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In this very moment I listen to...

10th April 2009

No Tears - Scarface


Happy Easter

10th April 2009

fair enough! :)


Happy Easter

10th April 2009

Easter's on Sunday?
today's passover/good Friday or something. At least, with the Catholic church it is. I don't know about the Anglican/Lutheran/some other protestant churches, let alone the orthodox ones.
But! Happy Easter anyway to you all! Hope you'r*snip*


Would you drive this ?

9th April 2009

I don't think hydrogen will ever take off, because the bottom line is it takes far too much energy to extract it for it to be worth using in a car. Because ultimately, we'll have to then create a power plant that powers the hydrogen extractors. Unnecessary*snip*


Socoder Logo

6th April 2009



Not in my town!

4th April 2009

[quote]<sigh />Now people all around the world are going to think that british people a) live in tiny villages and b) are all mad.[/quote]
Nah, we already felt that way about the brits :P. But it's okay, all Americans are fat and stupid, so what goes arou*snip*


Not in my town!

3rd April 2009

Residents of a town in the UK blocked a Google StreetView car from coming into their neighborhood.
I think it's a perfectly legitimate action on behalf of the persons who did it, but it sparks up an ethical debate. How much is too much inf*snip*


Number bug in Blitz?

31st March 2009

I think it's a bug that blitz would be converting a power operator between two integers to a floating point value. My guess is that mark just had it input into the standard C library pow function and called it a day, thus we get floats instead of ints.


QOTD : Timewaster

29th March 2009

That made my day, and it's 00:05 here, so that's a damn good start on the day. :P


QOTD : Timewaster

28th March 2009

Solitaire. and Socoder. :P



26th March 2009

@roy I think people might get the wrong idea if it was called BombCoder :P


Could this be a monopoly in the making ?

26th March 2009

The last thing I want is to disappear into the cloud. If anything, I'll make my own personal cloud first of old hardware. Long live personal computing!



20th March 2009

if the char count of the *'s is the same, then I know who you were referencing spinal.
j/k, let's keep it civil
I get kinda worried about any 3rd party provider storing my information in a centralized location for _everything_. Espe*snip*



20th March 2009

[quote]In the unlikely event that either this, or that dies on it's arse.. I'd much prefer there to be the Already Working Alternative.
BC died, we HAD to use CW.
CW died, we all got stranded.
We need a backup.
Better to have 2 than none at all.[/quote*snip*


IBM to buy Sun Microsystems for $7 billion

20th March 2009

Ballmer: The IBM/Sun deal will help Microsoft


IBM to buy Sun Microsystems for $7 billion

18th March 2009

As far as server infrastructure goes, Apple has very little steak by comparison to Windows Server 200X and the various versions of Linux, and Solaris. XServe can't compete.
I don't think Java will ever be "for pay"-- even the free permutations of C#.NET w*snip*


IBM to buy Sun Microsystems for $7 billion

18th March 2009

What do you all think? Personally, I don't like it. IBM and Sun are the two of the biggest server providers in existence today... although it would be good for them, it could have big ramifications for everybody else. A lot of the software*snip*



16th March 2009

Well, I think 0 exists just as much as -1 does, or i does, for that matter. I think to say that 0 does not exist is a fallacy; if there are 0 of something, then it does not exist, however 0 itself does exist. I see numbers as being a concept, regardless; t*snip*



16th March 2009

For all intensive purposes, anything divided by 0 is undefined. I don't know if you know anything about limits, but the wikipedia explanation is pretty good about showing how the left and right limits don't equal one another, therefore no limit exists, the*snip*


Free Midi to Mp3 Converter?

12th March 2009

[quote]Along a similar topic, I'd like to convert some WMAs into MP3s. WMAs crash my MP3 player.[/quote]
Unfortunately, since WMA's are a compressed format, any transition to another compressed format would result in a transcode, which means a dramatic lo*snip*


#192 - The Socoder Design Challenge

12th March 2009

Haha, no, I was saying I vote we keep the design how it is! :P


#192 - The Socoder Design Challenge

11th March 2009



QOTD : Worn out...

10th March 2009

play games, stare at comedy central, do math homework (haha, no, jk, i do coding to avoid doing math homework :P )


Girl in mud chat!

4th March 2009

Orion Pax brought his wife into Mud Chat, and I'm pretty sure she made an account... (Blanko: I think you were there at that time as well) No offense, but I don't think girlfriends/wives should count for the "female counter" of this website, only women who*snip*


BlitzBasic.com Has Been Hacked

26th February 2009

What a waste of time. What happened to hacking being about taking down the big guy? Maybe those punks should stop wasting time trying to take down honest indie developers and get a real job. The worst thing blitz ever did to me was get me interested in fur*snip*

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