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Socoder -> Off Topic -> UK, Flooding, and Shroomites...

Tue, 24 Jul 2007, 16:15
Currently about 25% of the UK is underwater. A freakishly large amount of rain is pretty much messing up the whole river system, and rivers are breaking their banks all over the country.

Hopefully there's no-one affected from the site, but....
I'm struggling to remember who all the shroomites were, but considering they all live in the same area, I'm starting to get worried that none of them have appeared on the site since last Saturday..

If anyone has any info on the shroomites it'd be nice to know if they're all ok.

And.. again.. My heart goes out to anyone who's been caught up in all this ludicrously un-summerish weather.

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 24 Jul 2007, 19:28
All the seasons seem to be out of wack as of late; we hadn't been getting any of our usual rain either and now we're getting poured on daily. Since its Florida and the ground is used to getting soaked it doesn't have the same effect that the rain has in the UK, but its certainly been a bother. My heart goes out to all of them aswell, and I wish them the best of fortunes.

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Tue, 24 Jul 2007, 21:51
i have been wondering were all the shroomys went. that could be just it. but hopefully that isn't the case! and my heart as well goes out to those in the UK and all over the world who are being effected by crap weather!

Stuff... Yeah...
Wed, 25 Jul 2007, 02:02
I hope they're alright.

The UK is used to things being rainy - but not that much! It's like the Australian drought is being caused by all their rain falling on us instead!

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Wed, 25 Jul 2007, 04:41
I think they went on holiday.

But Birmingham isn't really affected. Although we got a letter from our local community the other day telling us to prepare. With all the hurricanes, tornados and floods we need to keep prepared, we may be on the brink of another great collapse. But I never go out as far as the barren wasteland outskirts of Birmingham where they live, so I can't say for sure if they aren't affected. Maybe they have been eaten by the cannibal gangs.
Wed, 25 Jul 2007, 08:09
Let's hope that it's just a coincidence... In Sweden (the part I live in, at least) the weather has been bad as well, but it looks like it's improving.
Wed, 25 Jul 2007, 13:29
And yet parts of Europe are having heat waves and wild fires.... there being told not to go out after 11:00am cos it's too hot.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Wed, 25 Jul 2007, 13:50
Phoenix, in skåne?
Here in Stockholm, Sweden the weather is pretty normal maybe a little cooler than usual. we have just had 2 very hot summers so it feels a little strange.

I'm going over to Bristol on Friday so it will be interesting to see how the rain is there.

Hope everyone is well and dry
Sun, 29 Jul 2007, 05:42
We're all safe, don't worry!!!

I've been with school in the Czech Republic, TheMadProff is usually absent but is now on holiday, and skypenguin was never a Shroomite but AndrewSoltan is on holiday so, well... you know.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sun, 29 Jul 2007, 06:46
Thank goodness for that! You all had me worried

Did you enjoy your little Czech trip?
And.. Did you pick up a copy of Svet Pocitacu whilst you were out there? It has JNKPlat on this month's cover CD

(My copy still hasn't turned up.. )

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 29 Jul 2007, 07:15
shroom_monk We're all safe, don't worry!!!...

Yeeeaaaahhh... The Shroom is still sporing and growing.
Sun, 29 Jul 2007, 07:59
Jayenkai Did you pick up a copy of Svet Pocitacu whilst you were out there?

Bearing in mind that none of us speak any Czech, no!

The weather isn't too bad here at Fort Shroom. The worst I saw was on the way home from school last week when a large amount of a small lane was flooded. Driving through it was interesting...

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!