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Door Matching

18th October 2017

Theres a pranny in a van at my kids school... got at least 3 different color panels. Drives like a dick.


Mark's Dilemma

17th October 2017

Was about to reply here but actually, fuck it. I'll go do it on the Monkey forum.


It's amazing what one can accomplish

16th October 2017

Under that dress... you can't see her feet, but she's stood in a bucket of boiling water.


Stupid ill thought out headlines

16th October 2017

Just clocked this on the BBC site.
I'd think with all that wind about - enough to take a grandstand roof off, a couple of fans aren't going to add much in the way of significant wind.


That's a Spicy Meatball

16th October 2017

Once got a bit of Deep Heat overspray on the auld tackle. Felt like somebody was shallow-frying my bollocks.


Mark's Dilemma

16th October 2017

Glad I chose not to put my faith in BRL any more.


Mark's Dilemma

16th October 2017

As much as it pains me, I'm not sure we can blame *everything* on XCode.
Fuck it. Yes we can. Bloody XCode.


Mark's Dilemma

16th October 2017

For me, Blitzmax was the product which could have given BRL a long and secure future. If you have a tendency to make a language, bin it, start over, wait a couple of years, bin it, start over, repeat ad nauseam, then your target market is going to become *snip*


RIP Sean Hughes - 51 :/

16th October 2017

Liver cirrhosis, apparently.


RIP Sean Hughes - 51 :/

16th October 2017

Aye... panicks you a bit when you realise you're only 8 years behind him. :/


RIP Sean Hughes - 51 :/

16th October 2017

Holy shit... Sean Hughes has died. :( Linkage


Dashcam Hunting

15th October 2017

You can get an installation kit for dashcams which includes a transformer, about 3 miles of wire and a fuse splitter so you can just plug it into a permanent live fuse. Can do it yourself even with basic car knowledge.
Id do it that way. Couldn't cop*snip*


Mark's Dilemma

15th October 2017

You only really need Unity itself, Visual Studio, documentation and standard assets. Just for finding your feet I wouldn't bother with the rest.
I really like Unity now I've got used to it.


Mark's Dilemma

15th October 2017

Monkey2's problem is that it doesn't have any flagship titles created with it. It doesn't get spoken about in gamedev circles.
I mentioned Blitzmax/casual games to other devs at Rezzed a couple of years back and was looked at like I'd got*snip*


Its here...

15th October 2017

So... presumably that goes into one of the big-ass slots on the back of the CPC?


Dashcam Hunting

15th October 2017

[quote]Although, maybe less of the Daily Mail ''immigrants'' stuff[/quote]
It's a fact. I'm not just pinning this shit on ethnic minorities for something to do. They are organised gangs from eastern europe who do it again, and again, and*snip*


Dashcam Hunting

14th October 2017

Popular one in UK atm; you're waiting to get out at a junction. A car from your right flashes you. As you set off, they floor it into the side of you. They claim you they never flashed you and you weren't looking where you were going. Said car c*snip*



14th October 2017

Little known fact about the toucan.... very good cooks. Put Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsey to shame, the toucan. A wonder in the kitchen. You never see it though, not in these modern times. Gas is so expensive and they don't like the big bills.


F1 2017

14th October 2017

Mine's doing it now. Little 'un had a game on F1 2017 earlier. Automatic gears, like, but she give it a bloody good go. Think she'll be better suited to GT Sport (release imminent) as the cars don't go as fast.
So just chucked the PS4 i*snip*


F1 2017

14th October 2017

....and another 4GB update. I'm all for making stuff better but... Jesus... 4GB??!


Dashcam Hunting

14th October 2017

Haven't got one yet but most likely will be the Nextbase Duo, since it records behind too and that's where many of the knobheads appear from.


Red Dwarf XII

13th October 2017

Personally I think they should either have got back to earth or blown to bits at the end of Red Dwarf VII. Haven't seen any of it after ''back to earth'' but I found it had become such an effort to watch.


Tooth Truths

13th October 2017

Never had a tooth out. Never had a filling either. \\o/


Dashcam Hunting

13th October 2017

This is the third time I've nearly got wiped out by the same guy. Lords it about because he's supposedly done an advanced driving course, yet he drives like a complete bellend. Dunno about an advanced course but I'm questioning whether he&#39*snip*


IGNorant Bundle

13th October 2017

Hmmm..... :/
I'm suddenly reminded of when Amazon took over Reflexive, and fucked it right up.

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