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Socoder -> Concept/Design -> AGameAWeek : 2016 - Part One

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Fri, 13 May 2016, 11:56

God damn, that took FAR too long to get working.

Right, now to stylise the game. This is probably where it's going to turn to shit, but what the hey
I just need to come up with an interesting artsy concept.
Time to put my designer head on.

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Fri, 13 May 2016, 12:20

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Sat, 14 May 2016, 08:34

.. That's about as artistic as I'm going to get, today!!

Most of the game is now playable, but the speed doesn't ramp up at all. I'm going to have to look into that.

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Sat, 14 May 2016, 11:41
I like that - probably because it's not pure Tetris.

Sun, 15 May 2016, 06:40
Not sure where or how, but the intended OUYA-only multiplayer code went somewhat awry!!
...this is what happens when you spend all week focusing on the single player thing, "assuming" your code will be perfectly fine for multiplayer mode.
.. Answer : No it ain't!!

Although the two gameplay fields appear as they oughta onscreen, all the falling blocks are identical, and the controls are completely fudged.

I've stripped out the multiplayer option, uploaded it to OUYA as is, and will spend tomorrow doing the other uploads to various sites and whatnot.

A good game. Shame about me having fudged the multiplayer bit!!

OUYA/Razer/Android-TV compatible .apk currently available on my test page.

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Sun, 15 May 2016, 14:42
Bonus last minute feature.

Game now supports Mouse/Touch controls.
Slide left/right for Movement.
Slide down for Drop
Tap for Rotate.

Works... "well enough"!!

Game's been uploaded to GameJolt, but is currently unpublished until I can be arsed doing the 100-or-so simultaneous uploads that constitute an AGameAWeek release!!

Only got that to do, and will more than likely do that in the morning, or thereabouts.

What a busy week!!

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Wed, 18 May 2016, 05:31
Midday Wednesday. I've usually at least got an idea formed by now, but yesterday's migraine day's completely screwed up my standard schedule for AGameAWeek.

No idea what game I'm doing, and now have roughly 5 days left to do it.

... No problem at all!!!

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Sat, 21 May 2016, 12:24
This week's game's finally coming together.
Like a slow-paced Asteroids, but with a bit of Hunchback "Dodge the repeating-movement objects" thrown in.. Kinda quirky, but fun..

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Sat, 21 May 2016, 13:01
Fun's what it's all about
Tue, 24 May 2016, 03:05
This week's game's out. https://agameaweek.com/0371

I'm now going to shut down for a week.
Since my PIP thing's on Thursday, and knowing how much I've been struggling to concentrate this week, I'm going to give up even trying to code anything for next week!
A rest week.

... I wonder hat oddities my restless mind will accomplish over the next few days...?

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Wed, 25 May 2016, 12:56
Day two of relaxing, and relax I did!
I've done barely anything of use, today, which makes quite a departure for me!
I did, however, spend a second day updating my MacMini. Pretty much everything is ready, I think, for compiling games to iOS.
I might give that a go later on in the week.

Tomorrows the big day.
....scary times ahead!!

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Wed, 25 May 2016, 13:10
Hope it goes well Jay.
Fri, 27 May 2016, 13:01
After many (many!) attempts at making a Puzzobomb level generator have failed, I've opted for the next best thing.

Seems to work ok, except for a few quirks in the engine.
But it's a good enough start, and I have an extra few days (since I've taken this week off!) to get as much in as I can.

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Sat, 28 May 2016, 08:21
Starting to make the game to go with the editor!

It's not 100% terrible!!

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Sun, 29 May 2016, 05:21

View on YouTube
Sun, 29 May 2016, 06:46
New PuzzoBomb
More PuzzoBomb
PuzzoBomb 2
PuzzoBomb Plus

... hmmm... :\

Thoughts welcome

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Sun, 29 May 2016, 08:04
Puzzbomb EX
Sun, 29 May 2016, 08:43
EX? Not DX?
Sun, 29 May 2016, 09:40
Sun, 29 May 2016, 14:01
Maybe DX does sound nicer. Also, had to have a play in photoshop tonight

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sun, 29 May 2016, 14:29
Mon, 30 May 2016, 01:24
That's really cool Rychan
Mon, 30 May 2016, 07:41
If you like I can fire you over the transparncies Jay?

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 30 May 2016, 08:17
I'll be sticking with my logo. It's in the same style as the original game's logo, so the two fit together snuggly.

I'll probably get told off, again, for making a game that's "too similar" to it's prequel

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Mon, 30 May 2016, 11:41
Currently playing with Themes.

.... *shrugs*

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Tue, 31 May 2016, 00:34
Meanwhile, in regular AGameAWeek-land, I decided to see if I could get one of these working..

Answer : Yep!
That's one of those working!

Quite what I'll do with it is anyone's guess, but you can probably guess what it'll end up being.

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