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Socoder -> On Topic -> Merger?

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Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 05:22
I'm going to make this quick and simple.
Lately we've all been talking about getting more people in here. And as I've visited Syntaxbomb (I don't visit that often), I've noted that they have several old BC and CW members, plus some new ones.
So, last night it occured to me: How about a merge?
Ideally, this would give everyone new members, bring the best features over to whatever forum we'd end up using and hopefully even draw new members in.
So how about it? Do you have any ideas, suggestions, feelings/ideas about where the merge would end up (I.E what forum we'd end up using) or otherwise?


Lastly I'll just add that my personal feeling is that since they're using a pre-written CMS system, and Jay's on the verge of making big changes to the Socoder forum system, we should use the Socoder forum system even after the merge. But that's my personal feeling.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 06:28
Afro How about a merge?

SoSoder and SyntaxBomb are unique, and it's good to have two seperate forums, for a change of scenery.

Plus if you think about it, SyntaxBomb is a bit more layed back, whist SoCoder is more school-kid friendly.
Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 07:14
In the unlikely event that either this, or that dies on it's arse.. I'd much prefer there to be the Already Working Alternative.

BC died, we HAD to use CW.
CW died, we all got stranded.

We need a backup.

Better to have 2 than none at all.

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 08:08
So I guess that means SoCoder and SyntaxBomb are to remain unique ?.

Execellent choice Jay .
Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 08:12
It's a shame that nearly all the contents from BlitzCoder has evaporated, that would have been an excellent trophy to add to SoCoder
Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 08:53
Meh, I've said this many times and I'll voice myself again: I don't think that BC is the holy grail. Its remains are dated and irrelevant (many of us have stranded Blitz for anything but prototyping). Also, it was a different community with different members. It doesn't fit in.

As for a merger, I would actually like one. I've only visited SyntaxBomb very briefly, but I think we'd get along well and that both communities would benefit from it. Their differences might affect each other for the better. And I doubt that the whole stranded-scenario will repeat itself, because now Jay is in charge over here. I, at least, rely on his good judgement not to leave us dead without any prior notice
Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 09:23
That's as well as maybe, but even with all the Jay in the world, anything can still happen.. Never make plans.. They usually f'k up!

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 09:39
steve_ancell It's a shame that nearly all the contents from BlitzCoder has evaporated, that would have been an excellent trophy to add to SoCoder

grab yourself one of these trophies, the tutorials were backed up, although it seems to have failed to archive the forums.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 09:56
What would a merger between the two forums look like? Is your idea simply that the people at SyntaxBomb move over to So|Coder? If so then perhaps your propositioning this to the wrong forum.

Either way I agree that SyntaxBomb and SoCoder are different kinds of forums. I much prefer SoCoders, most often I do not enjoy the laid back style at SyntaxBomb (for the record the people there are very nice, it's just that youtube videos and comical BBC stories aren't my taste).

Finally if SyntaxBomb members want to move to SoCoder, then I'm sure the SoCoder community will welcome them. If SoCoder members move to SyntaxBomb, I'm sure the SyntaxBomb community will welcome them. People are free to do as they wish.
Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 10:01
Cheers spinal
Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 10:19
In the unlikely event that either this, or that dies on it's arse.. I'd much prefer there to be the Already Working Alternative.

BC died, we HAD to use CW.
CW died, we all got stranded.

We need a backup.

Better to have 2 than none at all.

And don't forget about DevCrunch either! I think there's probably tons of other people on and off the web that would come here. Let's face it though, I went to BC originally because of a link in Game Programming for Teens; We just need links in places that people would go to to find this site. I tweet about SoCoder sometimes, and reference links here on random other sites when the occasion arises. I'm not saying we should spam places, just get the word out, whether explicitly or implicitly.

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Computer Science Series: Logic (pt1) (part 2) (part 3) 2's Complement Mathematics: Basic Differential Calculus
Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 10:31
Meh, we've been trying that for years.. It ain't happening!

