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7th March 2018

I used to string them along for as long as possible, but when that stopped being funny, I'm just left with the annoyance.



7th March 2018

You know them arsehols that ring up asking about your recent accident (you know, the one you didn't have) - is it wrong to just scream FUCK OFF as loud as possible down the phone at them?


Reinstalling Windows

7th March 2018

That plaster must have been on its last legs anyway to have come off like that.



7th March 2018

[quote]The whole design of the website is.... unmodern D:[/quote]
We're all unmodern here.


Reinstalling Windows

7th March 2018

That's bad luck... or bad workmanship... I dunno.
We had ours triple-glazed a couple of years back and there was no damage whatsoever, inside or out.


Lost In Spaaaace

6th March 2018

If Jonathan Harris isn't in it (and he isn't, cos he's dead), then I'm not interested.
Oh the pain.... THE PAIN!


The Cable Guy

6th March 2018

Is it just me that's got drawers full of cables with no clue what 90% of them are for, or where they came from?


The Cable Guy

6th March 2018

That's the *only* thing I like about my iMac - one wire.


Hello, Shubshub

6th March 2018

Ajax! _o/


Bathroom Scribbles

5th March 2018

Especially when I could well end up using a keyboard and mouse they've had their grubby mits on.


Bathroom Scribbles

5th March 2018

Where I used to work, there were some proper dirty fuckers who would pick their noses and wipe it on the bog walls, and just leave it stuck there for some poor fucker to have to scrape off.
Other times you'd go into one of the stalls and there'd b*snip*


UK Snow - Febrrrrrary 2018

5th March 2018

You can't spoke proper England like I used to could when I was a children.


UK Snow - Febrrrrrary 2018

5th March 2018

Fence posts. They're called fence posts. :)
Bit of wind, it'll be off again.


UK Snow - Febrrrrrary 2018

5th March 2018

That fence ain't gonna hold the weight of a gate.


RIP : Trevor Baylis

5th March 2018

This is a wind-up, right?


Tape Pole

5th March 2018

Yep, they did. Having played Defender of the Crown on both, I can testify that on the double cassette format, it was utter fucking agony.


Tape Pole

5th March 2018

1541 was a bloody monster - almost the same size as the C64 itself!


Tape Pole

5th March 2018

Couldn't get that many on a C90 either!


Bathroom Scribbles

5th March 2018

I'm more concerned with the first one! What's that saying? Don't shit in your hand and throw it down the lavvy??


UK Snow - Febrrrrrary 2018

5th March 2018

You want photos of normal grass? o_O


UK Snow - Febrrrrrary 2018

5th March 2018

Bizarre sight this morning on the village green - no snow whatsoever, except for a six foot high snowman!


Brand New*

4th March 2018

Much harder to talk their way out of when Trading Standards ruck up with a 7.5 tonne van and empty the place as evidence, though!


Brand New*

4th March 2018

CEX admits to producing counterfeit items o_O Linkage


UK Snow - Febrrrrrary 2018

4th March 2018

Weather's warmed up quite a bit, and it's rained. Most of the 'normal' snow is gone now.
The 4ft drifts are going to take a bit longer to shift but at least things are moving again....


Kick, Punch. It’s all in the Ring

3rd March 2018

Also remember Frank Bruno using his wife as a punch bag.

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