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Socoder -> Off Topic -> The Official Socoder End of Year Reply

Thu, 28 Dec 2006, 04:53
OK, that's plenty.. I've locked the survey.
Thanks to all who replied, you all have badges now

StealthSPC The layout is a little messy.

I know things are a little untidy.. You can easily tell how much I throw things in without worrying about the way they look.
I'll sort it out, how's that!

StealthSPC A picture slide show feature!

Use Flickr!

HoboBen I'll accuse you of phrasing this quiz too negativly

This survey wasn't meant for praising me, it was a sneaky way to get some complaints out of people!

HoboBen A preview function for your posts..

Oooh.. I could do that in Ajax! *Claps hands excitedly*

HoboBen Maybe get Squeakyduck to give you a link on their site

Temporary Linkage
George obviously didn't notice the little white link above the post that lets you grab the unformatted BBCode version of the post.

HoboBen A reviews section... unless that goes in articles+tutorials as one more section

I think that goes under Articles + Tutorials. Unless you think we'll have enough reviews to warrant a seperate section.

HoboBen SoCoder goes 100% open source?



HyruleKnight the WW, not enough people to keep it going

I'm too stubborn to let it go!

HyruleKnight online deathmatchs between members

That sounds fun. I'll try and figure something out for that. Maybe Sundays, after the Friday+Saturday Socode-a-thons.

HyruleKnight everyone needs to get a nintendo wii

That comment had nothing to do with the rest of the survey. QFT.

Ingenium A 3d chat. Or if you prefer, a flash chat.

Let me get the Text Based chat working right, first!

Shroom_Monk The MUD-Chat is a good start, but can be a bit laggy at times. That needs work.

The Lag is happening at seemingly random times. I've recently come to the conclusion that the chat does NOT lag, just because there's a whole load of people on it. I'm not sure what's causing it, really. It does need work!

Shroom_Monk It keeps coming up with that 'site is buggered up' error.

Hmm.. I'm really not seeing that all that often! But that's a server issue. There really isn't anything I can do about that, other than shifting the whole kit+kaboodle.

Shroom_Monk Possibly some new smilies (animated?).

No animated smilies. They annoy me! But more will be added once people send me some nice "100% their own design" smiley packs. (Shroom has sent me a pack, which I'll add shortly.)

Magicman The showcase, i think it should be more blitzcoderish

If anyone feels like designing a nice layout for the Showcase, I'll try tweaking that in somehow. I'm really bad at layouts!

Magicman A random showcase comming up on the frontpage.

I forgot the random one!

Blanko1324 The showcase definitely. It's hardly noticeable now. Needs more attention. Same with the badges.

Showcase latest are now on the frontpage. (Random soon to be added!)
I'm not really sure how to make the badges stand out more. Suggestions?

Power Mousey definitely fix the problems with the PM system.

Should be fixed, now.

Power Mousey Also, its annoying to keep hearing about getting a Nintendo Wii...hyrule. Life goes on and things come and go!

A Wii isn't just for Christmas...

Agent Smith The smileys are too small and hard to make out.

Other Smileys, and "Pick your pack of smileys" are in the works.

Agent Smith Wider code boxes.

I'll try to figure out how to make code boxes that dynamically resize. Could be tricky! But I'll try!

Agent Smith And hey, don't lose the Blogs! They're useful as worklogs too.

We've got worklogs! Create a Showcase, click on Worklog.

Agent Smith Postings in the forums tend to be a bit ephemeral, unless there's a good search function.

Dictionary.com says that Ephemeral means "Short Lived"
I really should've added that search by now, shouldn't I!

Agent Smith The Members clock updating is still not working for me, nor is the Ajax-ed Site News page..

I'll play with the clocks, see if I can get them working right again.
The Ajax is something to do with Safari. I managed to get the Chatbox to work, (I think.. Did I?) so the same technique should've worked for the rest. But apparently it didn't. Nngh

Agent Smith A showcase slide-show like CW's would be nice.

Did I miss a feature over there, or something? What's the Showcase Slide-show?

Blanko1324 Could you add an "Arcade" section, please?

Will do.

HoboBen The news articles on the front page should be shifted to another page...

I hate sites where I have to click to another page to get to the news.
The news stays at the front.

HoboBen SoCoder is a such and such thing... and this is why you should register and stay here

OK, I suppose so.

Ingenium Write under the avatar of the member what is the last ww comp that he or she (ahahah...) won.

I could quite easily fill up that space with allsorts of stuff, but then you end up with big long gaps between posts.
Plus.. I've kinda not been keeping track, to be honest!

