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Socoder -> Nintendo Gaming -> Rhythm Heaven Megamix

Fri, 21 Oct 2016, 11:14
*checks bank balance* shit.. I forgot I preordered that!!!

So, got it, and it's great.
Plus Point
The Euro release includes a toggle to switch between English and Japanese music, which is nice. All the onscreen text and help dialogue stays in English, but the Choons and any vocal sfx are the Japanese originals.

Minus Point
Nearly all the games seem to be about half as long as their GBA/DS counterparts. Maybe I'm wrong, but they certainly feel Smaller. (Spoiler, they get bigger, later!)

Plus Point
A nice "storyline" without it being too story based. More or less a case of the characters all knowing that this is supposed to be a rhythm game, and that the storyline needn't be there!

Minus Point
The first game is Karate Man, which is taken from the original GBA edition. But the music's completely different. Hmmm...
A lot of the tracks are new. It's kinda unnerving. (Spoiler - It’s ok, Jay!!)

It's an odd dilemma, though. Do you want faithful recreations of the old ones, or do you want a brand new game.
They've chosen to go for a new game.
I'm wondering if, like the Japanese option, there may be, later, a "like it used to be" option, too.

For now, though, it's a nice enjoyable game. The DS says I've spent 1 hr 54 minutes playing it, so far, and it didn't arrive until after 12, so that's good going for me!

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Fri, 21 Oct 2016, 16:17
Plus Point!
Get far enough into the game, and it builds and builds and builds!!
I've now unlocked the original Karate Man song (hey, baby. Listen to my phrase. I can give you, a sense of rhythm..) as well as a mountain of levels to get through.


*keeps playing*

... most I've played a single game all year!!

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Fri, 21 Oct 2016, 17:04
Holy fuck, this game's huge!!!
Sun, 23 Oct 2016, 16:45
Played another couple of hours of this, tonight.
I thought I was doing well, but then even more stuff to unlock suddenly appeared!!
Feels as if they've literally dumped every single bloody thing into this game!!

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Mon, 24 Oct 2016, 01:45
Are you getting paid to plug this?

I've purchased a few music games - Michael Jackson The Experience (Vita), Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call (3DS) and most recently Gabrielle's Ghostly Groove (3DS eShop), but not played any of them yet.

The videos for each game looked like a fun alternative to what I'd normally play and reviews have all been fairly positive, so I took a punt (MJ was just a few quid and Gabrielle was 99p, so why not?!).

I'll have to find some time now

|edit| Oh, of course. I had Parappa The Rappa BITD too.
Mon, 24 Oct 2016, 03:33
Are you getting paid to plug this?

I know, sorry!!
But I'm REALLY enjoying this game. It's the first game in a long time that I'm having to force myself to STOP playing it!

"OK, that's 2 whole hours gone.. You should stop, now!! PUT THE GAME DOWN!!!!"

I can't remember the last time I did that. I feel like a little kid again!

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Mon, 24 Oct 2016, 04:24

I love it when games do that. And not many do.
Tue, 25 Oct 2016, 16:17
I've now completed the main "story" of the game. Another 2:22 brings us up to just over 8 hours worth of story mode
I still need to play through Challenge mode to earn Flow Balls, which can be traded for Rhythm Toys. There's a whole bunch of those to unlock.
But the main story's done.

I've had a heck of a lot of fun with this game, and with any luck, I'll have a good number more hours to come!!

*this is not an advert*

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