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Logitech Pop mechanical keyboard(bluetooth)

4th June 2022

I have a old mini bluetooth keyboard. It stil works fine on my devices. I did however order a new one.
Logitech has a bluetooth mechanical mini keyboard.
The batteries are said to last around a year. It fits in a backpack. And the keys make *snip*


JSE - Jay's Scripting Engine

4th June 2022

It is a memory saver for one. You can have a tilemap and tilemap layers and it only uses memory for the tiles that are set. Anything not used used in the arrays uses no memory and return a default empty.
I have a space game where I could theoretically ju*snip*


JSE - Jay's Scripting Engine

4th June 2022

Javascript arrays are a hash table in itself I think. You have access to any configuration by just writing into it. It only uses memory if you create something in the array. If you put one integer at -10000 them it is the same as creating a single item arr*snip*


JSE - Jay's Scripting Engine

4th June 2022

One quick bug. On the iphone.
The '''' characters for strings are not on the on screen keyboard. It auto selects a opening '' and uses and closing '' after that. Jse wil not compile with these quotation marks. If i copy them from the docs*snip*


JSE - Jay's Scripting Engine

4th June 2022

I did some testing in javascript and the example above is supported by javascript. At least on the ios browsers. This is called sparse arrays.
let universe = [];
universe[-5000,-10000000,50] = -3000;


JSE - Jay's Scripting Engine

4th June 2022

Yes. That is where those hash functions come in. They store only the used data. I have found some code before. Not sure where I found these. I need to look.
Quick lookup: no idea if this is useful. I only ever used this when it was implemented alre*snip*


JSE - Jay's Scripting Engine

4th June 2022

Well. I had a 2d space game and could just create a area say at map position 500,500 width a width and height of 100,100. Everything else in the table would just read nill and use no memory. I can create a huge map in that way by just leaving everything em*snip*


Kyle : Zelda Remake

4th June 2022

I am never able to find games like that on various stores. The last one a bit good was World of pain. And another one that was a flash game.


JSE - Jay's Scripting Engine

4th June 2022

If you ever feel like adding something special for data. A hash table like the one used in Lua is great. Infinite size. Quick lookups. Small.


JSE - Jay's Scripting Engine

3rd June 2022

Looks impressive. The top example code looks a bit complex :)
Those triangle and rotating boxes can come in handy.


JSE - Jay's Scripting Engine

3rd June 2022

It is fun. But frustrating when things do go according to plan :)
I started this morning to go and capture the game state just before a bug happens. I just got it working. It is close to dinner now though :)
Now when I press the 'b' key the game *snip*


JSE - Jay's Scripting Engine

3rd June 2022

Ok, that I had not thought of yet.
During hunting for bugs I found a new one. Here if I disable one new dim. There are no debugging messages. If I enable the dim then there are debug messages.
The ' tmplx(20)' one
// racing take over


JSE - Jay's Scripting Engine

3rd June 2022

The thing is. That as soon as I enable the loadfile. Things stop working. Saving and restoring wihthout it seems to work.


JSE - Jay's Scripting Engine

3rd June 2022

I'm currently having a problem with the loadfile feature.
When I save my game state and reload it from memory. It resumes correctly. But then I use loadfile it does not.
I was trying to create a clean minimal file. But I'm still working on that. *snip*


Dall-e 2

3rd June 2022

A crucial part of dall-e is a language model (gpt3) So any language quirks may be present I think.
I noticed a tweet by a father a while ago. Who's little daughter typed in a prompt of a unique kind of fluffy indoor shoes. He send the picture to a pro*snip*


JSE - Jay's Scripting Engine

1st June 2022

Yes. If I scroll at the most right. I can get that top bar out.I think that wil work.
I have another bug though. Again with dimensions I think.
The debug window gives me out of bounds here. If you put the lx and ly into a regular variable there is no out*snip*


JSE - Jay's Scripting Engine

1st June 2022

I just tested. You can reproduce by first using the onscreen keyboard. Then activate the text screen. It goes into a topbar less mode. Then activate the external keyboard. This switches into a different mode and then there is no top bar and compile buttons*snip*


JSE - Jay's Scripting Engine

1st June 2022

I have a small problem. I tried to edit on the ipad using a bluetooth keyboard. There is no compile button, or even top bar when the keyboard is connected.


NotE3 2022

1st June 2022

I think they delayed Bethesda's 'Starfield'
Apple is rumored to release the new Macbook Air next week. With a new 3nm m2 chip. I hope it has a good improvement on single core performance.


Soup Maker

31st May 2022

I was reading some reviews over at Amazon. One Soup Maker made the noise of a worker drilling into concrete!
I'm currently just into cans of soup. Added with a bag of soup and snack pearls.


JSE - Jay's Scripting Engine

31st May 2022

I bought this book on 2d collision detection once and tried to convert every method to monkey-x.
The book is by Thomas Schwarlz. (10 dollars ebook)
My github repo for monkey-x has a a part of these working. Not sure if I got rotating rects collision work*snip*


Javascript draw into new image

30th May 2022

Mostly I'm trying to keep up to date with Javascript. I have a couple of new books that also use some Javascript.
I have a old javascript 'getting started' repo. Having it with enough examples so I can quickly do most stuff.


Thread 3g 54m 6/7

30th May 2022

They used to change the measures on the size of the new King or Queen his or her thumb size way back did they not :)
Edit:i'm already having troubles with learning about angstroms since they started reporting on that.


Javascript draw into new image

29th May 2022

Yes! :)
It took me a bit of reading and experimenting. But I was able to modify it to fit into my code.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=''UTF-8''>
<meta name=''viewport'' content=&quo*snip*


Javascript draw into new image

29th May 2022

Well. I give up.
I think it must be a security issue. I can modify a image per pixel. But not use regular draw commands on them.

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