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Socoder -> On Topic -> D'you Like Creation - July 2024

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Sat, 29 Jun 2024, 03:19

D'you Like Creation - July 2024

(Click for bigger)

I figured it was time to post another of these Creativity spawning threads. I've posted it a couple of days in advance to let you bulk up on your amazing creativity.

As with the previous months, each day has a word that you should try to reproduce in some way.
But I'm not going to set any more rules than that, this time around.

Use the words however you'd like, be it art, sound, game, toy or whatever.
You could compose some music, write a short story, paint a beautiful pixelart masterpiece, tell us a short story, anything.
Do whatever your heart desires, but be vaguely relevant to the day's word!!

The word list
> Reveal 🔎

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Mon, 01 Jul 2024, 02:49

Day One : Ripples


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Tue, 02 Jul 2024, 02:24
Will catch up with these, just finishing other bits off

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 02 Jul 2024, 03:01

Day Two : Spark


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Wed, 03 Jul 2024, 02:09

Day Three : Whisper


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Thu, 04 Jul 2024, 02:35

Day Four - Bloom


I still haven't got rotated ovals drawing in JSE, yet, so this draws petals onto the backbuffer, then draws that rotated to make the flowers. Bit long-winded, and slow, really. Not ideal.
As such, the flowers don't even wiggle or drift in the wind or anything.
An interesting technique, but ultimately a bit disappointing..

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Thu, 04 Jul 2024, 02:37
Will start catch -up tonight then hopefully
Fri, 05 Jul 2024, 02:49

Day Five - Shadow


No interactivity again, today. I mean, there is a bit, but it's not much.
It's a nice enough effect, though I'm not convinced the height works as well as I'd've liked.
A lovely example of SetSkew, though!

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Sat, 06 Jul 2024, 02:03

Day Six - Twist


No interactivity again. Must fix that, tomorrow.
More interactivity, Jay!

Also, don't stare at this for too long. It'll make your eyes go wobbly wobbly.

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Sun, 07 Jul 2024, 02:08

Day Seven - Echo


This one's a bit more interactive..
I actually wrote this a number of days ago. Initially just a simple "pick echo, hear echo" example, I then decided to add different sounds, and at some point went ..
.. "Well, might as well add a keyboard..."

And so I did, and then added Multitouch, so I could play little ditties with it, too.

The proggy was then handed over to Mum, who had an alarmingly lengthy play, and after a while got to the "we should buy a keyboard" stage of mind.
Long story short, we now have a Korg MicroAir 48 in the house, and Mum's been having a whale of a time.
We're both really shit at piano playing, but I think we're both going to be trying to learn.
Somink to do, innit...?

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Mon, 08 Jul 2024, 03:40

Day Eight - Glow


Thank goodness I started this thread a couple of days in advance, because this one took about 3 days to get straight.
But, hey, look'a'dat! NeonPlat!
Grab a ball, throw it at a baddie, then collect the result to help keep the neon world lit up.
Mmmmm, Glow!

Don't expect games like this every day.. I'm knackered!!

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Mon, 08 Jul 2024, 23:55

Day Nine - Knot


I'll be honest, it's not the best version of Locomotion, the classic Sliding Block Puzzle.. But it does the job.
Connect the left of the screen to the right of the screen, job done.
I probably should've added a timer or something.

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Wed, 10 Jul 2024, 01:31

Day Ten - Burst


This one doesn't do much. Just a happy little Spike!

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Thu, 11 Jul 2024, 02:02

Day Eleven - Haze


Tap fire to launch the ball up into the air.
Hold fire down to launch further.
There are 5 Zephyraptors that fly across the screen.
Score point.
No more than that.

Haze = the lovely haze in the background... Is that enough?
Probably not.
It'll do.

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Fri, 12 Jul 2024, 00:33

Day Twelve - Pulse


Warning : Not suitable for real-life medical situations.

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Fri, 12 Jul 2024, 01:01
Just curious, but is it intentional that the fadeouts don't go back to the background colour, or is it my monitor?

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 12 Jul 2024, 01:26
It's a weird floating-point thing that Javascript seems to do. It can't quite do alpha's properly when they're that low.
I'm drawing a 0,40,0 rectangle over everything with 0.1 alpha.
Remember that in Javascript, the colour value is 0.0,0.15,0.0, and reduce the 0.15 by the 0.1 alpha, and it's mathsing a 0.015 value over everything. ... It just can't quite grasp it.

I do like the "burn in" effect it leaves behind, though

Feel free to change the CLS's alpha value though if you dislike it.

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Sat, 13 Jul 2024, 03:10

Day Thirteen - Flicker


This is a failure.
I tried to make this into a game, but I wasn't feeling it.
What I *was* feeling, though, was tired, and the 2 hour nap I had on the couch whilst trying to code this, pretty much said to me "Give up, Jay. Give up.."
So I gave up.
This is all you're getting for day 13.

: Download

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Sat, 13 Jul 2024, 19:33
"Mum's been having a whale of a time."

Is she using that piano MR trainer (PianoVisionary?) in that photo?
Sun, 14 Jul 2024, 03:24
We both tried it out, but both decided it wasn't as good as we'd hoped it might be.
Nah, we're doing YouTube training, instead.

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Sun, 14 Jul 2024, 04:10

Day Fourteen - Splash


Skim your stones towards the target, and hope for the best!
Hold the mouse/touch for extra power.

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Mon, 15 Jul 2024, 02:26

Day Fifteen - Breeze


I was hoping for a bit more of a game out of this one, but struggled to get the physics to feel right, so kinda abandoned all hope!

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Tue, 16 Jul 2024, 02:10

Day Sixteen - Spiral


Not much to see here. Just a spiral.

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Wed, 17 Jul 2024, 01:54
Day Seventeen - Melt


It's not as perfectly smooth as I'd've liked, nor is it optimised and fast, or really all that useful in terms of transitions or whatnot, but it's certainly a nifty effect!

|update| It's been brought to my attention that the Scroll function is very broken! Sorry, I've commented out the Scroll line. Still works fine without it! |update|

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Thu, 18 Jul 2024, 02:29

Day Eighteen - Glitch


After yesterday's disaster with a Scrolling issue, comes today's Glitch.
Though JSE does have a Glitch effect, so it did make it infinitely easier.
Just a generic little triangularium with a ScreenEffect "Glitch" on top!

: Download | Suno Link

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Fri, 19 Jul 2024, 02:04

Day Nineteendo - Sway


Just a little aquarium. Nothing magical.
Swaying plantlife at the bottom, just about manages to fulfil the word of the day!

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