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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Google Maps omnipresent

Fri, 15 Jun 2007, 11:05
Hey - anyone heard of the new Google Streetview?

Article: Google removes 'objectionable' Street View images
Follow some of the Google links on there - it's quite amazing how detailed things look. You can walk down streets and zoom in on people's windows and see their cats, even.

Blimey, I can't be the only one who feels both scared and awed by Google becoming a cross between a search-engine and God.

Only for major US cities right now though, so I'm safe in Wales for a bit.

blog | work | code | more code
Fri, 15 Jun 2007, 13:21
power mousey
Part of the Beast system....

Digital Angel, RFID chips, further advances
in biometrics and chip technologies.

oh yeah....Landroids, courtesy of Black Budget ops
and DARPA.


people, its just a matter of time.
it will start with beneficial effects
and be completely voluntary. Then, politicians,celebrties,
sports figures, others will take the mark. Then, it will
be mandated and strictly enforced when the "the man of his own name"...the One, comes upon the scene. The antichrist.

but whats a little security and some allegiance to the One and his NWO.. by giving up your freedoms, your rights, even your own soul!??

|edit| off to the Fema camps and other sites
for either re-education or disposal. |edit|

Fri, 15 Jun 2007, 13:27
Satan can't be much worse than some of the world leaders we have at the moment - but I digress.

Shame about the thong woman disappearing - did the lady with the shy pussy get her way in the end?

Fri, 15 Jun 2007, 14:55
Womans Butt
Fri, 15 Jun 2007, 14:59
I think it's a wonderful addition, and, to be honest it's not really THAT intrusive!
And if they're taking things down upon request, then that's all the better, so long as they don't start taking every silly little thing down!

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 15 Jun 2007, 17:29
Yeah it's fantastic... I spend a good hour or so just wandering the streets of Vegas and Miami, pretending I was a CSI.

I've never been abroad so it's nice to be able have a virtual trip like that from the comfort of my ikkle computer chair.

Fri, 15 Jun 2007, 20:12
Its definitly a neat little thing they have going. But im not in anyway worried or scared that it will invade anyones privacy, its not like its real time video or anything, that would be awsome though.

Stuff... Yeah...