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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Warez Policy : Discuss

Thu, 28 May 2009, 06:07

Using illegal copyright software will not be tolerated on this board. If you are found to be using them, you will be banned.

However, we will not make it our mission to hunt out every single member who may or may not be using such software. It's far too much of an issue for us to deal with. Let the software companies deal with their own copy protection techniques.

If you believe a member of this forum is using pirated software, gather up all the clues you have, and then Email a moderator. The moderators will discuss the issue, and action will be taken.

Having said that, it is NOT your mission to find them.

If you are found to be hassling members, to be hounding the newbs, to be annoying all who pass by, you will be warned. You will be warned for disturbing the way this site is running. You will be warned for making this site an unwelcome place to be.

If you continue to hassle our members, you will be banned, in exactly the same way that people are banned for starting flamewars, or for constantly spamming the board.

You have been warned.

From the FAQ's of Socoder, the warez policy.

I recently told off Afr0 for his warezed copy of Sims3, but was lenient enough not to outright ban him.
Stealth's been picky about this area, too, though.

I decided I'd make a topic on the subject.
There's no way in hell I'm going to let Socoder become a warez-haven, like GBATemp, or MaxConsole.
Not a bloody chance.
Even the LGCookie site I hang around on has hundreds of pirated LG Cookie java games, all over the damn place.

That's not on.
That's why I made this rule.

I feel that Afr0 took things a little too far with his "I got Sims! Here's what I think" post. But I don't think he oughta get kicked off for it..

But what do you think?

And, if I'm about to rewrite the warez policy, like it looks like I'm about to do, what should/shouldn't be allowed?

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 28 May 2009, 08:31
I've always thought the discussion of why is acceptable, but not how and to a lesser extent specifically what and where. I do however think this can be lineant if it cannot be bought, there are no plans for it to be available to buy, you bought it as soon as it's available or that the quality of the product turned out to be so low that if you did bought it you would have genuinely returned it (note genuinely).
Thu, 28 May 2009, 10:05
I've already stated my view on this, but I pretty much agree with JL235. However, I've never had a problem with what and never saw why it should be a problem, so long as no links are spread around (where).
In this specific instance, I'll point out, yet again, that my early review actually convinced a person to go buy the game;

' Hollzama
May 25th, 2009 on 1:53 am

Nice review! Although I do think that the hardware issue is with your 1gb of RAM, that just doesn’t seem to be enough for games these days You may want to up it to 2gb.

But thanks! I was considering downloading it but you’ve convinced me to wait and buy it. I had pre-ordered The Sims 2 and enjoyed every minute of it, I’m sure this game won’t disappoint, either!

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Thu, 28 May 2009, 11:48
This is a fickle topic. Yes, People pirate things, It's inevitable and widespread. It's been actively discussed here in the boards, and i'll be the first to say that I am guilty of it myself. However! I don't think afr0 is in the wrong for really giving his opinion on a game that he downloaded, as long as he didn't distribute it. But! this is a grey area, where as new people could see the active discussion and think it's OK to throw out links and give things out. I stand behind Jay by enforcing this policy. Not only is it the person pirating who's ass is on the line, but Jay could be held as an accomplice for allowing people to aggregate warez here.

I'm not saying you should outright accept it, nor am i saying it's acceptable in any form. I'm sticking by Jay, since this is in fact his website, and it's his rules. Keep the warez hounding nil. I could go on all day about who afr0 was just making an informed decision about purchasing a game, but that is what a demo is for. It's cut down the middle, but I don't think he should be punished for said review, but I do think people should

A) Shut the hell up about warez (for you pirates)
B) Shut the hell up about warez (for you witch hunters)

Enough said.

I am Busy Mongoose - My Website

Dev PC: AMD 8150-FX, 16gb Ram, GeForce GTX 680 2gb

Current Project: Pyroxene
Thu, 28 May 2009, 12:18
I think that anyone who posts warez / links to warez here should be banned, and discussion of how to obtain warez should not be discussed. But giving your opinion on something that you got through warez, without actually discussing the warez aspect of it, should be discouraged but not banned for.

