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Socoder -> On Topic -> Tweaks...

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Sun, 28 Dec 2008, 14:55
Oh yes, I can picture that!

Sun, 28 Dec 2008, 17:49
I don't see any need to SoCoder to switch server. It's more then fast enough right now and I'd prefer if Jay owned the server then someone else.

What's this disk caching idea?

I think getting the full view of your own profile should be easier. Currently you need to find a post you have made and select your profile from your avatar on the left of it. This is too long.

I think we should also have a place to store pictures of our favourite origami flower boxes and kittens. It'll attract more women!
Sun, 28 Dec 2008, 18:36
What's this disk caching idea?

After a page is generated dynamically, it is saved as a file. Then the next time you load that same page (provided nothing has changed on it) you serve that file, instead of wasting CPU power regenerating the page.

It's a little tricky at first, you have to build a system that keeps track of when pages change (so you'll know when to use a cached version or when to regenerate it), but after that it's easy. The page load times will be dramatically improve too.

I don't see any need to SoCoder to switch server. It's more then fast enough right now and I'd prefer if Jay owned the server then someone else.

I honestly can't see Jay taking me up on my offer. Moving it would make page loads instantaneous and it would let Jay experiment with more CPU intensive code. Jay could also experiment with memory cache (APC), insanely fast file caching (which would be good for the mud chat room).

But I understand why he would be worried about reliability and security of the site. And that's why I don't foresee him trying this out.

I can promise it will be reliable (my email is dependent on that server, and Jay knows how crazy I am about my email). I also wont be snooping around in his files, I'll respect his privacy. I've grown up quite a bit over the last few years and don't think "fucking with stuff" is fun anymore. I take this stuff seriously.

Quit posting and try Google.
Sun, 28 Dec 2008, 20:00
Thing is, Oscar was certain, and Phoenix was certain, too.. We've been down this road. On neither of those occasions was the death of the server that person's fault. Things just went bad, and the server took the fall.

Right now, the whole economy's buggered.. Normally that wouldn't worry me in the slightest.. Shops are closing, banks are failing, and I've really not given a monkeys.. But Woolworths, home of UK Cheap Shit, just died..
If the Cheap Shit can't hold it's own during a time of "Oh, fuck.. Let's buy lots of Cheap Shit!" then I really have no idea what the hell could happen next.
GoDaddy.. Probably not all that safe either, it's cheap!
But I'd rather cling for dear life to a server that hosts a lot, than rely on one that could "Take a turn" like Oscar's and Phoenix's did.
My boat is anchored, and I'm riding the storm.. Ask again later.


Now, the cache thing.. No need to go crazy.
I've had another little think, and I can ease up things without making whole-page caches and things..

Right now, the sidebars go like so..

|-What's the latest post... (SQL lookup)
|--Who posted it... (from lookup)
|--When did they post it... (from lookup)
|--What Topic ID is it in... (from lookup)
|-What's the name of Topic ID X.. (SQL lookup)
*15 (or however many your page-views is set at)

What it could do, is work like the XML files. Rather than generating things on the fly, just bump them off when they change.. (ie, I can easily throw this into my DoXML function, and it should *should* work out quite nicely.)

Whenever someone makes a post, the server would save "LatestPosts.dat", which would be a list of latest posts, topic names, who posted it, and when..
Then, rather than the server doing 30 MySQL lookups to generate the list, it'll grab the dat file.
Should ease up quite a lot...

Then all I'd have to do is convert times, and things like that. Shouldn't be a problem.

Until you then start to consider all the other stuff, like Admin Area posts, and Banned posts, and things like that..
.. Hmmm..
I'll work on it!

Note : Actually that little SQL sample thing's wrong.. it does the topic lookup first, because those contain last post IDs in them.. but I can't be arsed going back to change that now..

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 28 Dec 2008, 20:27
That's cool with me.
Mon, 29 Dec 2008, 04:09
I think we should also have a place to store pictures of our favourite origami flower boxes and kittens. It'll attract more women!


Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Mon, 29 Dec 2008, 05:04
Pages will never be instant, it's literally impossible due to latency. But right now SoCoder (at least for me) is more then fast enough. I think speed should be right at the back of the feature list.