I do think the two communities are compatible, but then so's Retro Remakes. That's pretty much the same vibe, there. It's nice, freeform, and open, in the way the BB.com wasn't. (Although, recent bobbings in and out, have proven to me that BB.com's not the evil place of 1337 that it once used to be.)

We can't just clump all these sites together, just because they kinda fit. It'd be nice, and it'd save having to have 50-odd login-names and passwords to remember. But it's better to keep things seperate. Otherwise.. Where would all the banned members go?

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 10:44
What would a merger between the two forums look like? Is your idea simply that the people at SyntaxBomb move over to So|Coder? If so then perhaps your propositioning this to the wrong forum.

I have no idea what it would look like. I just thought that if the Syntaxbomb forums have features that this forum doesn't, we could bring them over as part of the merger. If it is deemed neccessary, we could also make a skin/theme that would make Socoder look more like Syntaxbomb.
That said, feature-wise I think both forums are pretty similar. Both have a shoutbox, both have a showcase (allthough Syntaxbomb's have a moderation queue - yuck!) and both have pretty much the same set of (sub?) forums in terms of languages etc.
I just wouldn't see the need to pay for a CMS system when Jay's already written a forum system over here!!

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 10:47
jayenkai Where would all the banned members go?

The same place as the calculators?

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 11:05
and it'd save having to have 50-odd login-names and passwords to remember

Speaking of which... Jay, feel like implementing an OpenId login?

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Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 11:24
Flame The Great
Instinct I went to BC originally because of a link in Game Programming for Teens

Same here. I remember when we had all sorts of people there, then about 75% of us migrated to Codersworkshop, but after that, most of us just vanished (I think, haven't checked the other mentioned site yet).

BTW, I still like reading that book from time to time.

Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 12:00
I've not looked into OpenID, before.
If it's do-able without breaking things (ie, if there's already a HoboBen, you wouldn't be able to log in!!) then it wouldn't be too bad.. Kinda depends, really.

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 12:35
But then in the case of ***********, it would be a good thing!

|edit| Name removed by MOD. No Flaming!!! |edit|

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 12:40
if the char count of the *'s is the same, then I know who you were referencing spinal.


j/k, let's keep it civil

I get kinda worried about any 3rd party provider storing my information in a centralized location for _everything_. Especially in a so-called "open" context. Although, on the flip side, I've been thinking about changing my user name... Jay: how difficult is that to do?

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Computer Science Series: Logic (pt1) (part 2) (part 3) 2's Complement Mathematics: Basic Differential Calculus
Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 12:55
A good thing about SoCoder and SyntaxBomb, we don't seem to get banned for petti little things, like you can on BB.com.

I know that through experience. I know I have thrown my toys out of the pram a few times on here, and a few on SyntaxBomb, but the Jay, Qube and Dabz, have always been kind enough to just show me the errors of my ways, and then forgive me.

Now if I blew like I sometimes have on here over at BB.com, I would have been put up against a wall and shot.
Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 13:04
Instinct if the char count of the *'s is the same, then I know who you were referencing spinal.

*'s ?... "short, fat, and hairy ?"... That wouldn't be me now, would it ?

*Ducks down behind a bullet proof shield*

Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 13:49
To be honest, I think the two sites are fine as they are, without merging. I don't really visit SyntaxBomb, but as Jay said, it's better to have the two separate in case one goes down, or something similar. Also, I don't really like mergers...

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Fri, 20 Mar 2009, 14:55

That's true but Yahoo (and I think Google as well?) both offer OpenID with their e-mail accounts, and neither seem that likely to completely collapse any time soon. (If they did, I'd have worse things to worry about like lack of e-mail and ability to google!)

blog | work | code | more code
Wed, 25 Mar 2009, 13:49
Can't really add to anything that's already been said. Personally, I don't like the idea of a merger; mostly because I just don't think it's that necessary and also because I've settled in here and I don't want anymore change.

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Wed, 25 Mar 2009, 17:57
This is assuming that SoCoder and SyntaxBomb would even merge. These sites are owned by people who don't want to merge. SyntaxBomb isn't just going to give up and tells its users to come here.

Quit posting and try Google.
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