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Socoder -> Off Topic -> News and shit..

Fri, 25 Apr 2008, 15:42

1. The polls! They're on the frontpage, and I think most of you have noticed them!
2. The Codebox on the mudchat, you probably all spotted that by now.
3. The Searchbox on the forum.. Click forum, then you'll see a WORKING search box on the top right. I've not added any fancy stuff yet, though, so it's either "Search for exactly as you type it", or no search at all!
4. The new Group PM system. Post a PM to a single user. If you want someone else to read that PM, view the PM, and then type their name into the "Add Groupies" box. Everyone in the group can read, or "comment" into the PM as if it's one of their own. Don't go mental with it, though, or your "New PM" thing'll be going crazy!

If you have any issues with those, feel free to let me know.

CodingMonkey(aka PowerMousey's last remaining chance) and Yo!Wazzup, have both been banned, for.. well Lots of things.. But mostly for using this site to formulate an attack on Syntax Bomb.

Not having any of that, thank you very much.

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 26 Apr 2008, 04:15
Yeay! New features! Thanks Jay. I think the forum search box will be particularly useful...

The group PMs thing... that reminds me of something. Back at the beginning of the site, didn't you mention group showcases? What ever became of that? Although, come to think of it, I doubt it would ever be used. Meh.

Codingmonkey... I thought he sounded like mousey... Hmmm. By the looks of things on SyntaxBomb, he's been causing some trouble. But I don't see where Yo Wazzup comes into it...

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sat, 26 Apr 2008, 04:43
I guess group showcases never really came up! The whole idea was that a bunch of team members would all be given group access to the editing of a showcase. But, how right you are, that probably wouldn't have been used so far. Most, if not all the projects here, are our own personal ones.

Still, if someone does post a group project, and needs that function, let me know!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 26 Apr 2008, 09:09
CodingMonkey(aka PowerMousey's last remaining chance) and Yo!Wazzup, have both been banned, for.. well Lots of things.. But mostly for using this site to formulate an attack on Syntax Bomb.

IMO you were already way too lenient with powermousey, but did you really have to ban Yo!Wazzup? It seems to me that whatever he was doing would have been a result of powermousey's grooming.
Sat, 26 Apr 2008, 11:05
Grooming being the operative word.
Sat, 26 Apr 2008, 15:07
What can I say, I guess I had a soft spot for Mousey's rambling. But it was time for him to go.

Yo!Wazzup, initially he came here to see more mousey, and then once mousey had been banned, he set about trying to get himself banned, too.

Once things really went into overdrive (Mousey banned from SyntaxBomb) the two of them set about trying to find ways to mess up the SyntaxBomb shoutbox, and bypass their banning methods.
It's not stuff I like to see in the first place, and it's certainly not things I want happening from my own site.
That's pretty much why I kicked both of them.

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 26 Apr 2008, 16:08
I love how there is a political/diplomatic connection between all the forums that spawned from BC. It seems like every one has had some kind of cross-site incident between CW, SB, SC, and DC. We should make a UN of BC sites .

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Sat, 26 Apr 2008, 19:24
shroom_monk Codingmonkey... I thought he sounded like mousey... Hmmm. By the looks of things on SyntaxBomb, he's been causing some trouble. But I don't see where Yo Wazzup comes into it...

Sorry Shroom... I have read one of the topics by codingmonkey. socoder.net/index.php?topic=1057

Kent and I exchange emails regular, and the posts in that topic don't seem to be anywhere near "Mousey-ish"

And As for mike_g refering to Kent as "Grooming" Yo-Wazzup, what are you trying to do, make him sound like some sort of nonce or something ?.

What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty ?.

Kent has bought this to my attention, and has assured me that he does not intend to attack SoCoder or SyntaxBomb.

I actually think that both Mousey and Yo-Wazzup are being victimised.

I also sort of remember when you banned Kent. You gave him one final warning and if I remember, Kent did go quiet but you still banned him even though he never offended after the final warning.

I appologise for sounding abrupt. Ban me if you like. But I am entitled to my own oppinion. The lot of you really need to grow-up, and I am fed-up with all of the bickering.

With regards
Steve Ancell.
Sat, 26 Apr 2008, 19:38
Yo was just a young kid; i don't think pm groomed him, but yo looked up to pm. Probably one of the few people that could comb through the backwards manner in which pm spoke because of his youth. I don't think anyone here is bickering, and I don't think anyone has any intention of banning you steve. pm crossed the line more than his share, and yo used this site maliciously; i don't think any of it was personal.

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Computer Science Series: Logic (pt1) (part 2) (part 3) 2's Complement Mathematics: Basic Differential Calculus
Sat, 26 Apr 2008, 20:06
Fine, I'm going to attempt to give you lot an example...

