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RIP - Mark Sibly

12th December 2024




4th January 2024

I bet if you put
Framework BRL.GLMax2D
Framework BRL.D3D9Max2D
at the top depending, and maybe Import a module or two, you might see the same font issues. That's the only thing different I'm doing that I can think of. When it's includi*snip*



1st December 2023

That's strange, I did confirm that the font was working in program after renaming it, but I do remember the font renaming issue from way back now.
Let's see how the edit undo font does



30th November 2023

That is wild, never would've figured the font loading would affect all that. I've recompiled a Joust X EXE using your fix to test, just overwrite after unzipping v1.2
Fix (Linkage)
* Edit: Reuploaded, had to Import BRL.FreeTypeFont *snip*



29th November 2023

I know you've had some issues running my recent games that use the GLMax2D graphics driver. BlitzMax [ng] docs mention that it supports four graphics drivers GLGraphics, GLMax2D, D3D7, and D3D9, but I could only get GLMax2D and D3D9 to work on my Windo*snip*


Blitz scroll wheel fix

26th December 2022

I know this is a long shot, but does anyone remember a utility that would fix the scroll wheel not working within Blitz2D/3D IDE on an older OS? This is from way back, like around 15-20 years ago. I am building a retro Windows 98SE PC for my son and got Bl*snip*


Nintendo 3DS

7th April 2010

Kinda off-topic, but it will be interesting to see how Metroid: Other M controls on the Wii with the d-pad in 3D.


#225 - The Halloween Challenge

3rd November 2009

lol, too scary for you, Afro?


#225 - The Halloween Challenge

3rd November 2009

I did a simple simulation of the silver shamrock commercial from the movie Halloween 3. It probably won't make much sense unless you've seen the movie.


Write : Background Swirls

2nd October 2009

AppTitle "Unravel"
Graphics 640, 480, 16, 2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
Type Obj
Field X#, Y#, R#, A#, C, S#
End Type
A = 0: R = 0: C = 250: S# = 150
For i = 1 To 150
o.Obj = New Obj
o\\X = 260: o\\Y = 200: o\\R = R: o\\A = A: o\\C = C: o\\S = S: *snip*


Wii update bricks consoles...

2nd October 2009

That's what they get for specifically targeting homebrew, maybe they'll learn their lesson this time. The 'update' contains absolutely nothing in the way of features or improvements, it's a complete waste of time. Surely Nintendo has more important things *snip*


#220 - The Pac Challenge

29th September 2009

My entry, Ms. Smac-Man


#220 - The Pac Challenge

24th September 2009

I'm planning on entering this one


Write : Main Menu

22nd September 2009

Graphics 640, 480, 16, 2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
SeedRnd MilliSecs()
Dim menuR(9), menuA#(9), menuS$(9), menuW#(9)
For i = 0 To 8
menuR(i) = Rand(150, 200)
menuA(i) = i * 40
menuS$(i) = "Menu Option " + Str(i + 1)
Local tmpO#


Make : Weather Effects

14th September 2009

Hail effect
AppTitle "Hail"
Graphics 640, 480, 16, 2
SeedRnd MilliSecs()
Type Obj
Field X#, Y#, ID, D#
End Type
Global wind# = 0, windD = Rand(0, 1)
Global imgBack = CreateImage(640, 440)
SetBuffer ImageBuffer(imgBack)
tmpC1 = 0: tmpC2 =*snip*


#214 - The Tetris Challenge

19th August 2009

It's late and it's unfinished, but it's better than nothing I suppose.



7th July 2009

Smoke on the oyster, fire on a pringle
1 tin of smoked oysters
1 bottle of your favorite hot sauce
1 can of pringles, any flavor
Put oyster on top of pringle, add hot sauce, enjoy.


Michael Jackson.. RIP

26th June 2009

One of my favorite musicians as a kid. I put on his best hits last night, still can't believe he's gone. R.I.P.


QOTD : Blitzcoder Memories

4th May 2009

Filled in some blanks from what I remember
Shadee, Tails, ?, Eikon, 9572AD, Nawi, ?, Dark Eagle(?), ?, Mog, ?, Sopisoft, ?, Krylar, ?, Forklift Fred, Foppy, Noel, Traci, Cicero


Resident Evil

22nd January 2009

Metroid Prime is good. Twilight Princess, too.


UT Classic, anyone?

22nd January 2009

I'd also like to see a server for SoCoders. Like 9572, I only play assault. I can provide a server IP if we can agree on a time to play. Ping the master server, there are two DOG servers in the UK that are good.


Uhoh : The political thread

4th November 2008

[quote]Afro/Eikon, cease the flamewar...[/quote]
I thought we were being pretty civil, but alright, that's all from me.


Uhoh : The political thread

4th November 2008

And I'd just like to clarify that the reason I am focusing on this issue is because the candidates are virtually the same on other major issues. They are both for continued war in the middle east, Obama just wants to move focus from Iraq to Pakistan and Af*snip*


Uhoh : The political thread

4th November 2008

[quote]So you're voting against Obama because he happens to be in the same church as a reverend with extremist views?
Wow. Just wow.[/quote]
I never said that it was because he simply happened to be a member of this church, though the fact that he stayed*snip*


Uhoh : The political thread

4th November 2008

[quote]Q: Obama is ahead in the polls, but do people say they will vote for him to not appear racist?[/quote]
This is quite often the case, and is known as the Bradley effect.
this is why Obama continued to campaign in states where he a*snip*

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