #087

(14 Feb 2007)

The Smiley Challenge

Entries : 1

This week, use the site's collection of smilies in some kind of game.


Wednesday Workshop #088

(21 Feb 2007)

The Super Girly Challenge

Entries : 1

We all know that the world of Video Game publishing has a slightly disturbed image of what kind of games girls will like. Let's beat them at their own games!


Wednesday Workshop #089

(28 Feb 2007)

The Puzzle Challenge

Entries : 1

This week, we're making Puzzle games. They can be as simple or as complex as you'd like.


Wednesday Workshop #090

(07 Mar 2007)

The Audio Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #091

(14 Mar 2007)

The Challenge

Entries : 1

Pick a game suggestion from, and make it!


Wednesday Workshop #092

(21 Mar 2007)

The Photo Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #093

(28 Mar 2007)

The Future Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #094

(04 Apr 2007)

The Atari 2600 Challenge

Entries : 3

Pick a classic Atari 2600 game, then remake it.


Wednesday Workshop #095

(11 Apr 2007)

The Zero G Challenge

Entries : 1

Create a game that has no gravity!


Wednesday Workshop #096

(18 Apr 2007)

The Tank Challenge

Entries : 1

This week, make games with tanks in them.


Wednesday Workshop #097

(25 Apr 2007)

The Gameshow Challenge

Entries : 2

Recreate or design your own Classic TV Gameshow.


Wednesday Workshop #098

(02 May 2007)

The Heavy Metal Challenge

Entries : 1

Create a game with the theme of Heavy Metal.


Wednesday Workshop #099

(09 May 2007)

The Balloon Challenge

Entries : 1

Create a game with balloons in it!


Wednesday Workshop #100

(16 May 2007)

The 100 Challenge

Entries : 3

Create a game using code no bigger than 100x100 characters.


Wednesday Workshop #101

(23 May 2007)

The Black and White Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #102

(30 May 2007)

The Lost Garden Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #103

(06 Jun 2007)

The Mouse Challenge 2

Entries : 2

Make a game that only uses the mouse. No buttons, Just the movement!


Wednesday Workshop #104

(13 Jun 2007)

The 'The Sequel Challenge' Sequel Challenge

Entries : 2

Take an entry from any of the previous challenges, and create a sequel. The game can be one of your own, or one of someone elses. If you choose to create a sequel to someone elses game, do remember to credit the original creator.


Wednesday Workshop #105

(20 Jun 2007)

The 4 Against 1 Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #106

(27 Jun 2007)

The Pink Challenge

Entries : 2

Ever since we moved beyond CGA graphics, people have desperately tried to ignore the curse of magenta.. Now it's time to shove it back in!!


Wednesday Workshop #107

(04 Jul 2007)

The Ant Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #108

(11 Jul 2007)

The Timer Challenge

Entries : 1

Stick a giant timer on the screen, to show that the player's going to run out of time at any moment.


Wednesday Workshop #109

(18 Jul 2007)

The GUI Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #110

(25 Jul 2007)

The Summer Holiday Challenge - Beach Edition

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #111

(01 Aug 2007)

The Gravity Challenge

Entries : 1

Create a game that makes good use of Gravity.


Wednesday Workshop #112

(08 Aug 2007)

The ASC.II Challenge

Entries : 1

56 weeks ago, challenge 56 was an ascii challenge. So this one is, too!


Wednesday Workshop #113

(15 Aug 2007)

The Vegetable Challenge

Entries : 1

Make a game with Vegetables in it..


Wednesday Workshop #114

(22 Aug 2007)

The Left Right Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #115

(29 Aug 2007)

The One Challenge

Entries : 2

Create a game in which the player has only 1 chance. One life, one health point, etc. No going back.. Just one..


Wednesday Workshop #116

(05 Sep 2007)

The "Make a Game" Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #117

(12 Sep 2007)

The Hand Drawn Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #118

(19 Sep 2007)

The Upside Down Challenge

Entries : 1

For this week's entries, try to make your game upside down, and see how bizarre it feels!!


Wednesday Workshop #119

(26 Sep 2007)

The Racing Challenge : Second Edition

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #120

(03 Oct 2007)

The Slots Challenge

Entries : 1

Create a good old fashioned Fruit Machine!


Wednesday Workshop #121

(10 Oct 2007)

The Delayed Challenge

Entries : 1

Create a game with delayed input, whereby the gameplay occurs After the player pushes the button.


Wednesday Workshop #122

(17 Oct 2007)

The Halloween Challenge 3

Entries : 2

Same as usual. Make a Halloweeny game.


Wednesday Workshop #123

(24 Oct 2007)

The Number Challenge

Entries : 1

Create a game with numbers in it!


Wednesday Workshop #124

(31 Oct 2007)

The V.SFX Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #125

(07 Nov 2007)

The 3 Hour Challenge 2

Entries : 5

Give yourself a 3 hour deadline, and make the best game you can.


Wednesday Workshop #126

(14 Nov 2007)

The 2 Hour Challenge

Entries : 3

You get the idea! Same as last week, but one hour less.


