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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Youtube and Copyrights

Tue, 30 Oct 2007, 16:45
Gee thanks, BBC!

This video, a clip from The Young Ones, a comedy series from several years ago, is "is no longer available due to a copyright claim by BBC Worldwide Ltd." (In fact, EVERY Young Ones video has been taken off!)

Video: Doctor Martin Boots song

That's shocking. The video is very old, and would have no commercial potential anymore. Not to mention the quality of the YouTube clip was awful. And it's a part of british TV history that should be up there on YouTube to see and to share.

I'm angry that it's gone. It was only a few weeks ago I sent a link to it in a PM to Mousey, and I was going to save it too - I really loved the clip (I also have Doctor Martin boots - they rock!)

Anyone have a link to another version? I could only find parody videos.

So, YouTube and copyright Censorship - it's evil, right?

Very depressing.

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Tue, 30 Oct 2007, 16:47
Well, the BBC are doing their own YouTube clip archive, so maybe that particular clip is going to be re-uploaded with all copyrights intact, at a later point in time.
I mean, it's not like everything BBC'ish is being removed.


''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 30 Oct 2007, 22:21
power mousey

yeah Doctor Martin boots.

I like that guy who plays the landlord
and sings the song. Again he looks
like and acts like Curly from the Three Stooges
and also John Candy from SCTV.

I was going to download the video.
But now....
Wed, 31 Oct 2007, 03:05
Yeah, it's maddening

Perhaps I'll find a copy in the local library to rip.

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Wed, 31 Oct 2007, 05:26
Use a different video service, there are a few around these days. Youtube has became crap since google got hold of them anyway. Most stuff on youtube has little to no commercial value, it's just being banned for the sake of people enforcing rules. You could do what some other people are doing, go on a personal rampage in youtube. Start reporting absolutely ANYTHING with any sort of infringement. I was reading that someone did this after having a trailer taken off for copywrite reasons, even though it was apparently the second most watched clip for a while. By blocking the popular clips it is shooting itself in the foot.

So next time you see a popular clip on youtube, report it for being illegal (doun't bother it it's something that doesn't get watched) and see how long they ban the clips that are earning them money. Oh, and choose another video hosting service.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Wed, 31 Oct 2007, 07:00
Yeah apparently the top nobs in the industry are all going apeshit at the moment shutting down sites. My favorite was tvlinks.co.uk, but that got killed recently :'(

Wed, 31 Oct 2007, 12:43
To be fair to Google/YouTube they are playing completely by the book. They are also trying to return YouTube to its original purpose, personal, amateur, home-made movies. The ability to watch copyrighted clips was due to mis-use but it kind of took over. YouTube is a victim of its own success in that respect, but as Jay said the BBC and many other media companies are reclaiming control of their content and uploading it themselves so its not a complete loss.

You'll find little to no porn (hard or soft) because that's not what YouTube are about. There have been clips in the past but they have also been removed. Again, find another source because it's still out there.

The internet is such a huge space that if the big names don't have what you want then you can bet your life that a smaller site will have it somewhere out of the spotlight...

Come rain or shine...
Wed, 31 Oct 2007, 13:44
I think a short clip from a dated series like the Young Ones would come under fair use, but I'm beyond the initial YouTube tantrum now - I'm really not having any luck finding the clip anywhere else.

Does anyone have any good online video sites that they recommend that I search on, then? Online video is not normally my thing; I've been just searching through Google, which is only turning up dead YouTube's so far.

blog | work | code | more code
Thu, 01 Nov 2007, 00:24
power mousey

remember what I told you??


on this site you can download and save videos and clips
not only from YouTube but also from other sites as well.
check the KeepVid Text Window where you copy and paste video lnks to save. There is a smaller text window that says 'Any Site' click on that little scroll button and it will bring up a lot of video+music sites to download and save video clips.
Some of which are Google, Ifilm, Putfile, Angry Alien, Devil Ducky, ZippyVideos and a whole host of others.