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WM018 - Do It!

26th February 2009

Jay, I don't know if the planets have aligned right, if you felt some divine will, or what, but I felt an intense desire to "finish something", and then I came here, and it only reaffirmed that. Incredible coincidence? awesome. I'm doing it.


Logic (part 3)

22nd February 2009

Part of the Series on Discrete Structures


HELP CSS Flowing Columns

22nd February 2009

Here ya' go, using CSS:
<STYLE type="text/css">
div.fldiv {
background-color: #CDFFFF;
padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
float: left;
<div class*snip*


Star Trek samples...

22nd February 2009

ah! I've only got TNG seasons 4-7, i deleted the others a while ago to save space! :(


For the Visitors

22nd February 2009

Green&Gray scheme is where its at! :P
I like it, is that just for showcases? I'm wondering what the front page will look like mainly.


For the Visitors

6th February 2009

@discharge: You're welcome to post about any language you'd like! Most of us here all have roots in blitz, however we have a much broader range of proficiencies now. I don't program in blitz much at all anymore, doing stuff in C, C#, Java mainly, along wit*snip*


Weighted wages depending on rating

2nd February 2009

oh shoot! I made a mistake, haha:
Function Generate_Wages(rating=0)
Local min = 10: max = 10000
; Fix ratings
If (rating<0) Then rating = 0: If (rating>100) Then rating = 100
#wagePer = rating/100.0
Return #wagePer*#wagePer*(max-min) + m*snip*


Weighted wages depending on rating

2nd February 2009

here's a quickie: Instead of doing your random wage mod + blocks of if-statements, you can set it like this:
Function Generate_Wages(rating=0)
Local min = 10: max = 10000
; Fix ratings
If (rating<0) Then rating = 0: If (rating>100) Then rati*snip*


Languages (That are actually used!!!)

2nd February 2009

Just finished updating all my "C/C++" references to "C#". I somehow get the feeling that I'll be the only one that has to do that:P. I like the new list, much more comprehensive.


Logic (part 2)

31st January 2009

Part of the Series on Discrete Structures


For the Visitors

29th January 2009

Yup, they're generic maths symbols


For the Visitors

29th January 2009

Oh no! do the symbols not show up for you? It's not a different language, they're all symbols, most of them arrows and things.
symbol (looks like) [Unicode Character]
˄ (^)[02C4]
˅ (v)[02C5]
→ (->)[2192]
↔ (<->)[2194]
¬ (-|)[00*snip*


For the Visitors

29th January 2009

Here's the first article in the series, its on Logic:
Knowledge of programming is not required, but an interest in mathematics is. If I've learned one thing at college it is that Computer Science is not programming, and this article is at*snip*


Logic (part 1)

29th January 2009

Part of the Series on Discrete Structures


For the Visitors

29th January 2009

Alright! I'll do it! :P It will probably be broken up into a series of articles, I'll start out with the basics (and please bare with them, at first you'll be like "why would I ever need to prove a number is even? I know when numbers are even or not...")


For the Visitors

29th January 2009

I think another problem is that most of us are very comfortable with programming now (err, maybe this isn't a problem really), but we've all stopped at about the same level. We need new challenges. If there's any interest in the board, I would consider mak*snip*


Socoder Calender!!

15th January 2009

If I had the paper I would print those out and use them


Socoder Calender!!

9th January 2009



Portal Site

9th January 2009

Wow, I was surprised to see my name at the top of this thread... its soo old! I forgot I started it..
I suppose I should post a follow-up: I never made the portal... sorry to disappoint :(. Got waaayyy too many projects... I need to spend more time finish*snip*


How r I maikering dem aPPz.?

4th January 2009

It's possible... but if you take any jar file, and rename it to .zip, you can open it no problem with winzip, the shell extension, or whatever extractor you use.


String problem!

4th January 2009

I'm saying combine stuff like string.Substring(), string.IndexOf(), and string.LastIndexOf()


How r I maikering dem aPPz.?

4th January 2009

I agree with JL on using Java 5... just don't use anything less! I personally can't stand to use Java 4 and below...
On opening jar's, isn't there something out nowadays that wraps the jar into an exe? I know jar's themselves have typically given me issue*snip*


String problem!

4th January 2009

Why don't you work backwards: find the part that says
and then track back two spaces to get the big number. Then everything between the e-mail address and the number is that other set of words, and you're good to go.


Socoder Calender!!

3rd January 2009

You should make the calendar so that the square of a day of a particular user's birthday is their avatar, that would be cool.


How r I maikering dem aPPz.?

3rd January 2009

Obviously you should be using BlitzPlus, duh :P.
I'm a fan of using C#.NET, Java is my second choice. Ultimately, though, if the user is using windows (XP or higher), then in all likelihood they've already got the .NET framework installed (at least v2.0, *snip*

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