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Socoder -> Killer Bites -> Degusta Box

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Wed, 18 Mar 2020, 05:51

Looks Like...
> Reveal 🔎

Tastes Like...

No richness.. It tastes like someone raided the spice jars, and poured a ton into a pot with some noodles.
.. I expect that's not far off the mark, either.
Very watery, and kinda gritty.

Rating : 3/5 - I've had better. I've also had worse.. This is in the middle.

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Wed, 18 Mar 2020, 10:10
I've had a few of these and they're just about OK. 3/5 would probably be my score too, if I was being generous. Except the one that tasted purely of fucking lemon grass. Bleurgh!!
Fri, 20 Mar 2020, 10:54


Looks Like...

Tastes Like...

A sparkling bottle of water that's been filtered through a field full of weeds..

Rating : minus 5/5 : bleeuuurrrgh!!!!

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Sat, 21 Mar 2020, 01:58

Doesn't appeal to me either.
Sun, 22 Mar 2020, 19:42

Had a bag of Wotsits, tonight.
You don't need more details than that, really...

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Sun, 22 Mar 2020, 20:07
They're nice, but not Flamin' Hot. And yeah, they're Wotsits.
Sat, 04 Apr 2020, 11:04

Looks Like...

Beer, but slightly green.

Tastes Like...

Not a beer fan.
This has kind of a creamy texture. Hard to describe.

Rating : 3/5 - If I had to pick a beer, this probably would be one of my picks. But I'd rather have a coffee!

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Sat, 04 Apr 2020, 17:07
Not for me, that one. Bleurghh!
Fri, 17 Apr 2020, 15:10
Another box??!!

Cheat Sheet linkage

Looks Like..

Tastes Like..

Mmm.. Orange *pop*

Rating : 5/5 *crack* - No comp*pop*laints here. *bang*
.. but why no egg?!

I got 2 bags of these. One for me, one for mum.
Mum also enjoyed them.

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Fri, 17 Apr 2020, 15:34
These have been out for years; I thought this box celebrated "new" products?

No matter, they are lovely
Fri, 17 Apr 2020, 16:18
Yeah, the boxes always seem to have at least one instance of "the odd shit nobody buys.."

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Sat, 18 Apr 2020, 15:11



Looks Like..


Tastes Like..

Sour Cheese and Chive flavoured Pringles, but slightly crispier.

Rating : 4/5 - I'm not a fan of Sour Cheese and Chive Pringles. If it didn't say "Broccoli Crisps" on the bag, I honestly don't think I could tell.
Other than the Cheese and Chive, these are actually quite nice.

Bonus back of the bag shots

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Sat, 18 Apr 2020, 15:52
Sounds interesting
Sun, 19 Apr 2020, 07:28

Looks Like...

Tastes Like..

Sparkling raspberry ice tea?
What could go wrong?!

> Reveal 🔎

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Mon, 20 Apr 2020, 06:08
Reading the bio I thought...
> Reveal 🔎
Mon, 20 Apr 2020, 08:29
Well.. might as well try the other one..

Looks Like...

Tastes Like...
A happy springtime garden...

> Reveal 🔎

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Mon, 20 Apr 2020, 09:05
Sounds yummy...
Wed, 22 Apr 2020, 14:10

Looks Like...

(Buried under a Stagg Chilli)

Tastes Like...

Meh.. wasn't that spicy.
I mean, it had a bit of a kick, but not what I would call spice!

Rating : 4/5 - I need at least 6,000,000 spice level, nowadays!

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Wed, 22 Apr 2020, 15:34
What is it with "Spicy" nowadays? They put feck all spice or heat in and call it "Spicy"

If I'm not willing to put my head down a toilet to put out the flames, it's not spicy. I've not found any item yet that reaches that lofty statement.

The thing is though, I don't just want spice in my foods - I want flavour too and most of these things really lack that and are incredibly bland..
Mon, 27 Apr 2020, 06:03

Two in one!

Looks Like...

I mean, obviously there's more than just two dollops of paste in that bowl, but .. you get the idea.
Additions : Morrison's frozen stir fry veg, and Nong Shim noodles.

Tastes Like..
Tastes great, except it didn't mix very well.
I dolloped a blob of each straight into the wok, and it didn't blend, and instead you had clumps of one flavour in one forkful, and clumps of another in the next.
Not ideal.
I think, next time, I should use a little mixing bowl and blend the two together, adding in a few herbs and spices, and perhaps a little bit of water to help it blend better.. .. then throw that into the wok.

I rarely feel good enough to stand and do that, though, so I'll have probably forgotten by the time that happens.

Rating : 5/5 - any issues were my own fault. They tasted great.

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Mon, 27 Apr 2020, 06:43
Sounds like a bit of a palaver, but looks lovely

Nom Nom Nom.
Tue, 28 Apr 2020, 14:20

Looks Like..

No surprise, there..

Tastes Like...

No surprise, there, either.
It's a Flapjack, innit!

Rating : 5/5 - I'm not gonna grumble over a flapjack.

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Wed, 29 Apr 2020, 04:21
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm... Flapjack!
Wed, 06 May 2020, 05:34

Amazon link
All 10 flavours accounted for. 2 of each included. Nom nom nom!

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Wed, 06 May 2020, 05:40
Mmmmmmmmmmm Flapjack!
Thu, 07 May 2020, 13:16

Looks Like..

There were about 12 or so fingers in the box.

Tastes Like..

Dry Twix. The caramel, here, is in the chocolate, not half the innards, so although all the taste of a Twix is here, it's also quite dry without that layer of caramel.

Rating : 2/5 - OK, but at £3..? I'd rather buy £3's worth of Twixes.. Twixies? Twixotics??!

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