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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Paramount Plus

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Wed, 04 May 2022, 01:28
Paramount Plus coming to the uk at the end of June, for £6.99 a month.. So... no Strange New World for a month or so.. Linkage

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Wed, 04 May 2022, 01:28
These companies are fracturing the tv market even further... Every single subscription service is losing viewers including Amazon, Disney+ etc.. It'll all end in tears.
Wed, 04 May 2022, 01:33
Totally agree.
.. though in this case, I'm rarely watching much of anything on Netflix other than sci-fi stuff. Might be a good idea to chop out Netflix and switch to just Paramount Plus.

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Wed, 04 May 2022, 01:52
Are you sure you want to give up Netflix? - https://www.gamesradar.com/sonic-prime-first-look-netflix/
Wed, 04 May 2022, 02:03
Can't possibly be as much fun as Sonic Boom was!

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Wed, 04 May 2022, 02:18
I saw a post on the reddit main feed, where they showed a picture of pirates raising their flags. The topic mentioning the streaming situation.

This month that new Stranger Things series follow up wil start. I am 100% going to watch it. So Netflix is still relevant to me.

I got Prime, which sometimes has a good movie or doc. The lord of the rings show might be good there? My Hbo Max has the new Batman.

But Youtube has the most views here. I even started thinking about paying to have the adds removed from the television/web.
Wed, 04 May 2022, 07:42
Netflix are putting the price up for me in June. 😕

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net
Wed, 22 Jun 2022, 03:03
Finally arriving far too late, Paramount Plus is now available in the UK.
Strange New Worlds is "available", but only up to episode 3, so we're still lagging behind for reasons that I honestly cannot fathom.

There's a couple of South Park 1-hour episodes on there. "South Park : Post Covid"
There's a whole bunch of movies, but none of them have commentaries or extras, so .. *shrugs*
And for some inexplicable reason if you click "Browse", it claims "Sorry, this content is unavailable right now", so that's useful..

There's 3 episodes of the Halo show available, Star Trek Prodigy, all of South Park,
Dexter is in, as is the Dexter New Blood series.
Twin Peaks : The Return is here, but Twin Peaks isn't!

There's a Nickelodeon section which is kinda oddly lacking in some shows.
Rugrats is there. Sabrina isn't. SpongeBob is, Ren and Stimpy's not. Turtles in, Rocko out.
It's a very odd selection, if I'm honest. Again, Paramount (I presume) owns all this shit, why is it lacking so much?!

Movie wise, there's a bunch of old movies, but I'm not seeing anything too new. The Sonic movie is one that springs to mind. Obviously they wouldn't have Sonic 2 yet, but Sonic 1 isn't here, either.
So.. um..
Yeah, not all that much content here, if I'm honest.

If you're on iOS, you can download it, and sign up for the free week, then head straight into iCloud Subscriptions and disable the subscription so you get a week without any worries.

.. Maybe wait until all of Strange New Worlds is available, then watch 'em all within your free week.

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Wed, 22 Jun 2022, 03:30
£7 a month doesn't sound great value then?!

Is star trek discovery on there?

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net
Wed, 22 Jun 2022, 03:41
TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, Disco, Prodigy, Strange New Worlds, but no Lower Decks or Picard (presumably because Amazon have those..?)
Movies 1,2,3,4 (The one with the whales), 5,6, Generations, First Contact, Insurrection, Nemesis, but nothing from the Kelvin timeline.

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Fri, 24 Jun 2022, 16:45
Paramount Plus eats battery like you wouldn't believe, especially the menu system.

I've now watched the three episodes of Strange New Worlds, and.. yeah, it's been good so far. Enjoying it.
I'm also still enjoying Prodigy. The visuals in episode 3 are very No Man's Sky!!

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Mon, 27 Jun 2022, 14:09
Just watched the first episode of Halo.
Wasn't really sure where that was going, and was starting to drift off a bit, halfway through..
Then it went off in a different direction.
I'm going back for episode two!!