Instict Changing the server time to GMT, i don't know what time its on now and its not even listed.

I'll be entirely honest with you.
I haven't the foggiest what timezone this server is running in!
Instead I used the +/- thing. Beside the +/-x there's a time listed. Ignore the +/- number, and instead select the time that is the same time as a clock near you.

Magicman instead of a 1-5 scale for voting you might make it 1-10, that was if you have more to choose from, and dont have to say this is bad, instead just say, it wasnt so great.

1-5 scale is enough for this site. Note how each number has a label, and that 3 is average. Don't be scared of giving something a 1 if you do really think it's that bad.
If "it wasn't so great", give it 2, then use the comment to say "it wasn't so great".

AndrewSoltan I don't find anything on the site useless except for the 3 page long list of webstats.

The webstats stay put. I spent way too much time writing those to ignore them

Firemaker103 Maybe a karma system

A Karma system will not be implimented. That's what the badges are for. OK, so I've not really taken advantage of those yet, but then no-one ever uses those Karma things, either... Do they?


And the general complaints.

We don't have enough members.
I dunno.. We could try shoving "Socoder.co.nr" all over our games, but.. Nah, that's a crap idea!
Suggestions welcome..

The Reply box needs improved.
I honestly didn't think people would bother with Normal Reply, hence my lack of bothered-ness with that one.
No matter, I've already planned to start adding things to the reply box, like those Javascript Button things. I didn't think we'd need them, either, until I noticed how big the "Need help with BBCode?" page has gotten lately! I guess I should do that, then!
But those will be added to both the Quick+Normal replies, since I tend to never use the normal reply box!

The layout could be better, any quickly drawn layout ideas are welcome.

The Blog isn't used that much. I'm surprised by that, really.
Sure, you could make your own site, but.. Here you needn't. And it all ties into your showcases and stuff. Yeay!

I should add a nicer way to add WW's.
I had one a while back, but I couldn't get the upload to work that well, so it never appeared.
I keep meaning to do that, but.

Webspace wise, we're using just over half of our allotted 1Gb space. So I'm not going to be adding Image Uploads any time soon. If you want to link to your art, use the Spritesheet and Texture areas in the Links.

I think that's everything.

Feel free to add anything else below.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 28 Dec 2006, 12:13
I agree that WW is struggling. There just aren't enough people entering, or enough time to produce interesting games and demos.

Maybe it just needs a little reform. How about a say, monthly compo with much more focussed requirements.

By that I mean specify some artwork/models/text/sound to use, or alteratively a more specific (than the current nudges) concept, or even which language to use.
You've actually already done that last one, but how about giving some code as a basis to modify and expand.

Although the rules are stricter, they need not be rigorously enforced. Entries would be judged, as now, by peer review but with a breakdown - say marks out of ten - for style, fun, replay ...and actually doing what was asked in the compo!

Too many of the entries are just the same with different sprites (that doesn't imply that their authors are poor, just a symptom of the limitations).
Thu, 28 Dec 2006, 12:53
Maybe some incentive like prizes or something.(Software, Models, art, source, etc.) But I would make it a 6 month challenge to do that.
Thu, 28 Dec 2006, 12:57
dosnt have to be 6 months, 2 mabey but i think 6 is a little over kill. All you have to do to get prizes if find people who make a product to donate to your cause, its free advertising!(sort of)

Stuff... Yeah...
Thu, 28 Dec 2006, 16:02
yea. 2 is ok i guess.

Thu, 28 Dec 2006, 21:35
Yeah, if you make the contest too long then everyone will forget about it unless it was very very high-profile (such as the element contests at gamedev)

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Thu, 28 Dec 2006, 21:56
Ill gladly stamp "socoder.co.nr" all over my current project. Well, maybe not all over, but in the credits or something.

My Twitter
Fri, 29 Dec 2006, 06:02
I'd ditto that bit... SoCoder all over.
Fri, 29 Dec 2006, 19:24
yea All over. Maybe a spash screen or something. We should create a universal logo. Maybe Ill work on that. I should be able to whip something out.
Sat, 30 Dec 2006, 13:31
Oooh, and I was going to get around writing that script for the randomly selected buttons...

But, er... I'll remember to forget about it tomorow.

blog | work | code | more code
Sat, 30 Dec 2006, 17:25
lol @ remembering to forget.
Sat, 30 Dec 2006, 18:40
Very funny Arcade showcase description. You're hilarious.

But thanks!

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