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Socoder -> Off Topic -> W.H.Shutdown

Sat, 25 Jan 2025, 16:02
Oh dear. There goes WHSmiths.. MSN News : BBC News

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Sat, 25 Jan 2025, 16:02
isnt it great ... when you click on a link, but the page sends you to your country language whatever that is ... https://www.msn.com/de-de
Sat, 25 Jan 2025, 16:02
Ohhhhhh, that's ...not promising.
Sat, 25 Jan 2025, 16:52
> Reveal 🔎

It's a shame, but.. Honestly, what's left of our high-street anymore?
Primark seems to be, literally the only shop left in Bolton, according to my Mum's recent visit, and what I've explored of Wigan is either B&M's, Primark again, or banks. .. Didn't all the banks shut down a decade or two ago? Wigan's got, like, this bizarre Financial-Triangle where all the banks seem to somehow have thrived.

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Sun, 26 Jan 2025, 12:07
Thanks BBC works fine !
Mon, 27 Jan 2025, 04:04
WHSmiths used to be a great shop for me. Along with John Menzies and Boots, and later HMV and Virgin Megastore, it sold everything I was into.

It first began to decline when it pulled out of DVD sales, and then became very expensive. My kids were still quite young at the time and initially they had a decent selection of toys. But suddenly they thought it was a good idea to put a 10% to 20% mark up on the RRP, you could go next door and see the same thing cheaper, how did they think anyone would buy from them? Madness. Funnily enough they not have a Toys R Us concession in most stores and the prices aren't much better.

These days it's just stationary, dwindling magazines, books, expensive art supplies and birthday cards, along with a "would you like to buy a large bar of Dairy Milk" at the checkout.

Quite sad, but the business failed about 15 years ago.

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net
Mon, 27 Jan 2025, 04:17
Yeah, the Bolton store was a frequently visited shop for me. Upstairs for the 8-bit games, Downstairs for the Garfield books!
.. Then they fell out with Amstrad, the CPC games vanished, and that was that.

I still checked in every time I was in town, and frequently bought Xmas/Birthday books for people, but once Waterstones opened up in town.. .. well, then it was just a Newsagents for me.

Fondest Memory : The store detective who, I swear must've worked there about 30 or so years. He was there when I was a little kid, and he was still there the last time I went in.

Worst Memory : The static shock I got from the metallic handrail on the stairs, EVERY SINGLE TIME..

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Fri, 28 Mar 2025, 03:25
Update : BBC News

High street stores will be rebranded as "TGJones"...!?!
I'm sure we'll get used to that name.

The sale is seemingly just the High Street stores, so WHSmiths will still exist as-is, as the distributor, and also retain all the Airport/Railway/Hospital mini stores. Not sure why, but I guess those are typically just smaller stores. Less to manage.

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Fri, 28 Mar 2025, 03:55
Somethings don't add-up in that article. If things are going so well on the high street for them... why sell up for such as small value. Ehhh, doesn't really matter I guess. Hopefully the Exeter branch will still smell the same #nostalgia

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 28 Mar 2025, 04:01
Probably a "predictions" based value. Things might be ok, right now, but in just the space of 2 or 3 years, will they still be flourishing on the high street?
Hell, will the rest of a traditional high street still exist in a few years? Does it even, now?

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Fri, 28 Mar 2025, 04:03
Exeter was bustling on Wednesday which was a good sign, what with it being mid-week 'n' stuffs, the weather has thankfully got a bit nicer so I'm hoping it continues

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 28 Mar 2025, 04:23
That's good to hear.

In Bolton, the Marks and Spencers building (huge building about 3 or 4 floors, had everything you could ever imagine a M&S selling) closed down a year or two ago. Not sure what's happening to that building. Probably demolition.

Primark then moved from Crompton Place (the indoor shopping center opposite the Town Hall) into where Debenhams used to be, leaving Crompton Place without... well, anything, really. It used to have the C&As in the 80s, then that became New Look, and now that's gone. British Home Stores (BHS) also used to be in there, gone.. Dixons.. Long gone.. Even WHSmiths "was" in there until recently. And my Amiga 600 came from the "Software Superstore" in there, too.

50 years.
They're demolishing it.

Honestly, Bolton's just a giant bloody void, now.

We moved to Wigan just in time to see the main "The big indoor market directly opposite the bus station" being demolished, and that's now a vast wasteland waiting to be regenerated. From what I've heard, it's going to be mostly hotels and apartments, but with indoor amusements. *shrugs*
.. Probably would've preferred a market, if I'm honest.

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Fri, 28 Mar 2025, 04:29
The same sorta thing seems to be apparent in Torquay and, largely due to council action but to a lesser extent, Newton Abbot. Paignton seems to be faring fairly well as is Plymouth.

Ahh M&S, I always joke about how I'm banned from there for being common

Agree with you about a local market, seems identical to what they're doing with Newton, a fairly tradional Market Town, by removing the local market space and replacing it with yet more coffee shops and pubs!

How many do we need!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 28 Mar 2025, 04:37