Time could be better spent advertising the site, improving the design and adding more worthwhile features then anything else.
Mon, 29 Dec 2008, 15:01
I just discovered that when typing a new post and selecting a portion of text and clicking on the 'B' button (Bold Button), the selected text will not be 'wrapped' by the bold tags, but instead the bold tags will be added to the end of the post which is completely useless.

Edit: I'm assuming this applies to the other buttons as well (code, italic etc).

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Mon, 29 Dec 2008, 15:14
No it bloody well doesn't!

Or at least it shouldn't..

Not in Firefox, anyway...

Gawd, have I gotta try that in other browsers, now?

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 29 Dec 2008, 15:17
Testing with Internet Explorer 7!
No, doesn't work!

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Mon, 29 Dec 2008, 15:23
Works fine in Opera
Works fine in Google Chrome

Nope, doesn't work in IE7...


And the new Cloud theme doesn't do it's lovely transparency in IE7, either.

Fucking Microsoft..


Use a proper browser..

*Although, for the record, the lovely transparencies don't work in Opera either... But at least it does the Javascript buttons properly..

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 30 Dec 2008, 06:38
Yeah, IE really is an unbelievable pile of shit. The PNG problem is one of the more notorious bugs. Google "ie png fix" it should come up with some javascript hacks to sort it out.
Tue, 30 Dec 2008, 06:48
It's not even a png!
It's just a bog standard RGBA(r,g,b,a) background color..

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 30 Dec 2008, 08:48
I think the reason the Javascript buttons won't work in IE7 is because IE7 most likely isn't too fond of Javascript. Try porting the scripts for the button to Java .NET or ASP.NET. That should make it work in all browsers, including IE7.

Testing No, still doesn't work!

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Tue, 30 Dec 2008, 12:18
Rule 1 of web design:

Always IE test

Come on Jay.

Quit posting and try Google.
Tue, 30 Dec 2008, 14:48
Jay's done the 3 primary coloured items on that list..
Jay is not doing the rest.
IE can fuck off, and MS can learn that "Standard Compliant" does not mean "Compliant with our own list of standards"

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 31 Dec 2008, 01:00
Perhaps by default people shouldn't have a birthday.
Wed, 31 Dec 2008, 02:11
I'm about 99% sure it didn't do that last year. Wonder why it's doing it this year. How bizarre...

|edit| Oh yeah, the birthday thing wasn't there last year, was it!! |edit|

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 31 Dec 2008, 13:13
IE8, on the other hand, will be standards compliant. Although let's not celebrate too early, because there's still people using IE6. There should be some kind of law against that. Electrocution sounds good to me.

Afr0 Java .NET or ASP.NET

Java.NET? Are you talking about J#? That is not a web language, and was abandoned a long time ago. ASP.NET is a server side language, and isn't really a replacement for JavaScript either. You're stuck with JavaScript.
Thu, 01 Jan 2009, 00:07
IE8, on the other hand, will be standards compliant. Although let's not celebrate too early, because there's still people using IE6. There should be some kind of law against that. Electrocution sounds good to me.

I've tried it, and it's certainly better, but Microsoft has a lot of work to do still.

I wish they would just give up and ship Windows with Firefox. It would be much easier to do.

Quit posting and try Google.
Thu, 01 Jan 2009, 05:02
There is lots that IE can do that FF can't. Namely it's support for ActiveX controls and VBScript. I don't believe Sharepoint can be accessed via FF either (or atleast it doesn't work for me).
Thu, 01 Jan 2009, 11:03
Are those supposed to be advantages?

ActiveX is a bloody mess. IMO, browser apps should not have permission to write to files. Also, ActiveX is the only thing I can think of that makes websites platform and browser dependant. Imagine what it would be like if Mozilla, Mac, Google and whoever makes Opera all came out with their own versions that did not work with other browsers.

As for VB script... I would not miss it.
Thu, 01 Jan 2009, 11:17
Imagine what it would be like if Mozilla, Mac, Google and whoever makes Opera all came out with their own versions that did not work with other browsers.

So who's to blame? Microsoft for making ActiveX, or the others for not integrating support for it?

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Thu, 01 Jan 2009, 11:30
Why would anyone want to waste time adding support for that crap? And that, of course, is assuming that Microsoft would be willing to enable them do that as its not open source.
Thu, 01 Jan 2009, 13:07
ActiveX won't work on my Wii..
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