Wednesday Workshop #127

(21 Nov 2007)

The 1 Hour Challenge

Entries : 6

You could've guessed it! Make a game in an hour!


Wednesday Workshop #128

(28 Nov 2007)

The Simulation Challenge

Entries : 1

Try to simulate something.. It can be an object, or more of a Sims style thing. Whatever!


Wednesday Workshop #129

(05 Dec 2007)

The Mouse Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #130

(12 Dec 2007)

The Touchscreen Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #131

(19 Dec 2007)

The Photo Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #132

(26 Dec 2007)

The BeDifferent Challenge

Entries : 1

Make a standard Match-3 type game, but add something new into the mix.


Wednesday Workshop #133

(02 Jan 2008)

The LCD Challenge

Entries : 1

Make a game in the style of the old LCD Game'n'Watch games.


Wednesday Workshop #134

(09 Jan 2008)

The Running Challenge

Entries : 2

Make a game with lots of running!


Wednesday Workshop #135

(16 Jan 2008)

The Styxx Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #136

(23 Jan 2008)

The Good Vibrations Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #137

(30 Jan 2008)

The Negative Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #138

(06 Feb 2008)

The Arrow Challenge

Entries : 1

Create a game involving arrows.


Wednesday Workshop #139

(13 Feb 2008)

The Fairy Tale Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #140

(20 Feb 2008)

The Phone Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #141

(27 Feb 2008)

The Rectangle Challenge

Entries : 8

Make a game with lots of rectangles.


Wednesday Workshop #142

(05 Mar 2008)

The History Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #143

(12 Mar 2008)

The Egg Challenge 2

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #144

(19 Mar 2008)

The Explosive Challenge

Entries : 2

Make games with bombs!


Wednesday Workshop #145

(26 Mar 2008)

The "Mascot the Mascot" Challenge

Entries : 2

Create a 90s style mascot character, and shove it into a game..


Wednesday Workshop #146

(02 Apr 2008)

The Card Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #147

(09 Apr 2008)

The Minesweeper Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #148

(16 Apr 2008)

The Funny Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #149

(23 Apr 2008)

The Logic Puzzle Challenge

Entries : 3

Create a nice simple Logic puzzle.


Wednesday Workshop #150

(30 Apr 2008)

The Sample Challenge

Entries : 1

Grab one of the sample programs, and make something nice with it.


Wednesday Workshop #151

(07 May 2008)

The New-Retro Challenge

Entries : 1

Remake a modern game, in a retro style.


Wednesday Workshop #152

(14 May 2008)

The Invader Challenge

Entries : 2

Make a Space Invaders game!


Wednesday Workshop #153

(21 May 2008)

The 180x135 Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #154

(28 May 2008)

The Screensaver Challenge

Entries : 5

Create a nice screensaver


Wednesday Workshop #155

(04 Jun 2008)

The Really Hard Challenge

Entries : 3

Make a game that's almost impossible


Wednesday Workshop #156

(11 Jun 2008)

The Vs CPU Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #157

(18 Jun 2008)

The Wimbledon Challenge

Entries : 1

Make a tennis game.


Wednesday Workshop #158

(25 Jun 2008)

The Firework Challenge

Entries : 1

It's a WW 4th of July Workshop tradition! Make a Firework game.


Wednesday Workshop #159

(02 Jul 2008)

The Children's Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #160

(09 Jul 2008)

The Black and White Challenge

Entries : 5

Make games using only 0,0,0 and 255,255,255


Wednesday Workshop #161

(16 Jul 2008)

The Guessing Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #162

(23 Jul 2008)

The Timed Challenge

Entries : 1

Make a game with a timer in it!


Wednesday Workshop #163

(30 Jul 2008)

The Money Challenge

Entries : 1

Make a game with lots of Money


Wednesday Workshop #164

(06 Aug 2008)

The Vector Challenge

Entries : 1

Make a nice retro looking Vector game..


Wednesday Workshop #165

(13 Aug 2008)

The Single Button Challenge

Entries : 2

Make a game that's playable with only 1 button.


Wednesday Workshop #166

(20 Aug 2008)

The Balancing Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #167

(27 Aug 2008)

The Two of 'em Challenge

Entries : 1

Create a game that uses two main characters.


Wednesday Workshop #168

(03 Sep 2008)

The Sims Challenge

Entries : 2

Create a sims style game


Wednesday Workshop #169

(10 Sep 2008)

The Afro Challenge

Entries : 1

Make a game using Afro's recent model collection.


Wednesday Workshop #170

(17 Sep 2008)

The Stickman Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #171

(24 Sep 2008)

The Downhill Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #172

(01 Oct 2008)

The Maze Challenge

Entries : 1

Make a game from A to B


Wednesday Workshop #173

(08 Oct 2008)

The 5 Objects Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #174

(15 Oct 2008)

The Sleepy Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #175

(22 Oct 2008)

The Water Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #176

(29 Oct 2008)

The Demo Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #177

(05 Nov 2008)

The Board Game Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #178

(12 Nov 2008)

The Paper Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #179

(19 Nov 2008)

The Animal Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #180

(26 Nov 2008)

The Dart Challenge

Entries : 1

Make a dart game!!


