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Socoder -> Web Development -> WikiDoc documentation system

Tue, 16 Oct 2007, 09:55
I wasn't sure which topic to put this in, but I guess this'll work. I have set up a thing I call WikiDoc, which not many people know about yet. WikiDoc is essentially a documentation wiki for all languages and tools.

I generally find two problems most common in documentation on programming systems. Either there exists official documentation, which gives you too much information to the point you don't know what to find. Or there's no official documentation, where you have to google for other sources, if it exists, which may be unreliable or not provide enough information to be useful.

I'm hoping that WikiDoc will help remedy this problem by allowing people to improve pages over time. If anything is incorrect of out of date, someone who has seen the problems can update the information as needed. Unfortunately, its not growing very fast. I've added information about different subjects I'm good at, but it would certainly use more input. I'd like to get people dedicated to improving WikiDoc, if anyone is interested. Yes, I know there was once a wiki for BlitzMax, but it was overrun by bots, and it hasn't come back yet. I plan on keeping Wikidoc running strong for as long as possible. Would anyone want to help out in making WikiDoc better?

Vesuvius web game
Tue, 16 Oct 2007, 13:32
Perhaps posting a link would help to encourage people to go there and use it. Whilst your at it, put the link in your signature too.

What I would suggest you do would be to target a few select languages. I wouldn't recommend targeting small obscure languages like Blitz Basic and Blitz Max, but instead popular ones such as: C, C++, Java and Visual Basic.

This is also similar to Wikipedia, however Wikipedia did not grow by trying to gather a few people together to build it's pages. Instead it is built by thousands of people making little changes and additions every day. Once you get the ball rolling with a few popular languages your page should start attracting more and more people. Then the other sections will grow (hopefully) by themselves.
Tue, 16 Oct 2007, 16:05
Actually, I reckon going for C, C++, Java etc would be a bad idea - there's bound to be so many resources already that it'd take a lot of work to compare with some of the existing websites on the subject. (I suppose it's fine if you want a lot of work though!)

Instead, perhaps target a niche of maybe Blitz or Cobra or something, and it might really be of use to people.

Oh yeah, post links please!

blog | work | code | more code
Tue, 16 Oct 2007, 18:27
I know of many sites that cater for those languages specifically, but none that cater very well for all of them.
Wed, 17 Oct 2007, 21:29
Oh - my bad. Its Here. Yeah I'll create myself a simple signature with links to my site.

Yeah I have been busy adding information about various modules of my own, and info on the things I can talk about best. Yes, I would like Wikidoc to grow like Wikipedia has, but truth is there just isn't enough people using Wikidoc yet. Without any community at all it can't possibly grow. And I need those few people that are truly interested in letting this grow, so a community can begin forming.

Vesuvius web game
Thu, 18 Oct 2007, 09:16
Just letting you know that I've started to work on a small section about C# networking. I'll finish it off when I get time/can be bothered, unless someone else does it first.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Thu, 18 Oct 2007, 09:17
It's a good initiative, but it's lacking, and not just information-wise. If you take a look at Wikipedia's website, you see that it has a very appealing appearance. Your site is not as visually attractive as Wikipedia, which is understandable since they had professional designers creating it. But you don't need an expensive web designer to get an alright looking website - it could be better. You might think that the design is irrelevant since the focus is on the content, but it can make or break the site. I don't claim that I'm a master of design, but if I had some more time I'd help you out.

Also, this site is asking for hack attempts. It allows HTML to be inserted directly into the site, which is deadly. You should limit the code available to the user, by adding BB code instead. If you're don't know how to do it, I can post a snippet I always use for BB code.

Personally I think the content could be written in a more professional manner. Instead of "Okay guys, truth is, this idea is brand new, and I will need help setting everything up." You could have something along the lines of "This site is a completely new site which needs your help to improve." But that's just my own opinion, because I think that if it's called a wiki it should sound like a wiki.

Finally, there is already GP Wiki. Isn't this the same thing?

This post probably sounds very negative, but I think that it's a good idea. It just needs to improve from its current state.
Fri, 19 Oct 2007, 22:35
Afr0: Thanks for the additions. Yeah I noticed those additions, and I appreciate it.

Pheonix: No harm done, and I do know that WikiDoc does need some work. As far as the graphics go, I could use some help with it, as I'm not too good with it (I mean, just look at my homepage - I've had that same setup for years now). I thought that normal HTML would be just fine for the wiki. I'm not sure what kind of security risks would be involved in using it. I do know you can't use PHP on the pages. (Yes, I did see you testing this on my stopwatch module, hehe.)

About using BB code, I honestly like the flexibility of using HTML in WikiDoc. But I can still have a look at what it can do.

Sorry, but the GP Wiki isn't anything like what WikiDoc is for. Yes, they have specific information about various languages, but they are geared for just games. I want to cover more - though I could certainly link to it.

Vesuvius web game