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Socoder -> Killer Bites -> SnackVerse

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Mon, 11 Nov 2024, 07:15


Every month, Snackverse sends you a box of snacks from a specific country.
Mini Box has about 5 items, Regular box about 10, and "You're insane if you pick the Premium box" has 20+ items.
I'm insane, so I picked the Premium box.

All of the items are from the Country-of-the-Month, and the little booklet gives you a short paragraph explaining each one. There's also a short guide of things to see, jokes, crossword, etc, but.. Well, the jokes are Christmas Cracker quality and it goes downhill from there..
Anyhoo, every month, box of goodies.. What's not to love!?

If you'd like to join Snackverse, I have a referrer code that'll get you £5 off your first box. I've no idea how long this'll stay active, though.

Use the code : REFPA722UM4YP

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Mon, 11 Nov 2024, 07:21

October 2024 - Turkey

My first box is from Turkey, and contains a myriad of interesting looking items within.
First off, me and mum halved the "It's a bounty with Popcorn in it" bar

Wanted - Bumba

LOL. Bum.. LOL..

Imagine a bounty bar, except the outside is full of bobbly bits which "apparently" are Popcorn, but crunched more like a Corn Flake bar would.
The middle is coconut, the outside is lumpy.

Nom Nom.
Me and Mum both remarked on how much it tasted like when you add Desiccated Coconut to your Cornflake Buns.
Really enjoyed it.

Migraine Rating : 4/10. A mild migraine came on about 3 or 4 minutes after wolfing my half of the bar down.

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Mon, 11 Nov 2024, 07:31

Sariyer Gazoz

A sparkling fruit drink with a "traditional" mixed fruit flavour. No more clues than that, really, and neither me or mum could quite place the taste. Quite interesting, though perhaps a little more ...mellow..? than a British flavour.

Went down smoothly.

As I opened the can, it suddenly occurred to me that, with my extreme allergy to Coca Cola, this bit could in fact be quite deadly to me. Hmmm.. If anything looks "a bit cokey", I might have to avoid it.

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Mon, 11 Nov 2024, 09:50
Chomping my way through these! Nom nom..
I used to do Degustobox one item a day, but sod that, there be snacks!!!


Little sponge cake with a cream filling, and a splodge of Strawberry on top.
Nom nom

Really nom nom. Would definitely have that again.mmmm..

I had the strawberry one, and Mum had a Lemon one, which she said was like a Lemon Drizzle cake. ( I wouldn't have enjoyed a lemon one)
Definitely moreish.

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Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 05:46

Yupo Karpuz

Nothing unusual here, as the shop around the corner sells very similar Watermelon Gummies. These are a little softer, but they taste roughly the same. I know this because I had a bag of them the other week over Halloween weekend.
Nom nom nom...

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Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 09:13
Double snacking!

Ulker Biskrem

Ulker again. They're either extremely popular over there, or someone at Snackverse raided one of their trucks!

Chocolate cream biscuits.

Not a lot of chocolate, but enough to make a nice enough flavour.
The biscuit reminds me of those Butter Biscuits you get in the Xmas tins, whilst the chocolate's actually quite flavourful, given how little is in there.

Migraine Rating : 2/10 . A migraine is starting to build. .. But I have eaten about 10 of them, already, so... .. !!

> Reveal 🔎

Esra Turkish Delight

Can't stand these.. Ukkkkkkkk...
Never liked Turkish Delight.

Mum's having these.
I tried one, gagged a bit, then swirled my mouth with Lucozade for ten minutes, before eating another of the biscuits.

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Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 09:15
Mmmm Turkish Delight! The one food I forced myself to like as a child as I had a crush on our turkish exchange student ❤️😊❤️

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 09:19
Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:38
Don't like turkish delight. Why anyone would want perfume flavoured jelly is beyond me.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 15:39

Doritos - Taco Flavour

It's Taco Time!!!

.. honestly, these are Taco flavoured Doritos, there's really not a whole lot more to say.
Nice enough flavour. Could've done with some spice. I'm not used to eating that many Doritos and there not being any spice.
But they were ok.
Would I have them again?
Maybe, with a dip. A spicy dip. With spice!!!!

