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ALChoons : Xenial

23rd August 2023

Goodness knows how I managed to get this one together, today, because my head has been absolute mush...!


India Lands on the Moon

23rd August 2023

Watched the videos. Major congratulations and I am extremely proud of them for a job well done!


India Lands on the Moon

23rd August 2023

Indian has landed!


Retro News Coverage

23rd August 2023

Really do not know why they block shit like that, can't be that many foreign visitors to a local Boston news station that it is an issue.
But the BBC was blocking us for years even though here the BBC channels are one of the main sources of entertainm*snip*


Retro News Coverage

23rd August 2023

I would PDF it, if I could, but unfortunately it is videos. :c(


Retro News Coverage

23rd August 2023

''Sorry, this content is not available in your region.''


Retro News Coverage

23rd August 2023

Retro segment on news. Nice to see some attention being paid to the old stuff. Linkage


Atari 2600+

23rd August 2023

I have the black version of this that I use for 2600 and NES emulation and old retro stuff. Portable and have a mini joypad for it. Glad I could find it to bring with me.


Atari 2600+

23rd August 2023

Saw a preview video from John Hancock. Seems a bit pricey for what it is really when there are better alternatives out there. Although I do see the appeal of playing Atari on an Atari, in particular Yars Revenge and River Raid.
Maybe some 7800 games could*snip*


Atari 2600+

23rd August 2023

I have ALL of the 2600 ROMs on a handheld. Wish I had a second one as a backup, only brought one with me from TN. Fits well in a calculator case. This would have been priceless back in the day.


Atari 2600+

23rd August 2023

I expect the emulator board probably holds all the rooms.. After all, the complete TOSEC Atari 8-bit rom collection is around 360Mb, zipped. It's not very big!
The thing will probably ''recognise'' your cart, reading only the header or someth*snip*


Atari 2600+

23rd August 2023

Very interesting, and amazing that 2600 cartridges will still play, yet NES ones would stop playing after a couple of months and you went through the cleaning ritual any time you wanted to play one.


Atari 2600+

23rd August 2023

Atari 2600+ Linkage


Vinyl or Gif?

23rd August 2023

Speaking of vinyl, you seen 8-Bit Show and Tell's videos about computer data hidden on records? (Linkage)


QOTD - August 2023

23rd August 2023

Maybe find some artifact on a shelve in a storage closet. 😗 Not really a fan of dodging actual bullets and jumping off cliffs.


QOTD - August 2023

23rd August 2023

Question of the Day : August 23rd If you had to go on an adventure with Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark, what artifact would you try to find and what dangers would you face?


WebDev ala GPT

23rd August 2023

I had deleted a number of samples. I used the ''export all'' in Koala sampler. Then removed samples like doubles and non sensible ones.
Koala has various pages of empty slots per project. It can get pretty confusing when there are a lot of samples*snip*


WebDev ala GPT

22nd August 2023

Is there supposed to be a Play 1? It is starting with Play 2 for me.


Parlo - secure communication for .NET

22nd August 2023

Seems you did it by the book :) Make a great 'mod'. Get hired by 'the' company.


Parlo - secure communication for .NET

22nd August 2023

Thank you! :D


WebDev ala GPT

22nd August 2023

I think I might try and ask it to create a image gallery. ''Read every image file from the folder and make something neat.''
I had already put every image from my blog in one folder.


WebDev ala GPT

22nd August 2023

Awesome :)
I've been using it a ton today, to redo the CSS on my PixelCubes site.
Amazingly handy for this kind of thing.


WebDev ala GPT

22nd August 2023

ChatGPT made a site for me in a few seconds. Asked for html which read the folder for samples and put buttons to play them. insta done :) Linkage


Vinyl or Gif?

22nd August 2023

(posts a vinyl spinning GIF ) ;)


Parlo - secure communication for .NET

22nd August 2023

Congrats on success :D \\o/yeay\\o/

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