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Socoder -> Concept/Design -> AGameAWeek : 2016 - Part One

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Mon, 01 Feb 2016, 15:17
Continuing the rejig of my Jayenkai Archive.
Added nice little sections for a longer description of each game, and also a place for Controls.

... Which is nice, and all, but it means I now have to go through over 300 games, adding new descriptions, and control scheme rules!

Controller BBCode FTW

BBCode = * + Letter eg [*W]
Where WASD = Directions, J K L I are face buttons and U and O are shoulder buttons.
Apologies that they're very "How My Framework Works" specific!!

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Tue, 02 Feb 2016, 13:44
Nearly 20 years of progress!!

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Wed, 03 Feb 2016, 01:12
Eeep, I think I may have to remake my old qbasic games some time!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 05 Feb 2016, 02:12
Just spent a good hour or so doing "Soundtrack Listings"
That is, on the new version of my Game Archive, there are going to be links for all the music, which go directly to my Music Archive, where the tracks get played.
eg Harpoons & Balls now contains a link to Liquid Jalapeno (as well as 4 other tracks)

It's going to take me MONTHS to fill in all that crap, alongside listing controls, and writing marginally longer descriptions for every single game in the archive. (Which currently consists of 348 separate games.. foooooook!!)
But, it's all coming together nicely, and FINALLY the two archives are linking to each other in a fairly decent way.

The interesting part, however, came when I was closing down for the day... An hour's worth of doing that, really saps it out of you, so I said "OK, Enough" and went to close everything up.
Instead of having to close FileZilla, 3 or 4 folders of .php, Programmers Notepad and a few other bits and pieces.. I found myself only closing tabs in the browser.
Finally, after weeks of building up the new archive, I'm able to actualy edit all this data right from the site itself.
I didn't even have the mysql database-edit thing open!!
Raw site usage, 100%, and I managed to tweak about 10 or so games.

It feels good to be able to do that, and realise that "A new Game Archive" is no longer such an impossible task!


I still have to fill up those sidebar boxes, though...

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Sun, 07 Feb 2016, 15:10
Part One is done.

With the site now fully working, I've switched the old and new, and the new archive is now the one that's accessible to all.


All old links still work, but not all the new data's been integrated, mostly because that'll probably take the rest of the smegging year to do!!
But still, there it is!

Lemmie know if anything's broken!

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Mon, 08 Feb 2016, 06:51
*sigh* It never bloody ends, does it..

Well, seems that all the OUYA-Target stuff has yet another downside.
Regular AndroidTV (including the default Razer Forge Dashboard) is showing my games as..

[Default Android Icon] : Name of Game

It *should* be showing..

[Android TV Banner Icon]

I'm not sure why it isn't, but I've emailed TeamOUYA to ask what I'm supposed to do to get the proper banners to show up.
I know (*think) it's supposed to be a 320x180 pixel banner, and I've tried adding "banner : HERE!" to the xml, but that doesn't seem to have worked.
Hmm... :\

The proper OUYA_Icon shows up when you head into the Cortex (The new name for OUYA) dashboard, but the standard frontend (which is a default Android TV interface) is unfortunately missing it.. Which is a shame.
It's a secondary issue, though, and at least it is showing SOMETHING!! It'd be frustrating as hell if it wasn't at least doing that.
.. I sure as hell won't be going back through the entire smegging list, just for the sake of a secondary icon!!

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Mon, 08 Feb 2016, 07:49
I don't envy you copying all that stuff across!

Mon, 08 Feb 2016, 13:22
Tonight's events..

1. I haven't done a Greenie game for a while. True, he was in one of the Beta Collexion games, but it'd be nice to have him in a proper game.

2. I could do a sequel to "Eccentric Egyptologist".. That was nice..

3. Creates folder "Egyptology"

4. Considers that a new RetroRaider might be nice. Renames folder "RR3"

5. Tries to find a way to get a giant blocky looking background image to look decent, whilst keeping the framerate up.

6. Scraps that, tries again.

7. Scraps that, too.. Tries again.

8. Fuck it.. Deletes folder, cancels RetroRaider plans, and vows to start Egyptology in the morning, instead!

Wasted a good night of coding, there..

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Wed, 10 Feb 2016, 08:39
Spent AGES today adding a tab-bar thing to AGameAWeek.
Main blog, Game archive, Music archive, Pixelart archive and Pixelart calendar are all now tabbed up at the top of the page. I've also added a "Forum" tab that leads here, so apologies if there's a sudden influx of none-coders!!

Not so keen on the art style of the tabs, though.. Might need to rethink those.


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Wed, 10 Feb 2016, 10:30
Nice work
Wed, 10 Feb 2016, 12:00
Aaaah, much better now!
Instead of trying my damndest to make lovely looking 3D-esque buttons, I went the complete opposite way and made a good old fashioned pixelart bar!

from this

to this


Done using Image-Maps!!
Haven't used that since about 2001.. Could've sworn it'd been depreciated, but.. nope.. still there!!!

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Wed, 10 Feb 2016, 13:12
Where's the "LIKE" button Jay?
Wed, 10 Feb 2016, 15:54
Everybody loves Pixel art \o/

Oh gosh...Image Maps though, I'm genuinely surprised those still have browser support!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 11 Feb 2016, 04:22
"I wonder how fast I can get a whole crapload of lines on the screen, to replicate the lovely feedback-effect I had in Horizontal Shooter.."


Over 1,000 lines, at a semi-decent 30fps in the browser, at a high resolution.
At a lower resolution it's a higher framerate.
On both GLFW and OUYA at 1920x1080, it's a nice solid 60fps.

I'd say this project is good to go!!

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Thu, 11 Feb 2016, 11:24
Nicely done there!
Thu, 11 Feb 2016, 13:35

View on YouTube

(Looks infinitely better uncompressed and at a proper framerate!!!)

Now to add something to PEOW at!

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Sat, 13 Feb 2016, 05:15

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Sat, 13 Feb 2016, 06:16
That looks like it'll be some primo shmup action there Jay I really love those lines!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sat, 13 Feb 2016, 07:28
What he said!
Sat, 13 Feb 2016, 14:21

View on YouTube

1 epic piece of choonage later..
"Deconstructed Horizons" is a nice enough name, I reckon. Goes along with the current "Deconstructed" AL Bum
I should probably try to make a nice logo, now...

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Sun, 14 Feb 2016, 05:05
Moving on to the next game, no idea what that'll be, though.

Deconstructed Horizons isn't due for release until AGameAWeek Tuesday, but if you'd like to play it before then, Grab hold of the Zip Link!

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Sun, 14 Feb 2016, 09:32
That really does look tasty
Sun, 14 Feb 2016, 09:44
Fucking hell Jay, that's like MEOW!
Wed, 17 Feb 2016, 04:35
This week, I'm re-tackling Army of Flags from the Beta Collexion.
Going to need some pathfinding in this, I think... Hmmm...

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Wed, 17 Feb 2016, 14:19



My usual enemy AI is a case of "Move in direction of player"
This time, I needed something a little more "proper" looking, so the enemies can find their way around the trees.


View on YouTube
Aye, that'll do!


This pathfinding method is slow if you need more than one target!

This should result in a lot of AIScore numbers on your grid.
When moving the AI, check the number of the AI's current tile, then scan the immediate vicinity for a lower score.
If found, set the AI's target to that of the tile.

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Sat, 20 Feb 2016, 08:09
Been a bit of a slow week, this week.
I knew what I wanted to create, but seem to be going at a ludicrously pace putting it together.
Lack of motivation, maybe?

It's getting there, now, though.

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