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Socoder -> Nintendo Gaming -> Buy Zelda

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Sun, 23 Apr 2017, 03:48
Run away. That's the best advice tbh.

I've beaten one, but got deaded my many others!

BTW I don't think I've seen the Mr Awata guy, or Robin Williams. I've not really paid that much attention to characters faces. I've certainly not been lead to the mountain by anyone. I've not bought a house in Akkala yet either.

Still loads to do
Sun, 23 Apr 2017, 04:19
You've not bought a house, yet!?
Sun, 23 Apr 2017, 08:52
Looking at my stats I have now played Zelda for over 145hours.

Looking at this -

View on YouTube

- there's loads of places shown that I've not see yet.


[BTW I've just entered the last Divine Beast (ooh err missus!!!))
Sun, 23 Apr 2017, 13:27
*watches about an hour of tubage*
*plays another few hours of Zelda*

God damnit!!!!

I notice that one of the scenic views now has a large flag at its point. (The one near your house, when you get it!)
I wonder if the other flags symbolise other significant places..?

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 23 Apr 2017, 17:46
Spent a good couple of hours (ffs!) watching a bunch of that guy's videos, going right back to early 2015.
Some CRAZY theories, but others that were totally spot on.

Spotting a "teepee" back in Nov 2015!!? Blimey!! https://youtu.be/J77MQuesEEo

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Mon, 24 Apr 2017, 00:55
LOL. Definitely what we now know are shrines. But who'd of thunk it back then?
Mon, 24 Apr 2017, 15:21

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 24 Apr 2017, 15:31

This is how I am currently.

BTW I've now bought my house and decorated with swords, crossbows and shields etc. Working on Tarrey Town now

BTW those divine beasts are not in the order I beat them. Wonder why? I did bird first , then elephant, lizard and camel. I definitely recommend doing the bird one first - you get a really big advantage that'll help you throughout the rest of the game.
Mon, 24 Apr 2017, 16:01
Such a gorgeous game.
Finally got round to turning the Switch off (proper off, not just sleep) and grabbing all the screenshots from the MicroSD card.

Some really nice shots included in the collection..

> Reveal πŸ”Ž

I've got loads more pics, but there's a lot of dull pics, plenty of "Platdude book at the Stable" shots, and a fair number of spoilers..
I might upload the lot to Flickr, though.. Maybe..!?

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Mon, 24 Apr 2017, 16:32
Yeah, I've got some great shots too - plus lots of missed lightning strikes as well!

Lightning struck one of those fuck-off big, huge mushroom things a week or so ago and felled it! I was awestruck. That really blew me away. I've never seen anything like that in any game. Ever. It's touches like that that make you realise that this really is the future - going back to the old Zelda template is NEVER going to be as satisfying as this.

It really is a beautiful game, and not just in its looks. So many wonderful, wonder touches. And the AI. Just wow! Watching a Moblin lose his weapon and then grab a bokoblin to use as a baseball bat. Get out of here! That's fucking genius!

Tue, 25 Apr 2017, 10:15
Visited the four small island on the upper right of the map.

Disappointed to find that...
> Reveal πŸ”Ž

But more importantly.

> Reveal πŸ”Ž

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Tue, 25 Apr 2017, 11:33
I still only have 5 hearts ðŸℒ
Tue, 25 Apr 2017, 12:12
Took me about a month and a half to earn enough hearts to lift the sword!!
Worry not! Just enjoy the experience.

Oh, and there are still monsters that can insta-kill me, so they don't bloody help!!!

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Wed, 26 Apr 2017, 00:02
Even with a full rack of hearts you won't last long if you're not careful! As for lifting the sword I ony did that a week or so ago.

I've definitely not rushed through the game and I'm actually saddened that I'm near the end now, although I'm not about to visit Hyrule castle just yet.
Wed, 26 Apr 2017, 11:48
Those sneaky fecking Koroks!

Just when you think you've sussed all their possible hiding places - under rocks, flower following, burning dead leaves, rock rings, lily rings, tree stumps and holes in the ground I found a new place today that I haven't seen before since getting the game on launch day - hiding in holes in trees.