In other words, I think the rule should be only ban for the discussion of / explanation of how to obtain warez, but not for discussing the main content of something that you got through warez.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Thu, 28 May 2009, 13:33
Yes, but those cases are very few and not the kind of people we are looking for anyway.
Thu, 28 May 2009, 14:10
My opinion - Afr0 is fine - an honest review, discussion, etc - fine! More than fine, I was interested!

But I absolutely agree that instructions on how to pirate software or any media that is obviously still under copyright (more than just discussion - instructions) is a bit dubious.

It's your website, Jay - you own the domain & hosting and whatever happens is ultimately for you to decide. IMhO I don't think an outright ban is fair, maybe just a warning or a notice - but whatever you decide to edit or delete - I can't complain, you know? Because you're the one who has put the work into this place and it would be wrong for anyone to intrude on your hospitality and post anything that you are not 100% comfortable with.

You've done a damn good job so far.

An outright ban, no-way IMhO.... Especially Afr0 - he's a lovely guy.

Just, you know, make your views clear and black+white - and we'll follow. No complains from me if you edit or delete things.

</drunken ramble>

blog | work | code | more code
Thu, 28 May 2009, 16:25
Actually, I was perfectly comfortable letting it slide, just that Stealth's rant the other day gave a different angle to the whole situation.

So, I think we're all pretty much in agreement over this..
So far I think we've managed without really crossed any lines, it's just that Afr0's post was a little more on the nose than I'd have liked.

I think, personally, I'm going to take the "But for the love of god, don't say that it is..." angle here. I've always assumed there's a fair few pirates here. It's not for me to judge. God knows half my Amiga games were copied from mates at school!

Just, don't flat out say if you're downloading a game pre-release. Because, really, that's going over the line..
And don't come crying once your own masterpiece gets pirated to buggery.

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 30 May 2009, 08:21
Sorry peeps, it just had to be done !

View on YouTube
Sat, 30 May 2009, 08:43
Jayenkai It's not for me to judge. God knows half my Amiga games were copied from mates at school!

Only half ?
Sat, 30 May 2009, 10:28
I always thought the knock-off Nigel ads were counter productive. They gave pirates a theme tune and a nickname. I bet in workplaces around the country now, the guy who supplies peoples copied movies goes by the nickname 'Knock-off Nigel' and is proud of it.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sat, 30 May 2009, 17:41
spinal I bet in workplaces around the country now, the guy who supplies peoples copied movies goes by the nickname 'Knock-off Nigel' and is proud of it.

Probably !
Sat, 30 May 2009, 20:58
Plus the adverts were crap, I think that's a bigger downside.
Sat, 30 May 2009, 22:25
I don't think petty name-calling and smug condescension helps educate people about their cause. I don't support piracy, but I just LOLed -- colleagues' attitudes to "Nigels" that I know runs completely opposite to this.

They want to manufacture a social change through advertising, but anyone emulating the video would be laughed at for being so easily programmed, and denied the next season of LOST or whatever.

"Hey kids! Piracy is bad. Your friends will call you names and tousle your hair in a really demeaning way! So don't do it!" LOL
Sun, 31 May 2009, 03:02
I think what works far better, is congratilating people in some way, for buying retail DVD's etc. One of the things that bugs me, is those forced anti-piracy adverts on DVD's, the ones you can't skip. They're enough to make you download the movie just so you don't have to watch that advert every time. Do they not realise, that the pirates they are trying to discourage will not see the stupid thing, and those who do see it have BOUGHT and NOT PIRATED the damn thing. Stupid.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 31 May 2009, 06:36
A lot of people rent DVDs and then copy them. I think the adverts are aimed at those kinds of people.
Sun, 31 May 2009, 06:39
Well, we have those adverts as well. But copying rented DVDs for own/personal use is legal here, we pay extra tax on empty cds/dvds because of it.
Sun, 31 May 2009, 13:54
I don't know where 'here' is, but we pay extra tax on blank cd/dvds in the UK. I bet if piracy dropped to 0% and everyone bought everything legally they wouldn't drop the tax on blank media.

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