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Socoder -> Handheld Coding -> Spinal Media Player

Sun, 03 Feb 2008, 10:30
Here it is, the first 'proper' public test.



Currently you can only play output.smf in the player, but you can easily rename the files or whatever. The next proper release will have a file browser so you can play whatever you want. Also the converter uses a .ini file, so please look through it before running the damn thing.

* note, you need ffmpeg installed to convert videos, there is a web address in the readme.txt for where to get the version I used, but any should do.

I have already tested a few short clips and an entire movie with it, and it now works to my satisfaction, and yes, the converter is a bit on the ugly side, thats next on the list.

any comments are of course welcome.


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Sun, 03 Feb 2008, 11:15
At work.. I'll have a peek when I get back.
But, great to see a release for the thing!

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 03 Feb 2008, 11:31
power mousey

Billy de Kid and So crates too.

Heavy Metal!, man.
Sun, 03 Feb 2008, 14:04
One thing I am thinking about adding, is some sort of bookmark. There are plenty of times, when watching a movie on my DS (moonshell), I've wanted to switch the thing off and resume playback later, like on a lot of dvd players.

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Sun, 03 Feb 2008, 14:57
I can't imagine that'd be too hard, since you already have the huge list of positions.. right?

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 03 Feb 2008, 15:07
I noticed a syncing problem when playing Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure encoded at quality 1, took too long to load the frames, so I recommend not encoding higher than about 4 in widescreen, not to mention at best quality, the thing was about 650mb. I think I'll try reducing the audio buffer size to hide any audio glitches a bit better to.

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Thu, 21 Feb 2008, 15:06
I was thinking of changing the movie format to have each frame referenced, rather than sized e.g. currently the format goes -

But I was thinking -

I figure a 3 hour movie is only going to use maybe 500kb if each reference is an int. This would enable me to use frame skipping rather than audio skipping.

What do you guys think?

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Thu, 21 Feb 2008, 15:20
What about cutting the audio into chunks, and placing chunks between the frames? Repetition might lead to a slightly bigger file format, but less jumping around would more than likely help things be a lot smoother.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 21 Feb 2008, 15:48
nah, tried that first. If the frame rate changes from the intended, the sound will leave gaps. I currently am trying to get rid of some clicking, not sure whats causing it, i think starting the sample is doing it

|edit| I have managed to super-mega-drastically reduce the clicking, in fact I might have eliminated it completely, I can't tell if I'm imagining a clicking noise when its playing. As a consequence of the method I used, I seem to have the speed correct to, no noticeable recyncing going on yey!.

For anyone who wants to know, I am using two buffers (or rather one buffer cut in half) offset so they slightly overlap, so just before the first buffer finishes, the second one starts so the playing is overlapped. I set palib to loop the sample, even though I am restarting it manually, I'm assuming this eliminates the clicking because the sound system is never actually stopped (again assuming that the clicking is caused by stopping the sample). Each buffer is just over half a second long. I think Jay suggested this method to me a long time ago, but I couldn't get it working at the time. So to some it up, I have a usable file format and a working player, I'm working on a file browser for it right this second. |edit|

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Thu, 28 Feb 2008, 21:42
Just a heads up.. the 080203 palib beta seems to be missing PA_PlaySoundEx2(). The sound implementation is "completely redone" to use Noda's ASLib: https://palib.info/forum/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=4195

Hope it helps! Nice work!!
Thu, 28 Feb 2008, 23:11
I have not updated palib in ages, I have messed a lot with the arm7 code and I can't really remember what I have added. Upgrading would likely kill some of my old projects.

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Fri, 29 Feb 2008, 06:30
Yeah, same here..
And not only my own tweaks, but through the past months since I first downloaded PALib and Devkit, loads of annoying incompatibilities seemed to creep in between the two.

I've stuck with what actually works, because.. "It Just Works!"

So, ok, maybe there's a few inconsistencies here or there. But my games run, and that's good enough for me.

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 02 Mar 2008, 09:58
I'm going to byte the bullet and download the latest palib. I have backed up my old palib folder incase I need to re-add some of the arm7 code, so here goes...

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Sun, 02 Mar 2008, 11:40
Sun, 02 Mar 2008, 12:09
Nope, going back, killed everything, even 'make'. Guess I'm not using amr7 side mp3 for movie player

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Sun, 02 Mar 2008, 14:53

Yup, just stick to what works.
Sun, 02 Mar 2008, 23:15
Well, initial tests look good for the new format. We'll see how bad it gets when I add sounds and other options.

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