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Socoder -> Question of the Day -> QOTD : Helllooooo!?

Tue, 31 Jul 2007, 07:48
--- Part 1 ---

Seems a bit quiet here, lately!

For me, it's School Holidays. You'd think a 27 year old who's single, and lives alone with his mother wouldn't really have any kind of relationship with School Holidays.. That's not true.

Because we're both sitting in the house all day, we tend to end up being the whole street's babysitter. Kids from all over the street end up demolishing the house on a regular basis. Kinda sucks.
My days are currently spent keeping kids entertained, (usually playing on the Wii, if that wasn't there I'd have to "play" and god knows I'm not up to that!!) and all my coding time is now going on after work. I try to get as much done as I can at nights, so I'm trying to shy away from the internet a bit, in order to get as much done as I can.

So.. um.. That's my excuse, anyway.

Today I'm getting a bit of a breather, so am managing to get as much coding in as is humanly possible, before my I have to go some more batteries for the Wii tomorrow.. (I ordered that Wiimote charger 3 weeks ago... Where the f* is it?)

--- Part 2 ---

Project Status

Horizontal Shooter v2 : H~S : Music thing isn't working out well, but I'm still tweaking with the instrument set. Seems that different sets of sounds give the whole game a different feel, so I'm trying to find the right set.

Puppet thing : My First Adventure : 75% Engine, 25% Graphics, 10% Storyline. Things are starting to fall neatly into place, and it's really working out nicely.

Stringy Things DS : It's a bit dull having to rejig old code to fit a new style, so I'm going slowly on this. Still, most of it's now working in the new style and today I got the yahtzee tweaked a bit. I also finally got round to adding the yahtzee Bonus Scores which I'd forgotten to put into the original one.

Magicman's Expand |edit| Extract!! |edit| thing, but for DS : I'm tempted to add it into Stringy Things. I haven't yet started doing it, but I've a fair few ideas for pickups.. I might start that shortly actually. It's a fun little project


Oh, and for reference, I can no longer use "Standard 6-button Home/End/Delete/Insert/Page Up/Page Down" button layout. It seems I've gotten used to the new horrible 5-button thing.. Waaah!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 31 Jul 2007, 09:01
Jay spends his days trying to tempt kids into his house. Am I the only one who's a little worried?
Tue, 31 Jul 2007, 09:05
*slaps Diablo for thinking such nasty thoughts*

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 31 Jul 2007, 09:50
@DD, hahaha!
Tue, 31 Jul 2007, 10:28

I've spent most the holiday asleep. Over 90% of it, honestly and literally.

But, I started a quick 2D project with Cobra yesterday. So far, I have a spaceship, which can shoot 7 types of bullets - but with nothing to shoot at so far.

I might go out to see some friends tomorrow - if I can actually get up in time to see some daylight!

blog | work | code | more code
Tue, 31 Jul 2007, 13:38
I'm still trying to get everything in order since my trip. Still have relatives to visit, etc. Been doing a bit of coding though. Project is coming along nicely.

My Twitter
Tue, 31 Jul 2007, 14:27
power mousey

working like a horse at work.
Hauling those PCC carts and helping
to lube disk products too.

I even did my workout at work...
in spare and rare moments.

Tonite is the last night. Yay!!

hay is for horses,
power mousey

Tue, 31 Jul 2007, 17:33
I have to finish 3 bumpers, two opens, 5 default backgrounds, 2 namebars, 4 over the shoulders, and hella lota stuff that I can't remember within the next couple of weeks (all graphics, some 3D some 2D), and I just got back from visiting a prospective university and the house is getting remodeled and I have to create an inventory program for windows mobile... All of this stuff before August 21st I believe...

*runs and hides in a corner*

YouTube Twitter
Computer Science Series: Logic (pt1) (part 2) (part 3) 2's Complement Mathematics: Basic Differential Calculus
Tue, 31 Jul 2007, 17:45

That sounds like a whole lot of fun!
Tue, 31 Jul 2007, 18:43
I'm not on holidays... I'm in exams at the moment. Lol.
Wed, 01 Aug 2007, 12:14
Working, sleeping, eating, and then messing with my computer and going out with friends in my spare time. Wait... what spare time?

