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Extra Security

3rd December 2017

Had my bank card blocked 3 or 4 times now for suspected fraud, which was actually me. Happened to the missus once when she was trying to pay in fucking Asda!
I'm all for security but fuck me... they could be a bit less obsessive about it.


Barclays Internet Security

2nd December 2017

Barclays axes free Kaspersky due to alleged Russian naughtiness Linkage


NOT Inferno (WIP title)

2nd December 2017

Rotorhead: Ground Zero?
Too terroristy??


Badvent Calendars (2017)

2nd December 2017

The only mistake you won't be able to erase, is buying that advent calendar!


Toys'r'Us Files for Bankruptcy

1st December 2017

It begins....
25 UK stores (out of 106 total) to close (Linkage)


Extra Controller

1st December 2017

Fuck no! It's been enough of an ordeal adding in boardable vehicles and multiple helicopters, without fannying on making it multiplayer as well.


Extra Controller

1st December 2017

So a while ago I bought an XBO controller for doing Rotorhead with. Today I was rummaging through drawers looking for something else... what did I find? Bloody XBO controller I must've bought the last time I started this bloody game!


UK Powder Alert - Danger

1st December 2017

Including wind chill, it was -10C here last night. Rather have that than 35C.


Badvent Calendars (2017)

1st December 2017

Suppose you could move your December breakfast rota to alternating toast/cornflakes. That way you can save up two days of jam.


No Code

1st December 2017

Me either, generally. But Sky know that by keeping the rights to F1 to themselves, they've got millions of people by the balls.
I know channel 4 or 5 or whoever it is have rights to half of the races, but as an F1 fan, I want ALL of the races. As a *snip*


UK Powder Alert - Danger

1st December 2017

Bloody sheet ice this morn. Got out of the car to shut the garage doors, nearly went on me arse.
Flinging rock salt about now that I bought last time it properly snowed, four years ago.


No Code

1st December 2017

Just wangled a discount- half price sky cinema for 12 months. Saves me nearly a tenner.
Can just about live with that.


No Code

1st December 2017

There are two things wrong with Sky.
1. The cost
2. 20 minutes of ads out of every hour.
Most of Sky we could live without. We're basically paying *!APOUND!*62/month for SkyF1, a couple of movie channels, and kids TV.


Leap Motion: Review

30th November 2017

But then... if you're out on the pull, and you cop one that's as boring as a fortnight in Scunthorpe, you can duck into the bogs, whip on your disguise, and hey presto! You're free again to prowl!


Leap Motion: Review

30th November 2017

Still, at least you've got a hilarious false moustache for those long winter nights on the floor of the local pub.



30th November 2017

Don't you sorta need 3D for VR?


No Code

30th November 2017

Considered leaving Sky many times, but the thought of going back to normal TV aerials after this... meh.
Oh that reminds me - need get the missus to ring Sky and tell 'em we want out, so they give us a discount.


UK Powder Alert - Danger

30th November 2017

Its snowing. panic.


No Code

30th November 2017

How many did you put on upside down?


No Code

29th November 2017

I started charging folk for fixing their PCs. Magically, they've all stopped asking.


Server Blip - Nov 2017

29th November 2017

Ah well. Never even noticed.


No Code

29th November 2017

Yes. Pretty much that.


No Code

29th November 2017

We got some ''Malm'' ones from Ikea and they're rock-solid. Lots of shit on the news about kids getting squashed by the drawers falling over - yet no mention of the daft bastards not installing the wall anchor kit that comes with it.


No Code

29th November 2017

Drawers are the worst bit - they give you shit woodglue, in shitty little packets like those shitty little packets of ketchup you get in back street cafes.
I guarantee you are going to stick your hand to the carpet with it. Guaranteed. and if you don&#3*snip*


Electronic ARSE!

29th November 2017

I hope it serves a warning to other companies using this shit to monetise.

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