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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Joe 2: quest for game dev advice...

Fri, 04 Jul 2014, 11:29
Ok guys, anyone who played the Ouya version of 'joe' is questing to learn the secrets of making good games. Anyway, in joe 2 I want to include a whole bunch of plat forming cliches such as stomping on enemies heads etc.
Anyone wanna help me out? Just think up some plat forming mechanic that is a little overused that joe would have to learn about!

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Fri, 04 Jul 2014, 11:48
Invisible walls - you can't exit the screen even though there's no obvious barrier. Doors only opening after collecting XX coins/stars/rings or raising a flag/killing every enemy etc. Falling from a height of one block can kill.

Immediately drowning in water (or as in Mario's case being able to swim in some, but not all water). Creatures are happy to wander aimlessly left and right. Moving platforms can hover in thin air. Enemy weapons have infinite bullets but yours don't. Your pockets never, ever fill up of coins, bananas, stars etc.

If it flashes GET IT! If it moves AVOID IT!

The character always gets dumped as far away from the door as possible. Fireballs/projectiles aren't affected by gravity, however you are (just jump to see!).

The big boss doesn't really care that you are nicking all his trophies/stars/coins as he has too much anyway and leaves them laying around. Same as for weapon crates - the enemy isn't concerned that you'll use his weapons against him so leaves them around willy-nilly. Weapons can't open doors. Fire at them as much as you want, even a rocket launcher won't open a door. Colour coded keys open colour coded doors. Why would the enemy a) leave keys laying around b) make it easy for you to identify which key opens which door.

All animals will be over-sized. There won't be bee sized bees - they all the size of crows etc. they make the best looking backgrounds on levels you have to run through, so can't appreciate them.

Lava levels always have floating rocks and ledges that a) haven't melted b) you can actually stand on. Not only is there no heat given off from these, but there are also no heat in surrounding areas to burn you to a crisp or toxic fumes.

Sucking on an air bubble underwater refills your lungs. Go on try that one for real.

That's enough to get you started methinks
Fri, 04 Jul 2014, 12:13
Bee size bees!!!!!!!!! What a good idea!
Fri, 04 Jul 2014, 12:45
Fri, 04 Jul 2014, 13:00
Ohh.. maybe walljumping would be good!
Fri, 04 Jul 2014, 15:49
Sonic has a lot of crappy skills that he's learned over the years.
I'm wondering if you could teach joe a few useless abilities that he'd only ever make use of once in the entire game, just to show how bloody useless they are!!

Coin-collect-trail thing, where he jumps towards the first, and swoops through the trail of coins.
Target/lock on bollocks, to make the simplest of jumps much more randomly destructive than they ever were before.
Also, Joe is spherical, so a rolling ability could be fun, as long as each time he tries to roll, he loses his hat, and has to go back for it.

In addition, Double jump is a terrible thing.. You could probably give him that ability early on.

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 05 Jul 2014, 01:00
Excellent ideas guys! I'll see what I can add to the game

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Thu, 05 Oct 2023, 14:12
Asked chat gpt the following question...

I am making a videogame where the main character is a young boy called Joe. He lives in a colourless world that was created by the evil magician known as Hue-Dini, who removed all of the colours in a jelous rage. Joe has to collect all of the coloured gems in order to return colour to the world. He is only able to do this with the residual magic left in the magicians top hat that he once found in a cave. Can you wright a couple of paragraphs and elaborate on the storey a little?

I was not disappointed at all with the answer...

In the colorless world created by the malevolent magician Hue-Dini, young Joe's life was devoid of vibrancy and joy. The once-lively landscapes were now shrouded in a dreary monotony, leaving the inhabitants trapped in a desolate existence. Joe, however, possessed an unwavering spirit and an insatiable curiosity that drove him to seek out a hidden adventure.

One fateful day, while exploring a mysterious cave on the outskirts of his dreary village, Joe stumbled upon an old, tattered top hat. Unbeknownst to him, this seemingly ordinary hat held residual traces of magic from Hue-Dini's ill-fated spell. Intrigued by the hat's enigmatic aura, Joe decided to try it on, unaware of the transformative power it would unleash within him.

As soon as Joe donned the hat, he felt an electrifying surge course through his body. Suddenly, his surroundings began to flicker with hints of color. The residual magic within the hat had granted him the ability to perceive the world as it once was, filled with a kaleidoscope of hues. Determined to restore color to his world and free his fellow villagers from the clutches of despair, Joe embarked on an extraordinary quest to collect the scattered colored gems.

Guided by an ancient prophecy passed down through generations, Joe ventured through treacherous landscapes, braving enchanted forests, perilous mountains, and riddling caves. Along his journey, he encountered peculiar characters, each with their own tale of loss and longing for the return of color. With each gem he discovered, the colorless world regained a fragment of its former brilliance.

However, Hue-Dini, sensing Joe's growing power and determination, set forth his minions to thwart the boy's mission. Joe faced daunting challenges, engaging in exhilarating battles of wits and agility, and drawing upon the newfound magic resonating within him. As he overcame each obstacle, Joe grew stronger, forging an unbreakable spirit fueled by hope and the desire to liberate his world from the clutches of darkness.

Ultimately, Joe's unwavering determination, coupled with the residual magic within the top hat, would lead him to a climactic confrontation with Hue-Dini himself. In a final showdown of magic and willpower, Joe tapped into the depths of his courage, harnessing the true essence of the colored gems to unleash a radiant burst of light that shattered the evil magician's spell. The world erupted in a symphony of color, and the inhabitants rejoiced as they witnessed the restoration of their once-drained world.

With his mission fulfilled, Joe emerged as a hero, celebrated for his bravery and selflessness. The world he had saved now thrived with the beauty of color, and the memory of Hue-Dini's tyranny gradually faded away. Joe's journey, from a young boy in a colorless world to a champion of light, would forever be etched in the annals of his realm, a testament to the transformative power of hope, resilience, and the magic found within oneself.

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Fri, 06 Oct 2023, 01:40
Level 1

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Fri, 06 Oct 2023, 01:51