Wednesday Workshop #181

(03 Dec 2008)

The Snow Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #182

(10 Dec 2008)

The 30 Second Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #183

(17 Dec 2008)

The Stick-Maze Challenge

Entries : 1

Create a game that guides a stick through a Maze


Wednesday Workshop #184

(24 Dec 2008)

The Left Challenge

Entries : 1

Make a game that flows to the left.


Wednesday Workshop #185

(31 Dec 2008)

The Curved Line Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #186

(07 Jan 2009)

The Asteroid Challenge

Entries : 2

Create an Asteroids game.


Wednesday Workshop #187

(14 Jan 2009)

The Dream Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #188

(21 Jan 2009)

The Dream Challenge

Entries : 1

Make a nice Dream based game.


Wednesday Workshop #189

(28 Jan 2009)

The Dragon Challenge

Entries : 1

Make a game with a Dragon!!! RAWR!!


Wednesday Workshop #190

(04 Feb 2009)

The Big and Small Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #191

(11 Feb 2009)

The Engrish Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #192

(18 Feb 2009)

The Socoder Design Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #193

(25 Feb 2009)

The V-SFX Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #194

(04 Mar 2009)

The Picture Effects Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #195

(11 Mar 2009)

The Rect Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #196

(18 Mar 2009)

The Smashing Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #197

(25 Mar 2009)

The Out-of-Control Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #198

(01 Apr 2009)

The Pro Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #199

(08 Apr 2009)

The Credits Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #200

(15 Apr 2009)

The 2000 Challenge

Entries : 4

Make a game in only 2000 chrs


Wednesday Workshop #201

(22 Apr 2009)

The 3 Hour Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #202

(29 Apr 2009)

The Math Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #203

(06 May 2009)

The Rhyming Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #204

(13 May 2009)

The Replyability Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #205

(20 May 2009)

The WWRemake Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #206

(27 May 2009)

The Character Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #207

(03 Jun 2009)

The BulletTime Challenge

Entries : 1

Make a game that goes into SLOOooooooowwwwwwmmooooo


Wednesday Workshop #208

(10 Jun 2009)

The Field Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #209

(17 Jun 2009)

The Gravity Challenge

Entries : 1

Make things fall down!


Wednesday Workshop #210

(24 Jun 2009)

The Boardgame Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #211

(01 Jul 2009)

The Creature Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #212

(08 Jul 2009)

The Gore Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #213

(15 Jul 2009)

The Spinning Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #214

(22 Jul 2009)

The Tetris Challenge

Entries : 2

Gotta build 'em all!!


Wednesday Workshop #215

(29 Jul 2009)

The RPG Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #216

(05 Aug 2009)

The Photo Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #217

(12 Aug 2009)

The Shopping Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #218

(19 Aug 2009)

The Running Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #219

(26 Aug 2009)

The Bloomin' Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #220

(02 Sep 2009)

The Pacman Challenge

Entries : 1

Redo Pacman


Wednesday Workshop #221

(09 Sep 2009)

The Jumping Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #222

(16 Sep 2009)

The Upside Down Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #223

(23 Sep 2009)

The Artistic Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #224

(30 Sep 2009)

The Board Game Challenge

Entries : 1

Make a happy Board Game!


Wednesday Workshop #225

(07 Oct 2009)

The Haloween Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #226

(14 Oct 2009)

The 8x8x1 Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #227

(21 Oct 2009)

The 320x240 Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #228

(28 Oct 2009)

The Beach Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #229

(04 Nov 2009)

The Line and Rect Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #230

(11 Nov 2009)

The Snow Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #231

(18 Nov 2009)

The LCD Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #232

(25 Nov 2009)

The Christmassy Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #233

(02 Dec 2009)

The Space Age Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #234

(09 Dec 2009)

The Ascii Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #235

(16 Dec 2009)

The Puzzle Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #236

(23 Dec 2009)

The Ball Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #237

(30 Dec 2009)

The Cake Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #238

(06 Jan 2010)

The HiRes Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #239

(13 Jan 2010)

The Puppet Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #240

(20 Jan 2010)

The One Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #241

(27 Jan 2010)

The Apocalypse Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #242

(03 Feb 2010)

The Light Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #243

(10 Feb 2010)

The Surprise Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #244

(24 Aug 2016)

The Ten Challenge

Entries : 2

Create a game that uses only 10 things (lines, rects, ovals or sprites) onscreen at once.


Wednesday Workshop #245

(31 Aug 2016)

The 3x3 Challenge

Entries : 3

Design a game that uses a 3x3 grid as its playfield.


Wednesday Workshop #246

(07 Sep 2016)

The Number Challenge

Entries : 2

Make a game that involves Maths


Wednesday Workshop #247

(14 Sep 2016)

The Automatic Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #248

(21 Sep 2016)

The Duck Challenge

Entries : 2

Make games with Ducks!


Wednesday Workshop #249

(28 Sep 2016)

The Symmetrical Challenge

Entries : 0


Wednesday Workshop #250

(05 Oct 2016)

The Stickman Challenge

Entries : 0