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Socoder -> Concept/Design -> AGameAWeek : 2016 - Part One

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Tue, 12 Jan 2016, 05:01
Game's unfinished and has been postponed until next Tuesday.
Worryingly, I'm finding myself thinking about the next game.
.. And the next game's even bigger!!

And I still haven't finished the Pool game.

Oh fuck, it's all going wrong!!!!

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Tue, 12 Jan 2016, 07:55
"Extra Penguin" collectable is now working.. Hurray!!

Progress : 4 levels, but all very tutorial'y

At some point, I'll stop adding stuff, and actually get some of those bloomin' levels made..

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Tue, 12 Jan 2016, 15:41

In the background I've been continuing to create ALChoons, and have already reached track F.
I'm generating little videos (using the .bb code here) and am now starting to piss about with added effects.

AL looks particularly happy in pixelated cubes

Note : Tracks are being posted at a rate of one each Friday, so this won't be seen on YouTube until Feb 5th!!
Yikes!! Planning ahead!!! So unlike me!!!

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Wed, 13 Jan 2016, 13:34
Still only 6 levels, but I've been playing with the controls a little, today, and seem to have worked out that "The controls get more confusing the more you play it!" issue, by splitting up the two main selection controls.
Slightly quirky, but a much better feel to the game, now.

.. Must make more levels!!!!

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Wed, 13 Jan 2016, 14:29

8 levels, now, and I've tweaked a few of the graphics, although you can't really tell from this screenshot!

Game's getting complicated, now. I need to add some kind of tutorial'y system into the mix, but am struggling as to how to do that without requiring long lengthy rambling explanations of everything!!


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Sun, 17 Jan 2016, 07:58
15 levels..
2 whole weeks and all I could muster was 15 levels?!
Bah, humbug!!

It's not a bad game, though, and I'm quite happy how it turned out.
If you'd like to try it out before its official release, and have access to an Android TV device (OUYA/Gamestick/My First Happy Android Box) then you can grab the .apk from my testpage. (The "Most Recent Test")
If you do, lemmie know what you think of the controls..!

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Sun, 17 Jan 2016, 15:12
If you were paying close attention during the Beta Collexion Advent Calendar, you might've noticed this game..

and thought to yourself..
"Hey, Jay's just reused the main player character from Alien Deathmatch!!"

And you'd be right.

Along with bog standard player and enemy movements, the Advent game was indeed a test run for a new enhanced Alien game.

I've often wondered what form Alien Deathmatch might take, if it doesn't rely on the Deathmatch/Highscore element.
Turning the game into more of a homage to Alien Breed, by taking the game back to it's origins, I'm going to be spending this week tackling that, and seeing how large of a game I can create from the concept..

Today, I played with graphics.
Tomorrow, I play with a level generator...!

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Mon, 18 Jan 2016, 07:29

Level Generator : done
Wall Rendering : done

Next up, figuring out where the hell to put the doors... Hmmm..

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Mon, 18 Jan 2016, 15:47
No wall collisions in the engine, yet, but I at least managed to get some doors in the game.

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Tue, 19 Jan 2016, 02:07
Wed, 20 Jan 2016, 07:18
Possible title and logo.

As in "A six-hundred", a simple little reference.

Thoughts/Comments welcome.

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Wed, 20 Jan 2016, 11:42
I'm not sure most will get the reference - I didn't at first, despite owning an A600. I read it as A-Six-One Hundred.

Like the font though
Thu, 21 Jan 2016, 09:31
All damn day..
All god damned day..

"Hey, I know what'll be easy. Adding crates."
He says.

Then realises that with the 2 differently sized tilemaps in play, that's not so easy..
(The floor is 64x64 tiles, the walls are 16x16 tiles, the doors are 32x16 tiles, and the crates are 32x32 tiles.. FFS!!)

But, yeah, they're working, now.
Next up, putting powerups into the things.

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Sat, 23 Jan 2016, 05:41
*sigh* I'm getting so used to typing things in, then hitting F5 to compile, that I just did it to this window and lost all the bloody text that I wrote.


The baddies are in and the levels are generating nicely.
There are many crates scattered around.. One of the crates contains a floppy disk.. Collect the floppy disk to complete the level.

Since the floppy disk was a bitch to find amongst all the other crates, I've now added a little floppy-sticker onto the crate that contains it.

