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Socoder -> JSE -> JSE Tweaks 2024

Sat, 25 May 2024, 08:35


1. Rect and DrawRect now have an extra parameter on the end to round the edges, because "modern" browsers will FINALLY let you draw Rounded Rectangles on the canvas! About bloomin' time. The engine should hopefully fallback to plain rectangles when not supported.

2. MouseIn has been (hopefully) fixed in the different scaling methods.. .. he says.. again.. hopeful..

3. Dan mentioned a bug whereby if you set a string to be "", it ends up acting as "0" in some places. I think I've fixed this, but if you spot it anywhere, let me know.

4. ScrollerText has been optimised a fair bit, but is now kinda glitchy in places. It works fine if you don't try to scale it!!! Use SetFontSize instead!

5. Other minor scaling quirks have (hopefully) been fixed.

6. Sometimes the Sound Effect selection thing would bugger up. It shouldn't do that any more.

7. The "Symbol Import" would similarly go wonky after it's done. It also shouldn't do that any more.

8. GameHandler has been given an overhaul, and now resembles my old "Circles" framework from about 2015 or so.
The new Circles GameHandler will override the old GameHandler, but if you still prefer the old GameHandler, simply use the "Flat" parameter at the end.
I've also added new SetHandlerCol and SetHandlerIcon commands so you can "kinda" change how the GameHandler looks.
(See example below)

If there's anything else you'd like me to tweak, or allow you to tweak, in GameHandler, be sure to let me know.


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