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PS5 Gets!

21st December 2022

The local supermarket here now has a device for metal can deposits. I also read recently that a kilogram of metal is worth 1 euro at metal collecting companies(looking at a list now, various prices actually)
Metal cans are returnable from 2023 here. I won*snip*


Poorly Dogs

18th December 2022

My mother just spent 600 Euro's on dental work for her 10+ year old dog. His knees are getting questionable too. One knee job costs 2000 Euro's. There's 4 of those!



16th December 2022

Next year there might be a lot of new ai radio streams. It is getting better right now : Linkage


Fusion Ignition

14th December 2022

Scientists can now also create tiny black holes in controlled circumstances. I was hearing earlier this year this might go wrong and the entire planet gets sucked into it. Imagine if they turn that into a bomb? The galaxy might just be a warzone with all t*snip*


Open World Games

11th December 2022

The mac and ipados version for no mans sky might drop any day now. I am going to play it right away. It seems that the world(s) are a 'bit' larger than in other open world games.
I have not traveled more than a few biomes away in Minecraft. Trying*snip*


Open World Games

11th December 2022

I think open world games can last longer. I have been playing Minecraft for 5+ years now. Updates add new things every year. In a few years new ai could add even more fun stuff in the world.
They added a higher and deeper world a while ago, Knowing there*snip*


Voxel-engine progress

10th December 2022

Slowly I am adding and expanding with my mobile voxel project.
I added water yesterday. Stil needs testing and the actual swimming as the blocks are solid. I now know the 3d engines have trouble with transparancy.
I did a quick test with s*snip*


Dall-e 2

8th December 2022

With the ChatGPT or playground I would now try and ask it to create a html file showing thumbnails from a list of image names.
It can do lenghty code when asking it 'continue'
I tried to ask it to create a html file to read the words on this fro*snip*


Apple Karaoke

6th December 2022

Apple music is getting ai? Karaoke version. Turn of or lower the vocal in millions of songs. I prefer instrumental above vocals : Linkage


Advent of Creativity 5

1st December 2022

I asked chatGPT to create a sinus scroller html file with a festive message.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Sinus Scroller</title>
body {
margin: 0;
padding: *snip*


OpenAI Chat

30th November 2022

It can even code c64 basic :)


OpenAI Chat

30th November 2022

Openai testing out new chat ai. It is free to test and use after registration(for now). It can create code and debug and answer questions and such (assistent): Linkage #


Twitter/Mastodon Thread

29th November 2022

I think following all those journalists and regular news feeds causes (me) to get distracted from development and hobbies.
Also all the fighting with words in the feed about x and y. I might try and clean up my feed first.


Twitter/Mastodon Thread

29th November 2022

Latest news I saw just yet that Twitter will not moderate that Covid disinformation anymore. I think Twitter is sinking.
I have the idea that I might have to look at that mastodon. No idea if Twitter wil stay alive long.


Touch Device test voxel game.

29th November 2022

I discovered I can now use web workers(multiple cores) on my iPad with javascript. Somehow I must have now done it right or the os has been improved.
If I can figure out how to use them correctly it wil greatly improve world generation and building. The f*snip*


Twitter/Mastodon Thread

28th November 2022

Word is that the Twitter app might be removed from the apple app store. Twitter needs to start moderating or this will happen. This according to a tweet by Musk.
The website wil remain accessible though.


Touch Device test voxel game.

26th November 2022

The camera rotation is a bit getting used too. You touch. Then hold and move slightly around that touch point. It keeps rotating then. I want to change it later to be more like in Minecraft. This has no limit to the distance moved from the initial touch po*snip*


Touch Device test voxel game.

26th November 2022

I'm experimenting a bit with a voxel project.
I tested it on various old and new devices. A ipad from 2017 seems to have bad fps. My iphone se2020 seems to do well.
Does anyone want to test it out on a old or new device? Android is untested as of yet*snip*


Black Friday!!

25th November 2022

I ordered a new backpack. I was carying around 2 the last couple of weeks. Today I should get a 17inch one with 30ltr space. And I also got a case for my bluetooth keyboard. That keyboard was also a reason my old backpack was crowded.
Edit: they were doin*snip*


The Cost of Staying Warm

24th November 2022

Last year the temperature did not go below 16 celcius as far as I could tell. The heater had not been on for the entire year. I'm used to wearing body warmers and using blankets when seated.
When it froze this week, it stayed above 16.5 Celsius. I hav*snip*


Broadband Improvements

21st November 2022

This is a dutch news link :
It mentions that the 'industry' is working on 50 and even 100 Gigabit speeds.
The technique in the article is the 25G pon-technology by Nokia.


Broadband Improvements

21st November 2022

Uploads have improved here at my mums too a couple of times the last few years. At my own home I have equal upload vs download.
My modem was replaced a while ago. It kept going offline. I had to be on the phone for a while and go through steps before they*snip*


Broadband Improvements

21st November 2022

Broadband speeds might be 20x faster with new technique. Already proven and a few years before rollout. I hope they wont hold back. (Kpn)


Twitter/Mastodon Thread

17th November 2022

Maybe buy some popcorn for the weekend?
One good hack and its gone.


New ipad pro

15th November 2022

I saw a video on youtube of someone making a basic Minecraft clone in just about an hour time. I think I might be using the wrong approach.
People are starting to call them simple to make. Though I wish there were more games like that.
If you modify the *snip*

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