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Socoder -> Killer Bites -> Degusta Box

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Sat, 21 Sep 2019, 15:59
Regular Alpen cereal is over 30% sugar. I bet these are more like 130%

Sound good though!
Mon, 23 Sep 2019, 10:55

Looks Like...

Tastes Like...

Milkybar, innit..

Rating : 5/5 - Milkybar.. nothing to see here..

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 23 Sep 2019, 11:06
White chocolate is too sweet for me to enjoy nowadays.
Mon, 23 Sep 2019, 11:16
Yeah, I'm not a fan of it, either.
In fact, this one little pack's given me quite the migraine.

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 01 Oct 2019, 10:14

Looks Like..

Tastes Like...

A fig roll but with Raspberry in it.
Quite nice, but I'd prefer the Fig..

Rating : 4/5 - no complaints, but the raspberry..

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 01 Oct 2019, 10:28
Are you sure they weren't dog treats?

Mmmmmmmm Fig Rolls....
Sat, 05 Oct 2019, 10:26

Looks Like...

Assume the caramel one looks about the same, but lighter.

Tastes Like..

A horrible saccharin sweet taste to them both.
I really didn't enjoy them at all, and they both got palmed off to Mum.

Rating : 0/5 - No sir. I don't like it. https://youtu.be/cDGlN6mluGA
Mum Rating : 4/5 - as she nods with a mouthful..

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Sat, 05 Oct 2019, 12:03
I didn't like the choco one when I tried it a while back - tasted really artificial. Not tried the other one. Don't want to either.
Sun, 06 Oct 2019, 10:30

Tastes Like...
Liquorice that's been sat out in the middle of the road for 3 weeks, with thousands of cars driving over it.

Tastes Like...
Shoe leather that's had a busy day playing football and accidentally kicked a giant ball of shite.

Rating : -638/5 - these ended up in the bin.

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Sun, 06 Oct 2019, 16:33

I think, based on your review, I might just give those a miss!
Tue, 22 Oct 2019, 10:56
Kinda drifted off the last one.
Out of remaining items is a squeezy tube of garlic, and I'm not too good with the smell of cooking garlic.
Once it's cooked I'm fine, but if I'm nearby when it's cooking, I'm not in a very eaty mood!!


Let's start another box!!!

Cheat Sheet

Looks Like...

Generic goo! Use your imagination!!

Tastes Like..

Me and Mum are big fans of our Dulce Gusto Cappuccino's, so any flavourings are very very welcome.
I tried the Vanilla, and Mum the Chocolate.

Extremely flavourful, and .. as stated, all without the sugary aftertaste.
Really nice..
But.. eeek, that price, though!!!

Rating : 5/5 - Would buy again!

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Tue, 22 Oct 2019, 14:56
So it's basically cocoa/vanilla essence/extract at a silly price? Ok.
Wed, 23 Oct 2019, 09:54

Looks Like...
Mustard.. it looks like Mustard...

Tastes Like...
Mustard.. it tastes like Mustard...

Rating : 5/5 - *shrugs*

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 23 Oct 2019, 10:40
Dijon mustard? That's like mustard without any mustard in. Pah! Give me something stronger

Who ruins mustard (even crappy mustard) by adding honey?
Fri, 25 Oct 2019, 09:29

Looks Like..

Generic orange drink

Tastes Like..

Such a weird, almost savoury flavour to the drink.
Not at all what I was expecting.

Rating : 1/5 - I'll stick to my Orange Lucozade, thanks.

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 26 Oct 2019, 01:22
Sounds... like you are better off sticking with anything else!

If you want to protein just eat a handful of nuts/almonds, an egg or some meat (to name just a few sources). Sorted. Certainly more natural than this drink sounds.
Sat, 26 Oct 2019, 13:23

Looks Like...

Imagine Tartare Sauce.. Looks like that.

Tastes Like...

Tartare sauce. Really hasn't been an alarming amount of variety/oddness, so far, has there!?

Rating : 5/5 - Posh Tartare sauce is still just Tartare sauce..

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 26 Oct 2019, 16:56
What more can you say? I like a bit of tartare now and again.
Mon, 28 Oct 2019, 17:40

Lol. How silly and inaccurate is THAT price?
That's a multipack price, right?

*checks Amazon*

Holy hell!!

Looks Like..

Tastes Like..
Reminds me of a Lion Bar, but .. it's an exceedingly thick and chunky Lion Bar..
It's nice..
But at that price??

Rating : 4/5 - Price, man.. the price!!!

Chocolate to Migraine in about 15 minutes.

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 29 Oct 2019, 15:02
I used to like Boosts, but then they added extra sugar, coated in sugar, wrapped in a sugary coat. And then sprinkled on more sugar, just in case. Well, that' what it seemed like! Waaaaaay too sweet for me now. And now with protein? What the fuck is all this about?

And yeah, that price? FUCK OFF!!
Sun, 03 Nov 2019, 06:38

Don't panic.. that price is a box of 5!!

Looks Like..

Tastes Like..

Nuts and raisins with a teensy tiny amount of chocolate.

Rating : 5/5 - nice to nibble on. Might buy some more of these.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 04 Nov 2019, 01:38
I bought a couple of packs of these a long while ago (two different varieties). I honestly can't remember if I ate them or not.

If I did they were obviously nothing special. If I didn't then I'll come across them in a cupboard at some point.
Tue, 19 Nov 2019, 14:34
Blimey I slowed down on these, didn't I..?
The next box appeared this morning, so I'll quickly do this one to finish it off.

Looks Like..

Tastes Like..

The texture is quite Quaver-like, but like a slightly harder quaver.
Not near as tough as I was expecting them to be.

Taste wise.. parsley? What Parsley?! These are 100% Garlic, and no more!!

Rating : 5/5 - A little strong, but I'm not complaining!

Other leftovers from last month.

Syrup - Mum's been enjoying the syrup in her porridge, and has no complaints.
Soup - Mum's been making a lot of fresh soups, this month, and I've been all souped out, so haven't yet tried the tin of soup.
Tea - I'm still (occasionally) drinking the chai tea from .. a couple of months ago!

Other than that, a vaguely decent selection, if not a little uninspiring.
Tomorrow, I'll post about today's box!

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Tue, 19 Nov 2019, 15:19
Those garlic snacks sound nice - not seen them before

A box came in the mail for my wife today marked as "Japanese Candy" - guess what I've got for Christmas!
Tue, 19 Nov 2019, 15:34
Nom nom nom!!!
Tue, 19 Nov 2019, 15:37
Reminds me to possibly grab some spicy noodles from Paignton tomorrow!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
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