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Socoder -> Off Topic -> An idea...

Sat, 05 May 2007, 14:34
I had this idea a few days ago which I though people might like:

I know of a site called www.ustream.tv which allows you to broadcast a webcam over the web without having to install fancy software. So:

Could you (Jay) make it so that people submit you their embed code for the windows showing them, and if they are on the mud chat, their window gets displayed, so you can have video chats...

Tell me if this sounds a bit confusing...

''It works, but I'm not sure why it works...''
Sat, 05 May 2007, 19:10
It's a neat idea.. but 1) I don't have a webcam to test it with, and 2) I think it might get a little too cluttered.
The MudChat + Memberlist + Top bar member list + Sidebars does take up quite a lot of space, as it is. I'm not sure where you'd fit a bunch of additional webcam footage.

A better idea, although not for everyone, (and not even me anymore since my onboard Gfx doesn't output to my telly!) is to open a bunch of browser windows on another monitor, and stick a bunch of webcams on there, instead. That way, you can have you looking at one monitor, and a pile of other coders watching you, and constantly looking at you over your shoulder..
Or maybe that'd be creepy?

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 05 May 2007, 20:16
hehehe.....creepy cool!