Here is a link to a topic on another forum that I' a member of (My username on that forum is "Bulbz")


Read the whole topic from start to finish. You will probably notice that a particular member has some kind of score to settle with the site-master.

If you notice, I actually attempt to make peace between all members on the forum. You should also notice that other member jump in, and try fanning the flames to make things worse.

Now, my advice is... Sit back, wait a while, and find ways of settling the situation constructively. If you just sit back and read through other forums once in a while, there will be a lot you can learn from them.

OKay, so now that the Mousey has been bannished from this place, how long will it be before one of you gets bored and starts a flame-war with another member. It's just a matter of time, you just need to wait and see who draws the shortest straw.

|edit| OOPS !... I forgot to mention.

If you notice... Although I did stick-up for the site-master Stefan Hartberlin, he does-not actually acnowledge nor congratulate me for doing so. This is actually a tactic to eliminate the "Teachers Pet" scenario from happening. I know deep down he is greateful, but by not "Bigging me up" he cannot be accused of favoritism, therefore keeping the peace.

Take notice Jay... I'm not trying to tell you how to run your forum, but maybe you could learn from this also.

Take care peeps

Sat, 26 Apr 2008, 21:32
I knew this topic might go sour, and I'm probably not helping but: an interesting thing about this site is the chat, if you aren't on it, you miss a lot of what is being talked about here. I've been on it frequently over the past couple weeks. I've seen a dialog where Yo actually stated he was doing something on purpose just to annoy Jay. He was abusing the new codebox feature to, and I believe Jay disabled that for him. These are just a couple of the things I saw. Jay has logs of everything that is said in that chat I believe. And I actually stuck up for Yo once, so don't cry foul on me or anything for being against him now (I accepted some of the stuff he did because he is young, but it can only get him so far).

As for your thing about one of us getting bored and eventually starting a flame war, I hate to say this but you criticizing Jay without his side of the story or his evidence is perfect bait for many members to start flaming you. So please stop.
Sat, 26 Apr 2008, 21:42
Just yesterday Power Mousey posted content on the Syntax Bomb shout box insulting both Syntax Bomb and SoCoder. I read it myself. It was also not the first incident.

I can also confirm that Yo was deliberately at times trying to stir and annoy the members here. Again I read it myself.
Sun, 27 Apr 2008, 01:14
...and thus begins unneeded drama.

i was sort of wondering what happened to PM/Yo, but that took around 3 seconds for my fragile little mind to clear away... And now i know.

...and knowing is half the battle.

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Sun, 27 Apr 2008, 01:22
sooooooo..... anyway.... nice to see some new features are still coming jay!!!

as I always say... I will get around to finding some time to do some stuff one of these days ^_^
Sun, 27 Apr 2008, 02:41
Some real nice additions to SoCoder Jay, nice one!

I'll not say to much on PM/Wazzup, as we know whats went on... But I just like to say I think its good for forums to get together on subjects like this, essentially, we are all here for the same reason... No competition, No bollocks... just good old coding and chit chat!

Hopefully, we can organise something in the future for both forums, without the drama though! hehehe


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sun, 27 Apr 2008, 03:43
Nice additions Jay, The search box is really useful...

As for the banning, I can't really say much. However, I do think codingmonkey was Mousey, as small things like the way he said 'Normally and usually...' in the poston the topic Steve Mentioned, were very 'Mousey-ish'

I could also say the same thing about this
'Then perhaps add another but smaller timer loop.
And perhaps with the Flushkey command too.'

But anyway, thanks abagin Jay

''It works, but I'm not sure why it works...''
Sun, 27 Apr 2008, 05:39
To Steve..
When you left, at first I wanted to come chasing after you, and send a big email detailing exactly what PM had done wrong.
But then I figured you'd probably made up your mind anyway, and that I wouldn't help matters at all.

So I never did.

Just like when PM emailed me yesterday, calling me biased and unfair.. I'd pretty much given up arguing about the whole thing.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

There's also the time Mousey went around abusing the PM system, and I had to remove the ability to edit them. (Can't seem to find that anywhere, maybe it all happened inside the PM system?)

Either way that's 6, right there.
6 examples that show PM's unwillingness to change, even though everyone around him is constantly telling him he's being disruptive.

And, for the record, there's more than that.

If you don't think that's enough of a reason, then that's fine by me.

I'm not going to go over this stuff anymore.

PM's gone.

That's that.

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 27 Apr 2008, 09:25
I notice some of you refer to Mud Chat and Shoutbox messenging. I dont very often use them because it can be a lot like the old CB Radio systems of the 1980's. It is open channel and can cause a lot of grief. Due to me not using the Shoutbox or Mud Chat often, I dont get to see most of the stuff that goes on.