I only found it because a crow was sitting in the hole and wouldn't move. I could see there was a pot behind it, so I shot an arrow at it, expecting to get some rupees or arrows etc. and out popped a little leaf bastard!

Am I seriously going to have to check every fucking tree throughout the land now?!

Actually, it's pretty cool. Playing a game for 7 weeks and STILL finding secrets and new places.

BTW I've now completed 117 shrines, with two more known. So where's the last one?
Wed, 26 Apr 2017, 13:42
I found the "shoot it with a lightning bolt" shrine, today. Was casually glancing around from atop a hill, spotted a lightning-emblazoned bit of graffiti on a rock face, and went "yup.. I know what to do there!!!"
.. then spent about half an hour of rock climbing trying to get there!!

As for Tree Kuroks, I found one fairly early on. "Oooh, what's this?.. oh, it's another bloody Kuron.."

I haven't been scouring all the trees, though. Ain't got time for that shit!!

I also gave up searching trees for eggs, once I found the egg gathering shortcut..
> Reveal πŸ”Ž

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Wed, 26 Apr 2017, 16:00
I've never really needed eggs. Crabs and rice are excellent for overfilling health and stamina. Elixirs are easily sorted too (except for fire-proof; but even then just buy the butterflies from Beedle and job's a good'un). Everything else can be sorted in armour.

I've not whacked a not-chicken - I remember what happens from OOT (and all the other Zelda games). It's not pretty!

119 shrines now. Still have no idea where the last one is.

BTW A little tip - there's a shrine quest that requires you to show pictures of 3 different Guardians to a nut-job girl on a beach. Don't rely on the images being in your compendium; they must be "fresh" in your album (ie don't delete them once you've got them). I had all the pictures she wanted, but the quest wouldn't end, even though they were recorded. It doesn't matter for side-quests, but for this shrine quest it does. :/
Mon, 01 May 2017, 07:07
WatchMojo have done a list of things you can do in the game.
Obvious spoiler warning..

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Mon, 01 May 2017, 08:13
I've actually done most of those, including riding the bear!

This game is just so awesome.

Still at 119 shrines; I'm scouring the landscape looking for the last one at the same time as looking for seeds. Fuck me this world really is huuuuuuuge!
Mon, 01 May 2017, 09:04
Defeated the first of the four beasts. As you suggested, I went for the bird first.
Bloody hell.
Ran out of bows mid fight, and had to rely on updrafts, flying, and a heck of a lot of lucky shots with my sword..

That was a heck of a battle..

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Mon, 01 May 2017, 09:12

The gift you get at the end is very, very useful - saves a lot of climbing (and running out of stamina halfway up a mountain). Can help you fly further too by giving you an initial height boost. Really useful.

BTW Still on the Tarrey Town quest. Can't find the bloody Goron!
Mon, 01 May 2017, 09:17
LOL.. I gave up looking! I'll get back to the "son" group, later..

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Mon, 01 May 2017, 09:28
Yep, that's the one!
Mon, 01 May 2017, 11:44
D'oh!!! Stupid bugger!

I'd found the 120th shrine already, and even marked it on my map. It was a shrine quest (hence no beeping) that I couldn't do at the time (needed a dragon scale). FFS.

But yay! 120 shrines!

Mon, 01 May 2017, 12:25
(Not to self, fix that sodding crying smiley!)

So, that's it over, then?! Just the big main battle to go, for you...
I'm trying not to force things, but it's certainly getting to the point, now, where events are moving in a forward direction!!

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Mon, 01 May 2017, 15:25
There are still a couple of side-quests to do, including the memories and the "son" Goron (who I found, but he told me to sod off and come back at night! Cheers for that fella!), but yeah, it's probably time to go and teach the big bad bastard a lesson and banish his arse from Hyrule.

Of course, I've got 700 more seeds to find... speaking of which, I've found two that I can't complete - one seems to involve using stasis to play golf with a rock, the other is a puzzle, but I can't find the cube piece to fit in it. I'm sure there will be plenty more...
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