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Socoder -> Nintendo Gaming -> Buy Zelda

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Mon, 06 Mar 2017, 01:48
I really have to stop playing Zelda!
Mon, 06 Mar 2017, 01:48
or stop writing about it... I'm trying not to buy it yet!
Mon, 06 Mar 2017, 02:39
Buy it. You know you want to. It is awesome
Mon, 06 Mar 2017, 03:26
AGameAWeek is going to be delayed..
That's how good it is!

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Tue, 14 Mar 2017, 17:01
I bought a house!!
It took all fucking week to slowly earn the 3,000 rupees needed.
I eventually ended up foraging for fruit and nuts, cooking lots, then selling the cooked meals to shop owners.
But I did it.

I paid my 3,000, leaving me with only 3 rupees, and I now own a house!!

... dunno wtf I'm supposed to do with it, but there you go!!!

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Tue, 14 Mar 2017, 17:42
I'm not even close to wanting to do any of that stuff yet.

I'm just enjoyin duffing up the Guardians (yeah, right!), moblins and stuff and exploring. Finding the towers and shrines (and the little koroks) is pretty much all I've done. I've not even changed clothes other than the first pair of trousers (pewee!), although I have upped my heartage and stamina a fair bit. I've cooked some yummy stuff too keese wings and chips anyone?

It's awesome and just keeps getting better and better.
Thu, 16 Mar 2017, 22:33
Looks like nintendo have managed to create another 'must buy' zelda game then

Happy coding!
Fri, 17 Mar 2017, 02:35
For me, it definitely is a MUST HAVE game, but I've always been a Zelda fan.

There is a lot of traditional Zelda stuff missing that I'm disappointed about, eg the music, certain enemies, the hookshot and tri-force stuffage to name a few, but the new additions are excellent in their own right. Climbing a mountain then jumping off the top to paraglide to somewhere else, miles away, never gets old.

|edit| Weapons breaking every three seconds can be annoying, but they are easily replaced for the most part.
Thu, 06 Apr 2017, 09:25
*plays Zelda for 2 hours*
*has lunch whilst recharging*
*plays Zelda for 2 hours*


Found 3 towers, though, so ... there's that!!!

Also found the Master Sword, but I'm not levelled up enough.

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Thu, 06 Apr 2017, 15:59
I got the Master Sword lat week. It's not anything special, other than it doesn't break. Sort of. It just runs out of energy which slowly recharges.

My Stats say -

Hearts - 16
Stamina - 2.6 wheels
Shrines - 84
Korok seeds - 112
Rupees - 5,637

"Played for 100 hours or more"

100 hours? I still haven't even done the first proper quest at the Zora domain yet! LOL

While I wouldn't pay £300+ for just a game, the money invested so far has definitely been more than worth it.

Enjoyment >>>>>>> outlay.

Thu, 06 Apr 2017, 17:17
I've just about passed 60 hours.. yikes!!

Hearts 6
Stamina 1.5
Something with wings..? 7 (no idea what this icon means!!)
Shrines 31
Seeds 45
Rupees 1,216

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Fri, 07 Apr 2017, 08:38
That icon is the number of orbs collected but not changed into hearts/stamina vessels.
Fri, 07 Apr 2017, 08:50
Oh, ok! Yeah, I've not returned to a prayer point for a while!

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Fri, 07 Apr 2017, 15:10
I tell you, the Switch really works for me. I can be in the same room as my family and pick up the Switch and play while they watch tv or even just mooch around looking for the next place to go for five minutes before putting it down. It's my dream machine.

I haven't played any game in the last few years like I have Zelda, due to work, family life and other things. It's absoultely perfect.

I still haven't actually connected it to my telly; it;s handheld all the way for me.
Fri, 07 Apr 2017, 15:52
I played a few games of FastRMX on the telly, but Zelda's been handheld.
I tried playing it on the TV, but it gave me that familiar "10 minutes playing a 3d game = 10 minutes of vomiting" issue.
I think, somehow, holding it in my hands and being "connected" to the screen, is making it easier on the motion sickness.

'Tis an odd one..

But, Yeah. So much love for this game, and the Switch might not be "a beast" but it's sure as hell the most functional handheld I've seen!

Buy Zelda!!

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Fri, 07 Apr 2017, 21:33
Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
Sat, 08 Apr 2017, 08:50
Buuuuuuuuy Zelllllda (and the Switch too, natch!)

You know you want to...
Wed, 12 Apr 2017, 09:12

Been Shrine-hunting.
Some devilish puzzles in some of the shrines. Had to use walkthroughs a couple of times.

I've also been running away from the "test of strength" shrines, but now I have UberSword, i might head back and tackle a few.


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Thu, 13 Apr 2017, 08:19
That uber-sword won't make much of a difference, I'm afraid...

I've not had to use help on any of the shrines, but there are indeed some that are pure eveil genius. A fair few ave been bastardly hidden too, requiring hours of searching to find, even when using the tracker.

> Reveal 🔎

I'm at 93 shrines now, with 123 Korok seeds. And still loving every minute.
Sat, 15 Apr 2017, 11:47
Played a few hours, still only 3 hears, only found the second shrine, been killed a few times. Are there any clues to the locations or do I have to just wander aimlessly until I come across them?

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sat, 15 Apr 2017, 12:11
Half the fun is exploring, and ingredient gathering, and random fights with monsters!
If you "need" a map, head here. But you should try to enjoy the game a bit, first.

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Sat, 15 Apr 2017, 12:56
All four shrines can be seen from the top of the first tower IIRC. Look for orange glows. You can teleport back to the tower (or any shrine) at any time.

I've just completed my 100th shrine (20 left) and defeated two Divine Beasts.

As for clues, nope. Other than following the beeps on your slate (which aren't very helpful tbh).
Sat, 22 Apr 2017, 13:20
Managed to get to my penultimate tower, today. Ridgeland Tower.
It's a pain-in-the-arse one, with all the magic fairy bastards floating around a giant pool.
Plenty of elixers, and oodles of stamina to rapid-climb the tower ASAP, and I just about managed to get to the top.

> Reveal 🔎

My last tower is on the top right, surrounded by lava and evil and shit.
Apparently it's not as bad as some of the other towers, but I imagine it's not going to be easy to get there.

After that... More Shrines, and then I suppose I've got to play the actual game.

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Sat, 22 Apr 2017, 14:49
> Reveal 🔎

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Sat, 22 Apr 2017, 16:22
I've now completed 113 shrines, got 130+ seeds and beaten 3 Divine Beasts. And I don't want it to end

I've travelled the world a few times over and am still finding new things that I missed. There's still 760+ seeds for a start...

Have you fought a Lynel yet Jay? Ffffffuuuuuu....
Sat, 22 Apr 2017, 16:28
That's the horsey-dude thing, right?!

Yeah, I've ran away from a few of those!!!

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