Oh, and that weird ribbon across the front of the pack.. That wraps around through the inside of the bag, too, which was really weird to see.

I wonder at what point the Walkers brand will be disbanded altogether?

But then again, they do have some kind of weird-ass rule about nostalgia and keeping things "the same"
Like, we all know Squares used to be Smiths Squares, but then got bought and rebranded as Walkers Squares.
.. But they keep the Smiths colour scheme, instead of the "everyone knows its wrong" Walkers colour scheme.

And it's been almost 40 years since they bought Smiths.
What the heck is that about!?!

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Wed, 13 Nov 2024, 16:57

Cheetos : Beef and Onion

Midnight snacking!!

Fairly sure these are over here, but they're essentially just Chipsticks with a Beef and Onion flavouring. Nothing to complaint about, here!

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Thu, 14 Nov 2024, 13:38


A chocolate bar with both dark and milk chocolate.
The chocolate was more .. truffley, or softer than a standard chocolate bar.
A nice combo, though.
Nom nom
Would again!!


Guess what's in this one!!

If you guessed Coconut..
... WRONG!!

Cocoa, and Nut..
And wafer.
Like a nutty KitKat. Quite nice.

Me and Mum ate half of each, and enjoyed both!

Migraine : 4/10 .. I can feel it coming on, but it's not too bad.
I think I might have to move to turkey, and subscribe to Ülker chocolates!

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Fri, 15 Nov 2024, 14:16


Imagine a Kinder Bueno, but it's all the way through instead of the little tiny lumpy bits that you get in a Bueno.

9/10 : The filling wished it was a Bueno. I guess that filling the whole thing means you need to skimp out on the quality a bit.
But, honestly, I'd rather have this one with more of the filling, than the better quality Bueno.
Delicious... enough!

9 Kat Tat

Best name ever
These are like those Pink Panther pink wafer biscuits, except they taste of the fakest fake banana milkshake flavour you could ever imagine!
.. And they were lovely!

Mum took a single bite, her mouth contorted to a bizarre shape, and she asked WTF the flavour was.
Me : "Banana"...
Mum : .. oh..
And then Mum ate the rest of her half.

10/10 : Would banana again!

Incidentally, there were 10 pieces in the pack, so I'm not sure why they're called 9 Kat Tat..
Maybe 9 layers!?!

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Fri, 15 Nov 2024, 14:52
I snacked on a few too many beers and rums tonight, it was great

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sat, 16 Nov 2024, 03:24

Cipso - Yogurt & Herb

I tucked into these last night whilst watching the Half Life 2 documentary, and couldn't be arsed posting about them!
Texture : Like Frisps, so I think these were reconstituted potato snacks, rather than standard crisps, though I may be wrong.
Flavour : Not all that strong, which I guess was a good thing, because I'm not sure I want too much of a Yogurt taste in my crisps.

Probably wouldn't bother with these again. Bit bland.

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Mon, 18 Nov 2024, 14:12


Honey and Mustard Rice cakes.

4 in the pack, for 2 each for Me and Mum.
Much nicer than either of us were expecting.

10/10 - would have these again.

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Tue, 19 Nov 2024, 16:03

Pizza Kraker

These are Pizza Crackers.
They're ok. But there's not a lot of flavour. They're no "Bitza Pizza", or those lovely Tesco Pizza Crackers from a few years ago. (Man, I miss those..)
They're mostly just crackers with not a lot of taste.

2/10 : Had better.
Fancy a packet of flavourful crisps, now.

Wonder if it's time to order the Tayto Crispmas Box yet..?

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Thu, 28 Nov 2024, 06:29

Eti Cikolata

Antep Fistikli, which is apparently some sort of pistachio based deliciousness.

A rogue pistachio escaped, so that got nibbled first.
Not sure I've eaten a whole pistachio, before. Usually they're crumbled atop a cake or something.
Really strong nut..
Nom nom.

The chocolate was similarly strong, and the combination was delicious.
10/10 : Would nut again.

Unker Olala

Sufle Frambuazli : Soufle, Raspberry

Take it out of the foil wrapper, take the spoon out, close the lid, and give it 15 seconds in the microwave.

Though, I had to hunt for the time online because it didn't seem to be anywhere on the wrapper.