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Tue, 28 Jun 2022, 00:12
From the brief reviews I've read, Halo is like Marmite. Some love it, some don't. It does apparently get better...
Tue, 28 Jun 2022, 14:48
Enjoyed first 3 episodes of Halo. But the rest of Paramount+ is pretty underwhelming right now. Don't think I'll subscribe past the free days and just wait until more content is available.
Tue, 28 Jun 2022, 23:44
I remember long ago that they said that Steven Spielberg was involved with Halo.
Fri, 29 Jul 2022, 09:19
Halo : I struggled through episode 7, and then gave up midway through episode 8
Plod, plod, plod, plod, plod, snooze

Strange New Worlds, on the other hand. Oooh, yeah.

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Tue, 09 Aug 2022, 19:32
Last episode of Strange New Worlds, and... yes, that was good Trek!!
Get on it, if you haven't already.
That's the best Trek I've seen since Orville!!!

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Wed, 10 Aug 2022, 08:33
I've upto episode 4 od ST:SNW I think. Yeah, gotta get back to that.

Started and slowly finished Kenobi. Yeahhhhhmehhhh... Definitely not required viewing.

Watched all of Stranger Things 4 eventually. I say eventually as it took a few weeks to starrt them, but then binge watched them over three night shifts. The series is still awesome.

Watched -

- LightYear - that was really good. Much better than I was expecting. Some very touching scenes in there.

- The Lost City (with Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum). Yeah... Nope. Watchable, but nowhere near as good or funny as it thinks it is.

- Prey. Better than the last couple of Predator films. But that;s not really saying much. It lacked everything that made the first two movies so good, including a threatening hunter. The original predators had mucho gravitas and were definitely larger than life - this one just looks like a tallish man in a suit, which dun-dun-derrrrrr it is. Watchable. but lots of very illogical silly bits. More than you'd expect, anyway.
Wed, 10 Aug 2022, 09:30
I watched the first two episodes of "The Man Who Fell to Earth" last night on Paramount Plus +
Started well, but I'm incredibly worried that, being helmed by the same Alex Kurtzman who's pissed all over recent Trek, that it might end up with a shockingly crap Series Arc that falls apart in episode 5 but get dragged out to the end...
I hope not, though, 'cos it's been fun so far.

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Sun, 21 Aug 2022, 14:11
Got halfway through episode three a couple of days ago, and gave up on it.. Dragging on, slow, uneventful...

Tried again, today, and managed another 10 minutes of episode three, before giving up again.
Too preachy. Too dull. Too much.. Gave up..

Not evn Kathryn Janeway could save the day.

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Mon, 22 Aug 2022, 01:35
The new games of thrones is out on hbomax. My mother liked the first. I have not watched hbomax for a while now. There were some good new movies on Netflix this weekend. On Amazon i'm watching Peninsila.
Sat, 10 Sep 2022, 10:47
Finished Strange New Worlds. That was very good Trek. Started on S4 of Discovery, feels flawed in contrast. Not sure if I'll finish it. Watched a couple of episodes of Prodigy which are OK so far.

Any recommendations for other things on Paramount+?

Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net
Sat, 10 Sep 2022, 11:39
There's a show called Happyish, that I've bookmarked but not got round to watching yet.. *shrugs*

Halo, didn't get through it.
The Man Who Fell to Earth, didn't get through it.
I'm sure there's something, but I've yet to find anything other than Trek!

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Sat, 10 Sep 2022, 11:47
Lol.. well that gives me some things to try.
Sat, 10 Sep 2022, 11:49
If nothing else, you could always rewatch STIV:The One with the Whales.
Shame there aren't any commentaries on any of the streaming sites.

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Tue, 13 Sep 2022, 06:59
Aw I wish Paramount + was as good here as it is there. Here in Canada, we get the older Star Treks (most of which I've bought or got on other things) but none of the new stuff like Discovery, Prodigy or Strange New Worlds.. there's not actually all that much worth the subscription in this country. Tried watching the Halo show because that was on there, but I didn't like it. Bit of a downer, really. Was hoping there'd be more stuff on there.
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