In any case, it's a hell of a lot better than school, which unfortunately starts back up again in about a month.

Jayenkai: How old are those kids? If they're old enough, you should try teaching them to program! Nothing like sparking some intellectual interest, right?

Wed, 01 Aug 2007, 12:19
They're always old enough! I plan on teaching my kid C# before he learns english

YouTube Twitter
Computer Science Series: Logic (pt1) (part 2) (part 3) 2's Complement Mathematics: Basic Differential Calculus
Wed, 01 Aug 2007, 12:50
It could be Uncle Jay's Programming Summer Camp!
Wed, 01 Aug 2007, 14:54
LOL. Yeah, that'd probably be about as much fun as pulling off a leg!

Seriously, you want me to sit a bunch of crazy ass kids down, load up Blitz and go "Oooh, look.. I can make it print my name!"
The wonder of | 10 print "Hello World" | 20 goto 10 | is no longer amusing to kids!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 01 Aug 2007, 17:34
Have some faith jay , I'd send my future potential children to uncle jay's programming summer camp!

YouTube Twitter
Computer Science Series: Logic (pt1) (part 2) (part 3) 2's Complement Mathematics: Basic Differential Calculus
Wed, 01 Aug 2007, 18:21
I wouldn't... but only because the air fares for them would cost too much.
Thu, 02 Aug 2007, 07:50
Well, you never know... all you need is one kid to become interested and you'll have made a difference. I'm sure even kids today would love the chance to make their own games.

Thu, 02 Aug 2007, 13:27
Unfortunately, most kids these days believe the only way of making a game is with Game Maker...

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Thu, 02 Aug 2007, 20:30
power mousey

I agree with you, Mister Mushroom.

Even Torque looks more like a glorified
but powerful game maker type of program.
I tried the trial version a few times...after
a few weeks got rid of it.

I'm looking at this.....Panda 3d.
There is a Python binding for Panda 3d.
But the download is atrocious at over 60 megabytes long!
It will be days for me to download and try it out.

oh yeah, Shroomie and others
here is the link:


I guess I probably have to wait to use my brothers
computer to download this big wallop of an application
program. He has DSL.

power mousey

Fri, 17 Aug 2007, 07:59
I've been to Bulgaria with my family, coming home to visit my mother's side of the family, and spending a minimal amount of time with friends [mostly spent drinking...] and an insane amount of time programming (or, occationally, going shopping with my cousins on my mom's side or something).

I'd like to use this opportunity to point out that my TSO-Remake project is coming along fairly well, thus I am putting a link here, thusly. Remember to check back within the following week, as I am working on a CreateASim application/'game' that tries to recreate the screen from The Sims Online where you create your Sim.

Also, Yayyak, if you're reading this: Would it be possible to cross-compile C#? :o I'd kinda be interested in trying my hand on OSDev again, but I wouldn't like to do it in C or even Pascal. I've concidered FreeBASIC, but I'd prefer C#.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Fri, 17 Aug 2007, 08:09
I too would like to get into OS Development, but I have no idea where to start. But as for the language, Singularity is written in C# and there was a topic about writing an OS in Ruby on Ruby-Forum. There I remember lots of people mentioned other operating systems (which I can't remember) that were also written in a higher level language. I think writing an OS in Ruby would be a very interesting but slow choice.
Fri, 17 Aug 2007, 10:07
DiablosDevil: Just follow the Yayyak linky!

New! OSDev tutorial: bond.noogz.net/~jack/?p=27

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Mon, 20 Aug 2007, 17:23
Those tutorials are still not finished yet... I really should get around to that. But I'm glad somebody has read it!
Mon, 20 Aug 2007, 17:31
To answer the other questions (sorry about the double post):

It would probably be possible to write most of an operating system in C#. Some parts, such as the very lowest level stuff, will have to be written in C. This is stuff like the virtual machine for C#, IDT and GDT handling, etc. There will also have to be bits written in assembly, because even C can't do it. Not sure about true cross-compiling C# for the low level stuff, I've never tried, and I don't think any other people have either (iirc). It might pay to ask on the osdev.org forums.

Pretty much the same with Ruby, really.