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Socoder -> Question of the Day -> QOTD - May 2023

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Sun, 14 May 2023, 03:27

Question of the Day : May 14th

What would you do if you were lost in a place you were unfamiliar with?
Sun, 14 May 2023, 03:31
Enjoy it.
I'm rarely out of the house.
Sun, 14 May 2023, 04:52
Get Google Maps up and look for the nearest motorway.

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Or use my sat nav.
Mon, 15 May 2023, 01:46

Question of the Day : May 15th

If you had the chance as a politician, what one thing would you like to change?
Mon, 15 May 2023, 13:04
Fund a national broadband initiative, preferably via the deployment of a stable 4G network.
After my net outage, last week, I found my phone was at the very least capable of streaming High Quality Youtube, even though I can only pick up 4G at home.
If the whole 4G network was finished off properly, instead of all the mobile companies trying to restart with 5G, then we could have 5G for paying customers, and a 4G Government owned, free to use network..
I think that would work reasonably well.
It honestly can't cost them THAT much to do, right!?! Considering 80-90% of the network is already up and running.

True, hard to reach, super remote places would still be hard to reach, but I think with a little groundwork, it could be at least viable with 4G.

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Mon, 15 May 2023, 15:28
I would get rid of greedy fat cat politicians and selfish bankers and make a government for the people, although I would probably get assassinated in the process.
Tue, 16 May 2023, 01:42

Question of the Day : May 16th

What's your favorite viral video?
Tue, 16 May 2023, 01:44

View on YouTube
Wed, 17 May 2023, 02:38

Question of the Day : May 17th

If you had to live inside a videogame for a week, which one would you choose and why?
Wed, 17 May 2023, 02:50
Animal Crossing. I think a lot of us lived in there, during lockdown!!

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Thu, 18 May 2023, 03:13

Question of the Day : May 18th

How do you incorporate modern game design concepts into retro-style games?
Thu, 18 May 2023, 05:12
I dunno, I tend not to. Anything I've done has (I think) been stuff that would've happened back in the day.
Modern stuff like IAPs, Gambling and other evils can stay firmly where they are, and have no place in retro games!

(*I thought I got rid of all these sorts of questions.. hmm.. That list is way too jumbled up at this point!)

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Fri, 19 May 2023, 02:27

Question of the Day : May 19th

Who's your all-time favorite Disney character?
Fri, 19 May 2023, 02:51
Wayne Szalinski
Fri, 19 May 2023, 03:19
Yeah, good shout
Sat, 20 May 2023, 02:09

Question of the Day : May 20th

What is the most interesting or surprising fact you know?
Sun, 21 May 2023, 00:16

Question of the Day : May 21st

What are the key differences between 8-bit and 16-bit games?
Sun, 21 May 2023, 01:29
Graphics and Sound. Gameplay wasn't all that different. True, Arcade games evolved quite a bit over those periods, but they all managed to get ported back to the 8bit systems.
Those machines just kept on going!

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Mon, 22 May 2023, 02:03

Question of the Day : May 22nd

If you had to fight against an alien invasion like the marines in Aliens, what weapon would you use and how would you survive?
Mon, 22 May 2023, 02:08
A crowbar seems to be good for that sort of thing.

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Mon, 22 May 2023, 09:52
Billy the baseball bat.

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Well, Aliens like to probe so lets see how they like a baseball bat rammed up their arse.
Tue, 23 May 2023, 01:32

Question of the Day : May 23rd

Which foreign languages would you like to master?
Wed, 24 May 2023, 00:08

Question of the Day : May 24th

What's the dumbest way you've been hurt?
Wed, 24 May 2023, 00:37
Running home from school to watch <insert kids show you'd run home from school to watch>, tripped and took a nose-dive just outside the garden gate. Smashed my face into the ground, cracked my front tooth.
They patched me up and added a cap and veneer to the tooth, and all was good and not noticeable.
..Until 2012, when during my bout of hospital drama, they put me under and shoved that huge tube down my gullet to keep me under. When removing it, it somehow dislodged the veneer and cap, and now I have this horrible looking broken tooth that was broken, now over 30 years ago.
.. Grand..

Still haven't been to a dentist since 2012.
.. I should probably do that, but lying backwards causes me to blackout, and the prospect of doing that in a dental chair frightens the shit out of me!!!

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Thu, 25 May 2023, 02:19

Question of the Day : May 25th

Have you tried flirting with a stranger online?
Thu, 25 May 2023, 02:35
A long long long time ago, like...18 years ago. Ended up meeting them which was fun but a bit odd and long distance was not a great thing.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
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