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Socoder -> AI Threads -> Ai television and movies is here

Sun, 23 Jul 2023, 19:24

Ai television and movies is here

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They combined several ai technologies to create a Southpark episode. It is stil early but imagine what wil be possible in a few years.

A while ago they made a (game like)simulation of a small village. The ai agents were able to live their daily lives there. Having their activities and interacting. They now used this simulation as one of a systems to create the Southpark episode.

Sun, 23 Jul 2023, 20:39
LOLing a bit, as I have been using ChatGPT to write Sienfeld scripts.

Haven't watched South Park in ages, but it is not like they are great examples of screen writing. The examples shown look almost as good as the real thing.
Sun, 23 Jul 2023, 22:00

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Here a recent example of a photo to video ai method. Seems that things are going fast.
Mon, 24 Jul 2023, 00:08
The guy doing the first video is VERY dismissive of the whole thing, constantly complaining that it doesn't look as good, and isn't as amazing as the real thing.
Well, of course not. Nobody expects that.
But for what it is, it's pretty amazing.
And if they tried to do that a year or so ago, it'd have been absolute garbage.
Garbage to Pretty amazing in the space of a year is kinda the point.
It's why the Strikes are happening, right now, because writers, animators, and even actors.. they're all going to replaced because money grabbing douchebags will be happy enough with stuff like this, especially at the speed it's coming together.

It's been 30 years (last month) since the release of Jurassic Park when groundbreaking CGI was front and centre. Nowadays it's everywhere, and quite often goes completely unnoticed.

In 30 years time.. just imagine what would have happened to the creativity landscape.

I can't imagine how scary that must be for all the writers, actors, and other industry folk involved.

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Mon, 24 Jul 2023, 00:27
If you compare it against the first couple of seasons it looks better than those, as they almost looked like colored paper that was cut into the shapes of the characters and moved around.
Mon, 24 Jul 2023, 00:29
I wish I could figure out what kind of system I need to run chatGPT locally and how to do it.
Mon, 24 Jul 2023, 01:46
For the smaller language models I keep hearing 16gb of memory on a macbook should be on the tight side.

For the more beefy ai’s a 4090 is needed. I think chatgpt was to big to run on a non rack based system.

Btw - the pron industry is probably going to be the first to use those video generators on large scale. Imagine what kind of weird stuff is going to become mainstream.
Mon, 24 Jul 2023, 01:52
"how scary that must be for all the...." Isn't this just another technology revolution? Same thing happened with the industrial revolution, electric revolution... people were put out of jobs etc.

Don't get me wrong I really like we'll written films/TV etc and we'll acted roles (although do they really need to be paid so much in the first place, but that's for another day)... But change is in the air..
Mon, 24 Jul 2023, 01:52
Yup, it always starts off with the pr0n industry

I imagine when you can just ask it to come up with a video of exactly what you desire then, well, we beef hooked.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 24 Jul 2023, 01:57
I was joking at work last week about how if I just recorded everyone in the offices voices for 2 minutes, trained A.I. up on our website product data and a list of issues from our ticketting system, combine Chat GPT with elevenlabs.io, and a decent speech to text engine, use I.P phones that things would end up a lot cheaper.

Well, semi-joking anyway.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 24 Jul 2023, 02:16
"just another technology revolution" ... Indeed.. I've been mentally comparing the current Writers/Actors strikes to the Miner's strikes of the 80s.
This is just the beginning of the downfall of decent people's jobs, isn't it.

I've been emailing Dave-from-College about the A.I. stuff, this morning, and it's incredibly worrying that his job, fixing up the background database/web frontend of many sites for many different companies, is 100% going to be something that A.I.'s going to be doing in the very near future.

He really hasn't trained for anything else, in his life, and quite what he'll do once that happens.. I've no idea. I'm not sure he's truly contemplated just how fast this is going to happen.

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Mon, 24 Jul 2023, 02:57

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Wix seems to offer this in a while. Instant websites.

Michio kaku. A famous scientist predicted a lot years ago. Stating this is the next revolution after the steam engine, and the computer chip and electricity.

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Journalists are being tooled up and maybe replaced by googles tools now too.
Mon, 24 Jul 2023, 03:01
I'm glad that my code is on a bespoke system for a so would hopefully be a lot tougher to analyse than shopify / wordpress stuff, (well, take one more second anyway)

But yeah, it's something that's been in my head for a while also. It is everywhere already, the stock market, asset ordering, e-commerce, the lot of it.

Warehouse work is probably amongst the safest place, that or trucking / delivery services. Funny how A.I. is potentially taking a lot of creative jobs, Triston was telling me about how Photoshop now also has an A.I. "make this picture for me plz" as well. I wander if it handles layering in the same mechanism. I'll stick with CS3 still.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 24 Jul 2023, 03:05
Ooh, I hadn't considered using it for layers.. That'd be nice.. Draw a simple thing, then ask it to generate a nice lighting layer on top.
Good grief.. The power of that alone would be fantastic.

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Mon, 24 Jul 2023, 03:20
Photoshop, make me the windows xp bliss background but if it was in an anime style... well okay, unstability.ai instead of photoshop but you get the picture...or four of them. in under 2 minutes

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 24 Jul 2023, 03:21
> Reveal 🔎

.. Aye, that'd be powerful

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Mon, 24 Jul 2023, 13:14
ChatGPT removed its language model from download, IIRC, note to see some alternatives, but I have been sticking with ChatGPT because I like the results I get. Not sure I would like other ones...

Don't get me wrong I really like we'll written films/TV etc and we'll acted roles

I do too, but IMHO they have not existed since the early 00's and is part of why I mainly quit watching new TV/Movies. I know this is very subjective though.