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Socoder -> Music -> Getting a new synth - Roland JD-XI

Mon, 28 May 2018, 11:43

Getting a new synth - Roland JD-XI

I wanted to buy something and spend a couple of days looking around at a music equipment store website. I watched a whole lot of youtube video's when I found a interesting thing. They were having a sale yesterday and today with a extra 10% off.

I was looking at getting the korg electribe for a number of years after watching someone playing a old amiga song with it. This one :

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But I noticed there were a number of negative comments on forums for the gear so I kept looking around.

I decided on getting the Roland JD-XI. It is in the same price range as the electribe but it has a real keyboard. There is only a 4 channel seqencer(2 pcm and 1 analogue and 1 drum) but the polyfony is 128. The instruments are part Waveform and part Analogue.

It is a small keyboard so it should not take up much space(which I do not have) I also ordered the carying bag with it and a headphone and some cables.

I should have it tomorow.

Here is a video which partly convinced me that this keyboard was for me :

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The ipad does not seem to get me doing a lot of composing so I am hoping this one will get me back to doing some tunes making.
Mon, 28 May 2018, 11:46
I look forward to some audio results.
Mon, 28 May 2018, 12:10
I am watching tutorials on how to use it. Should know enough to do things when I have it.

I hope I ordered the right cables. The keyboard has those big jack sockets so I ordered a mini jack to jack converter and a mini jack to mini jack cable. This I hope wil let me record with the laptop using audacity.
I also have a usb 2 usb midi cable which in the manual says would also carry audio.

Kind of confusing with all the standards. To get it hooked up to the tv or hifi I needed yet another kind of cable. I keep forgetting the names.
Tue, 29 May 2018, 14:31
I like the keyboard it so far. I spend the entire noon and evening playing with it.

Here 9 patterns I was able to make:

Tue, 29 May 2018, 14:38
Really has a nice high-quality to the synths. Sounds great.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 30 May 2018, 05:28
I still have to figure out how to make the usb cable work on the laptop. It is supposed to also transmit audio but could not get this working yet. My Asus laptops have no line in so I have to use my older MSI laptop which has. The thing does not have a ssd so it took about half an hour for it to be able to record without audio drops.

I kind of thought when I got started with the keyboard that it felt kind of cheap. But once I got learning to use it I kind of starting to like it. There are not a lot of instruments out of the box but there are a lot of knobs to tweak the sounds.

I have no regret in spending the money on it so far.

I spend more time making new patterns this mornking and recorded the previous and new ones in a video.

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Wed, 30 May 2018, 05:40
Neat! Keep twiddling those knobs!!