@ Jayenkai. The banning of the Mousey was not the only reason that I dont visit very often, and I had not made my mind up "as you say".

As I have mentioned on here before, I have a mental disorder that brings on paranioa and a lot of other effects. Due to this, I can sense friction between members a lot of the time and I have noticed that a lot of the peeps on here are as bad as each other. Plus my doctor has given me strict instructions to not get wound-up about things, If it can be avoided then I must avoid it. So not going on line to often, is my way of dealing with it.

Now, don't get me wrong... I'm not saying that I am an angel, but I do know usually when to sit on the side line. It is just that at the moment, it seems like one individual is being singled out.

@ Jayenkai... I appologise to you if I sound like a know-it-all, but I'm not here to start a fight, I just needed to get it off my chest. I'm not here to ask you to bring back the Mousey, I just needed to let people on here know that he means no harm, and is not as mallicious as you think he is.

I know that I don't make much sense half of the time, but please could you lot try to understand me and where I am comming from.
Sun, 27 Apr 2008, 09:51
Okay, I never knew that Kent had rejoined SoCoder but now I stand corrected. He also asked me to forward this, it is a message from the Mousey himself. Please don't shoot the messenger ...

Also again, I ask you to let all the people at Socoder know 2 things.
First, I rejoined Socoder cause I miss it and some of the people. Those few that are nice and cool.

Second, for all the others to know that they could just not waste any more time nor expend anymore energy on me, personal conflicts, and other bullshit and crap. And make the time and expend the energy on coding,programming, and getting along and hanging out with others there. And to learn, talk and share, and to ave some fun.
I ask them to do this and even dare them and challege them to do so.

Sun, 27 Apr 2008, 10:50
Pardon me for seeming a bit stupid, and I mean no offense, but what does Mousey mean when he said:

Second, for all the others to know that they could just not waste any more time nor expend anymore energy on me, personal conflicts, and other bullshit and crap. And make the time and expend the energy on coding,programming, and getting along and hanging out with others there. And to learn, talk and share, and to ave some fun.
I ask them to do this and even dare them and challege them to do so.

''It works, but I'm not sure why it works...''
Sun, 27 Apr 2008, 10:56
TheMadProff Pardon me for seeming a bit stupid, and I mean no offense, but what does Mousey mean when he said:

Second, for all the others to know that they could just not waste any more time nor expend anymore energy on me, personal conflicts, and other bullshit and crap. And make the time and expend the energy on coding,programming, and getting along and hanging out with others there. And to learn, talk and share, and to ave some fun.
I ask them to do this and even dare them and challege them to do so.

Dunno Bud... I'm just the messenger, so please don't shoot me .
Sun, 27 Apr 2008, 10:58
Do you know his email address ?. If so, go and ask him

|edit| I think what he's trying to tell you is... Don't ramble on about it, get on with your life, and don't worry about him. But learn from this scenario, to avoid future-similar scenarios. |edit|
Sun, 27 Apr 2008, 11:15
Even after he's been banned (twice) he is still able to post apologies on the board.

He means, Power Mousey is banned and there is no point in discussing it further. Instead fire up an IDE and get on with some work.

Steve it's honourable that you want to stick up for him and I accept you are only the messenger, but bear in mind that by posting on his behalf you are representing him here. Yes he is trying to apologise, but he has been banned. So I would ask that you don't post messages on his behalf because he has lost his right to post here.

Of course if he has something to say to SoCoder or to one of us indevidually then he can feel free to e-mail Jay or one of us specifically. But he has no right to post here.
Sun, 27 Apr 2008, 11:42
OK. All I posted the message for was to let people know that he don't have anything personal against anybody.

I am not taking sides, and if the Mousey has done something wrong then I don't condone it. However, this does-not mean that I have to stop being his web-friend, as we all do wrong in our life at some point. I have done wrong in the past, and I have been forgiven later on in life. So now it's my time to do the forgiving.

Joe... I'm not actually sticking up for him, Im just stating that he is not the only person that has been a bit naughty on this site.

All I am saying is that I will always be there for him, and anybody on this site and SyntaxBomb also.

It would just be good to be part of a community where everybody is equal.

Now, with that out of the way... I hear you Joe, and will take notice... "Now, where did I put that IDE !"

|edit| If World War III was to break out... I'm the kind of person who would steal everybody's weapons, and hide them in an attempt to end the war.

I hope this makes sense. |edit|

Sun, 27 Apr 2008, 15:18
OK, all..
The Power Mousey's over with.
Time to close this thread.

Steve, thanks for posting Mousey's last post

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