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The 2007 '3/4 of the year' Survey

5th August 2007

1. Which of the sites features do you use most often?
Mainly the forums, and just reading them. If it counts, i use the main page sidebars a lot, to see whats new.
2. Which of the sites features do you think should be improved?
Yep, the mudchat is a bit*snip*


Your PC(s)

15th July 2007

Sheesh, I would love to have a desktop like that...


Strange question about IP rerouting

11th July 2007

Ok, do you run all of this through a router?
If so, try port forwarding all the ports you need for your gameserver to the gameserver. The only problem with this is that then your other computer won't be able to use these ports. Overall, it entirely depend*snip*



3rd July 2007

I know a friend who is really good, but I gave up after seeing all the buttons...


I dont understand but could u help me please.

27th June 2007

Hold on, is this a computer, or just a processor


Theme stuff...

16th June 2007

I was just wondering, when are you planning to release the theme creation stuff?


QOTD : Your current project?

6th June 2007

I'm having a go at making a head mounted display...


May 2007 - "Other Skills" month

31st May 2007

Wow, that was good, i tried it, and gave up :D


Sorry Jay...

30th May 2007

Sorry Jay, It was kinda a joke about the OS... :(


Sorry Jay...

29th May 2007

Oh please, its another one of those jokes right....
Damn it, I always fall for them :(


Sorry Jay...

29th May 2007

Why, and why shouldn't we be allowed to know


Sorry Jay...

29th May 2007

Now, can you tell us why you activated this?
I know its secret, but if socoder has to go down, can we at least know why.
Also, once the site is back up, you realize anyone can do that to bring the site down...
[edit]Actually, I'll go with flying cucco..*snip*


Sorry Jay...

29th May 2007

Hold on, are you saying that you didn't put the exploit in, your instead trying to counter it?
Can we have a word from Jay please???


Inselkampf : Browser-Based MMORPG

13th May 2007

They should have stopped (should) :)
I lost 70 points because of people from HKxp, and about 13,000 lumber :(


An idea...

5th May 2007

I had this idea a few days ago which I though people might like:
I know of a site called www.ustream.tv which allows you to broadcast a webcam over the web without having to install fancy software. So:
Could you (Jay) make it so that people submit you t*snip*


Hello There Coders

5th May 2007

Erm, err, I never was very good at introductions...
(runs away)


New planet found.

25th April 2007

I agree, better graphics, better ideas and Picard is a good Captain :)


New planet found.

25th April 2007

I remember that, it was one of the last ones I watched, I don't watch it much now, its never on the telly :(


New planet found.

25th April 2007

The only problem with this new planet, is even Captain Picard of the Star treck Enterprise would have trouble getting there:
Their Spaceship speed is measured in warps (unless they are just cruising on thrusters/engines):
Warp 1 - Approximately the spee*snip*



23rd April 2007

It says "Table 'mael_cms2.side' doesn't exist"
Looks nice though :)



17th April 2007

If you can use ftp, wouldn't it be simpler to write a program yourself...
If you want to just save a website, without having access to the server, flashgot allows you to save entire websites (its an extension for firefox.)
Also, some early versions of I*snip*


Site Updates - April 2007

17th April 2007

Urm, can I moan...
Ah well...
[moan]If you have 2 new PMs and you open one of them, it then says you have no new PMs...[/moan]


nobody seems to know...

13th April 2007

I'm confused, could you elaborate...



11th April 2007

Younger, just turned 13


#094 - The Atari 2600 Challenge

5th April 2007

I wonder how, if shroom entered, he could get Mushrooms into this one...

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