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Socoder -> C/C++/C#/Other -> AAaahhH!! (C++ game idea - FAST!)

Wed, 12 Sep 2007, 03:25
Ok, so today everyone at my new school went out for a trip, and I stayed home because I'm sick (using antibiotics atm). However, my teacher suggested I come up with something to pass the time, so I wouldn't get noted down as having not had classes during the entire trip. I suggested I could do some self motivated studying, and since my self-picked theme/topic for those classes is 'Learning C++', he said I could do 4x45 minute sessions while they were gone, which is equal to 4 regular classes.

So, now I need a game (preferably) or maybe an interesting application that I can code using not much more than 4x45 minutes, which will preferably give a viable result to show to my teacher when he comes back (not a neccessity, but something I'd like). Please don't sugggest a text adventure... those are boring.

Any ideas?

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Wed, 12 Sep 2007, 04:03
Wednesday Workshop!!!

You could do something for this week's, do something for the month one, or even click the Wed.Workshop link on the left for a whole big batch of ideas.

This one for example, is "Games created within 3 hours", which is exactly the same Timeframe! (Freaky!)

However, that is, of course, assuming you're doing graphics in your game/course.
If not, go for something like an Ascii Art game, or something.

|edit| ... Oh, and I hope you feel better, soon. |edit|

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 12 Sep 2007, 05:29
Asteroids using ascii art. Maybe print a console screen full of blank lines to clear, calculate the next frame and then print it.
Wed, 12 Sep 2007, 09:23
Thanks guys! These are some pretty neat ideas! I'd better get to work right away (after a quick shower), seeing as I was knocked out for a couple hours due to me being ill.

Edit: For those of you who thought I was still in the hospital - I was sent home ('home' being back on campus, seeing as I am still nowhere near good enough to go back to my parents place, except for if it was done by a Helicopter or something) for a few days right after my operation due to the insistance of me, my school and my parents, though I am going back in a couple days just to check if my ribs are growing correctly etc.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Wed, 12 Sep 2007, 10:26
power mousey

any suggestions....

a wordsearch puzzle generator.
And which provides the solutions too.
You have a database of words in categories or topics.
And/or simply type in the words to search for.
I did a few of these a long ,long time ago and in the Milky Way galaxy. On this planet called Earth.

A maze type of game where you guide 3 mice in the matrix maze. Due to radioactivity and other lab experiments on them...each mouse has different powers or abilities.
You can use each mousey's certain power/ability to accomplish the major goal of figuring out the maze and escaping the matrix totally.
Yet, inorder to use that said mouseys' power/ability he/she/it has to be made the leader of the pack rats.
Obstacles to oercome, puzzles to solve, enemies to confront/battle/or even talk and negotiate too.

And finally here is one that involves text and icons too.
Also maybe some graphic backgrounds too. Yet, its more than a text game. Its a simulation and strategy game too.
Kett, the prime Kitty Kittarian agent and Shapeshifter Supreme is commissioned by his superiors to investigate
rumors,speculations of a bizzare nature that occurred outside the borders of the city of Four Paws and adjacent to the tavern known as Furr.
Clever thinking, wisdom and wise decisions will be yours to make to gather and recruit a team and investigate this mattter.
Big team, medium team, small team or even just yourself
to formulate. Who and what manner of tema members.. What special and necessary skills, abilities, powers, and even
the gifts of Catalina....goddess and the very essence and life force contained within all Kitty Kittarians too.
Simulating,strategic RPG adventure like game.


Thu, 13 Sep 2007, 02:31
How are you feeling today, Afro?
Those antibiotics actually helping at all?

And, did you get any work done?! I can't really imagine you did!

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 14 Sep 2007, 13:23
Actually, you're right, Jay! My Antibiotics are making me tired, so I went to sleep. I started writing a small WinSock server, but that was it. ATM I'm back in the Hospital, my ribs were hurting so the doctors decided to take some extra photos and stuff, and they're keeping me on a strict medicinal 'diet' atm.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Fri, 14 Sep 2007, 14:04
Hmm... What kind of diet is that? I hope it's not one of those politically correct fake diets, and I also hope that your health improves Afr0