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Socoder -> What Have You Done -> What Have You Done - May 2023

Wed, 31 May 2023, 14:36

What Have You Done - May 2023


What did you get done this Month?
  • Four Games
  • Four Choons
  • Bonus Choon
  • Planning Ahead

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    The things that have happened so far have happened well.
    The planned things that are yet to happen, haven't happened, but hopefully the plan goes ok.
    I hate planning ahead, I usually bugger something up along the way.


    What didn't you get done?
  • The Other Planning

    Why not?
    Far too much time spent on the other thing, that I neglected damn near everything else, and didn't even set up a "thing" thread for next month.
    I have to stay focussed and try to keep on top of things.


    What are you working on right now?
    I'm wondering if I should switch to a mobile contract for a short while, so I can use my phone for data, in case I need to.

    How's that going?
    I dunno if Three will let me A) Switch from PAYG to Contract easily, and B ) Switch back again, later.
    That could be trickier than I'm aiming for.


    What's the plan for the next Month?
  • There isn't a plan in mind.

    Well, there is.
    The plan is 5 more weeks, then a break.
    Part one of the year is nearly done. 26 games each with a two-word title, going A.A. to Z.Z.
    I'm up to V. V is this week. W,X,Y,ZZzzzz Sleep!!!

    I dunno how well those games will turn out, though.
    I struggle enough coming up with game titles that have X's and Z's in them.
    How on earth am I going to make a game with two X's in the title?!
    And how will I manage to make a Y game without ending up adding another Yacht into the mix?!!

    All I know is that things are going to get batshit crazy over the next few weeks.

    Here we go!!!

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    ''Load, Next List!''
  • Thu, 01 Jun 2023, 02:42


    What did you get done this Month?
  • Gym 16 times / 30 days, not bad
  • Recovering from all the insanity of this month.
  • Made a cool logo for someone

    Did everything turn out as planned?


    What didn't you get done?
  • A lot of things

    Why not?
    Honestly, Emotional Damage.


    What are you working on right now?
    Re-building my online profile from scratch

    How's that going?
    Decided on a name and a logo


    What's the plan for the next Month?
  • Budget super tight
  • Get things started off again, new name, new everything.
  • Gym 20 times, along with more walking to / from work (7.5k each way)

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
  • Thu, 01 Jun 2023, 03:25
    If you can, go for a sim only contract for a bit less cost in general.

    Mobiles.co.uk seem to have some good deals currently:


    I guess, maybe just make up words for X,Y,and Z? I came up with a couple ideas.

    Xenostorm X - something shooty
    Yippee Yummy! - A game about making tasty treats and cakes, possibly some sorta stacking / balancing mechanic?
    Zippy Zoo - Youi manage a zoo and have to keep the animals from escaping from their enclosures.

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
    Thu, 01 Jun 2023, 03:30
    I was thinking of my current PAYG sim being able to switch to Contract mode, so I wouldn't have to fart about with changing numbers and all the crap that goes along with trying to keep my old number.. I dunno if they can do that, but I presume it's all software/database based on their side, right!?!

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Thu, 01 Jun 2023, 03:33
    Yeah, make sure they have...I believe it's a PUK code, although most networks are all good with that sort of thing as long as you specify to keep your existing number in my experience.

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
    Thu, 01 Jun 2023, 03:52
    Seems ludicrously expensive, but Three do a 90-days unlimited everything top-up for £90.
    A contract would be around 25-30, give or take.. (Once the "cheap" period has run out after 3 to 6 months)

    (FFS, have a look on that site you sent for Unlimited. There's about 70 offers just from Vodaphone, all exactly the same voice,text,data, but each one at a drastically different price. I wouldn't trust Vodaphone is they were the last company on earth!!!)

    A contract is also at least 12 months. But the 90 day thing is only 90 days.
    I *think* 90 days should be enough, so .. I dunno.. Might budget that cost in to the rest of .. everything..

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Thu, 01 Jun 2023, 04:44
    Ohhh, I hadn't checked for unlimited ones, that's a bit crazy though re: Pricing.

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
    Fri, 02 Jun 2023, 04:42
    Well so far 2 for 2 at the gym, walked to and from work on Thursday, only to find I'd left my keys at work when I got home....eurggghhhhh, that was fun.

    Walking back again tonight then taking a day off with the kids, back to the gym and hopefully some coding of some sort on Sunday.

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
    Fri, 02 Jun 2023, 10:52
    Been to and from the vets with Squeak, my mum accidently pulled the living room door shut without noticing the bird on top and broke the bird's foot. Two trips to PDSA to get pain killers and after that they said they can't do much because they ain't an avian vet. PDSA then referred Squeak to Costways, initially they said gassing the bird in a anaesthetic box and x-ray will cost £315. When they called me to collect the bird they told me some bollocks saying that the swelling was to do with an old injury, and reckoned it was a tumour causing the lameness, and wanted another £140-£180 for a biopsy. I declined due to the fact I know the injury was caused by a door and just wanted to make sure that sepsis won't set in. When I went to pick up Squeak I was charged £390 altogether, they may have managed to con my sister out of over a grand for a chameleon that ended up dead due to an injection that caused a heart attack and killed it, and then they had the cheek to call it euthanasia and charged extra, but I ain't stupid, I know when I'm being taken for a cunt.

    The £390 to Coatways plus total of £35 donation to PDSA has completely wiped out my bill money, now I have to skimp on a few things to recover.


    *Rant Over!*
    Fri, 02 Jun 2023, 13:36
    And that's what May mostly consisted of for me.