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Server Stress!!

9th October 2017

Maybe have most of the content invisible to anyone who isn't logged in? That'd fuck with their tiny electronic minds!


NOT Inferno (WIP title)

9th October 2017

Leaning towards Inferno atm. Don't really have to nail that down yet.


NOT Inferno (WIP title)

9th October 2017

Today's drama - soldier came with his own gun model, which I was going to use... then today I noticed the seller hasn't done the UV mapping on the gun. Rather than trying to figure out which bits of the texture go on which bits of the gun (which i*snip*


NOT Inferno (WIP title)

9th October 2017

Helicopter is always primary.
My intention is for the first X number of missions the player won't even realise he can get out. Leaving the helicopter will only be a small part... its just that setting up the animation etc is taking a shitload of time*snip*


RIP - Tom Petty

8th October 2017

Eh? Didn't Kuron start this thread?
Forum is broked??
Anyways... never really listened to Tom Petty til now. Didn't realise I already knew a bit of his work, plus one of them showed up on a montage after the Japanese Grand Prix this morning!


NOT Inferno (WIP title)

8th October 2017

It's both. I'll add variations at texture level.


NOT Inferno (WIP title)

8th October 2017

Dunno if this will work...
[edit] Ah it does (click the pic to animate)! Basically I've thrown out all the animation that came with the soldier model I bought, as it wasn't really set up to do the things I wanted and I didn't r*snip*


Unite Austin 2017

7th October 2017

Just had a watch of this. If you've got a couple of hours spare then it's worth a look.
Some really neat stuff planned for the future of Unity in 2017.2 (coming in a few weeks), and 2018 also. If you use Maya or 3DS Max then those will soon be i*snip*


Server Stress!!

7th October 2017

I was told years back... can't remember who, that robots.txt is only a set of instructions for well-behaved bots - they don't *have* to take any notice of what's in there. More to the point, a rogue bot can actually use the information in ther*snip*


This Isn't The Searchbox You’re Looking For

7th October 2017

OK then, maybe the ''simplest solution'' is to write ''Shoutbox'' in the shoutbox by default, since the search box has ''Search'' written in it.
[edit] and not to over complicate things, but it'd be nice if the default text del*snip*


This Isn't The Searchbox You’re Looking For

7th October 2017

Maybe the simplest solution would be to allow us to delete our own shoutbox posts? Only if they haven't had replies and been turned into a thread, though.


This Isn't The Searchbox You’re Looking For

7th October 2017

make it look like a speech bubble thing


Early Mornings

7th October 2017

Just got up, 10:30.
I've got bacon. None for you lot.


Hidden Important Options

6th October 2017

I get emails from them every few weeks telling me to change my password.
Pain in the arse, it is.


Commands You Love

6th October 2017

I'm quite partial to Unity's Mathf class. It's where all the magic shit lives.


Jay's Mum's Trip To London

6th October 2017

Here's a handy link for next time she gets an invite to some far flung corner of the UK...


Jay's Mum's Trip To London

6th October 2017

Well what on earth does she want to go there for??
Last time I went I walked through Camden to a hotel near St Pancras. I was like fucking Michael Flatley tip-toing around all the piles of dog shit, and bin bags piled 3ft high around every lamp post. Pr*snip*


Las Vegas Shooting

5th October 2017

I don't want flies on me, leaving little poo footprints everywhere. Dirty bastards.


Only Fools & Monsters

5th October 2017



Las Vegas Shooting

5th October 2017

I think we can all discuss things in an adult and reasonable fashion. Might have had a few differences in the past but we're older and wiser now (right?)
We don't always have to agree, but can at least respect each other's right to voice an o*snip*


Only Fools & Monsters

5th October 2017

I'm colorblind but he may have been green, yes.


Only Fools & Monsters

5th October 2017

Just discovered the drunk man in the hospital that Delboy punches in OFAH, is the guy who did the voice of that snot-nosed monster Gilbert on Get Fresh back in the late 80s!



5th October 2017

Says it's 14GB in the specs... pretty sure that's wrong! o_O
Either way, wouldn't put all my eggs in one 14TB basket. When that bugger fails you're going to lose big, unless you've got another 14TB drive with a backup on, obvs.


Untitled Goose Game

4th October 2017

Not sure if too many drugs... or not enough drugs!


Las Vegas Shooting

4th October 2017

To be fair though... terrorists using things like trucks, or knives, or whatever. The primary use of those is not killing things.
Guns are for killing stuff - they have no other reason to exist. Maybe banning guns isn't the answer, but then, I don&#*snip*

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