Complete a level by collecting the disk, or as is becoming standard with my games, if you fail 3 times, it still opens the next level.

Next up, I need to start adding powerups..

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Sat, 23 Jan 2016, 07:47
Yeah.. Got the first few collectable weapons working, so the rest should be plain sailing!! (He says)

I'm rushing this, now, though! Eeek!! Only about 1.5 days left, and I still haven't even checked that it works on OUYA.
(I have a feeling that the level generator might break.)

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Sat, 23 Jan 2016, 11:56
I just realised what your game reminds me of

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Sat, 23 Jan 2016, 12:16
Never heard of that one.
Out of the many (MANY) Gauntlet clones of the time, I had Dandy. That was fun... Although watching a YouTube video of it.. .. .. Hmm... Maybe not as I remembered!

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Sat, 23 Jan 2016, 13:02
Damn... Game runs pisspoor slow on OUYA. Getting about 20fps.
Did a switch for lo-res art, and that didn't make a dent, so .. Must be my shoddy coding to blame!

Will need to dig through the code, see if I can figure out what's causing it.
Bah, humbug!!

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Sat, 23 Jan 2016, 13:15
The OUYA can be real funny at times. Stuff that should seem a piece of piss can run like treacle, then at other times runs like shit up a stick when you least expect it.
Sat, 23 Jan 2016, 15:10
Best thing about having created your own framework is that you instinctively know if the issue you're seeing is the OUYAs fault, or your own stupid fault..
Spent a good while trying to track down the issue, and .. Yet again.. It's down to my silly overuse of single-letter Globals.

a-z are set up as Globals in my framework, as they're always handy to have.
Unfortunately, when you set L,R,U,D to be the screen limits, do a For X/Y through them to draw the tilemap's floors, then set L to be "lit or unlit" (0 or 1) then do a second pass through the loop to draw the walls, it results in L being 0 or 1..
So instead of the X loop going from "player - 20 squares to player + 20 squares", it goes "0 to player + 20"
Which would probably be fine if the player didn't start off at grid reference 256,256!!!
That's an awful lot of offscreen walls being drawn!!!

A long and complicated waffle, but an easy bug to fix..

I do need to streamline the level generator a bit, though.. It currently hangs for about 4 seconds when you start a level!

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Sun, 24 Jan 2016, 13:01
Since this game is technically a sequel to my classic Alien Deathmatch games, it needs a suitable remix of the classic "Morse" theme.

Morse original, as used in Alien Deathmatch
Morse 2, an abandoned remix
Morse 3, as used in Alien Deathmatch 2

And now..

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Tue, 26 Jan 2016, 13:16
Space Station A6-100 is now out, and people seem to be enjoying it, which is nice.
Today I started this..

And that's pretty much the entire game, right there, with mouse, joypad and keyboard controls all working nicely, a dictionary doing the checking, scoring worked out, and bubbles bursting and getting replaced, and even sound effects all done, too.

.. I think I'm going to leave that in a bag of "Emergency : Ran out of time!" games, and move on to something else!

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Wed, 27 Jan 2016, 05:06
The Chrome-Mouse-Drag issue is cropping up, a lot, on Space Station A6-100, and people are downvoting it because they think the game's broke..


Aw well, can't be helped.. Carry on..

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Sat, 30 Jan 2016, 08:40
So much for the "I'll code something else for this week" plan..

The whole PIP crap has screwed that plan up, entirely.

So, back to the word-string-thing
The game will be called "Poperly" or "Popperly", I'm not sure which looks better..

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Sat, 30 Jan 2016, 16:16
"Closure" has always been one of my favourite CHOONS. Originally created as the end credit music way way back in JNKPlat 5 (2002!?) the CHOON never actually got used, because JNKPlat games tend not to have end credits...!
The larger awesome CHOON was held back, but melodies crept in as part of Platdude's world.
When I made NeonPlat Adventures, I brought it back as an end credits theme, sooped it up, and made a lovely credits screen.

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This week, I've recreated the theme in KORG Gadget, and it sounds as awesome as ever!
It's been a long long time since I tackled a proper JNKPlat title.
It might be a good number of months before you get to hear it, if indeed I even manage to make this game as good as I'd like.

Hmm.... A background task...!

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Sat, 30 Jan 2016, 23:30
That's nice that is!

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