Oh my god, this was divine!!!
I've spent the past 10 minutes searching for UK imports, but [https://myjam.co.uk/products/ulker-olala-sufle-with-rasberries-70g]£1.13 each[/url] seems a teensy bit pricy.

SOooooo nice!!!
Nom nom to the Max.

11/10 : Gotta find these, somewhere!


Fun fact : I placed a video-recorder on top of the snack box, last week, which promptly made the snack box invisible until I went back to the VCR again, today.

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Mon, 02 Dec 2024, 16:05

Saadet : Eksi Yuz

Sour Faces

The final three items in the Turkish box are all the same, Sour Bubblegum, three different flavours.
One is Strawberry, the second Watermelon and the other is Tutti Frutti

This is the Strawberry.
The "OMG! SOUR" lasted all of about 2 seconds, then I was left with a kind of flavourless Strawberry gum.
Had better gum.
.. Though as I sit here chewing it, I realise I haven't chewed gum in a long time..

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Tue, 03 Dec 2024, 06:56

November 2024 - Sweden

Swedish Treats, this month.. though they have promised to try and get the next box here before xmas, so I'd better snack quick!



Looks like Coke.
Smells a bit like Coke.
Mum tried it, and suggested it tastes a bit like Coke.
Jay didn't try it. Jay's allergic to Coke.

So Jay opened the other drink, instead.


Doesn't look like Coke.
Doesn't smell like Coke.
Doesn't taste like Coke.

I drank this one.

Fucking weird taste, though.
Orange and Apple. What a bizarre combination. The apple hits first, then the orange goes "Blalaaaaahhh!!" and then you're left with the apple once more.
Really odd!

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Wed, 04 Dec 2024, 05:47

Gott & Blandat

Super Sur

They're standard Haribo Tangfastic style sweets, but with a weird "not sour" aftertaste.
Not keen on these, if I'm honest.
I could eat buckets full of Tangfastic, but I think maybe half a bag of these was too much.
Hmmm.. :/

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Fri, 06 Dec 2024, 14:38


As in "Yule Scum".. .. Or ..
... Jules' Cum...?

Santa's PEARadise

They're Santa shaped foam sweets. Think those Banana or Shrimp foamies..
They're Pear flavour.
They were ok.

Had better.
Prefer the Bananas.

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Sat, 07 Dec 2024, 11:40

Jordnots Ringnar


Imagine Onion Rings texture, but with the taste of peanut butter, and with a saltiness on top.
It's not quite Salted Peanuts flavour, but is really quite rich, awful yummy, and incredibly moreish.

Me and Mum ate through the entire 175g bag whilst watching last night's Gogglebox. (They were meant to last through that, then the Chase Bloopers, but they didn't even get halfway!)

Oh lordy, these were delicious!
Nom nom nom!!!

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Mon, 09 Dec 2024, 16:10



Looked a lot like Seabrook crisps, if I'm honest.

The flavour was "Onion". Not pickled onion, though. Tasted kinda like if you took the Cheese out of Cheese and Onion crisps.
Kind of a roasted onion.
Quite nice.
Ate the whole pack, and started hand-shaking like crazy about halfway through, as is my odd reaction to onions.
.. Probably shouldn't have eaten the whole pack.

Too late!!

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Tue, 10 Dec 2024, 16:56


Dill and Chive..!?!

Dill pickle flavoured crisps!?

Looking very Seabrook'y again, and the taste..
Wow, what an odd taste.
Definitely one of the oddest Crisp flavours I've had.

... Yep, tastes of pickles, alright.
Very strange.
Not sure the Chives really did anything. I can't taste anything chive'y, everything's overpowered by the Dill.
Nice, though. I'd definitely have those again.
Available on Amazon for approx 4 bags for a tenner (depending on the seller), or thereabouts. Not sure I liked them THAT much!!
.. Then again, that's pretty much the going rate for crisps, nowadays, isn't it!

Bah, humbug.

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Wed, 11 Dec 2024, 14:17


from Malaco

"Fruit flavoured" gummies. All the same fruit, but god knows what fruit it was!
They were nice.
Me and Mum are now both farting smelly farts!!!

... Smells like Zoo!!!

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