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Taskbar shuffle

26th October 2008

Rearrange the taskbar


Golf Swing-o-Meter

26th October 2008

Graphics(320, 240, 0, 2)
; Change these values to fine-tune the meter
meterX = 50
meterY = 50
meterSize = 100
meterCutOffAngle = 50
; Draw a simple circle and omit a part of it
; You can remove this code paragraph and insert your own image i*snip*


Palettes and Bitmap Fonts

26th October 2008

I usually only skim through posts longer than a couple of lines :P


Palettes and Bitmap Fonts

26th October 2008

Simple example of replacing color in an image:
Function ReplaceColor(buf, target, result)
width = ImageWidth(buf)
height = ImageHeight(buf)
buf = ImageBuffer(buf)

For i = 0 To width-1
For j = 0 To height-1



25th October 2008

I like editors as simple as they need to be. In Visual Studio, I take away all of those useless toolbars and windows, and suddenly it's actually fairly slim; especially if you use those auto-hiding windows. But, VS is fairly complex compared to Notepad. Th*snip*


QOTD : Don't steal!!!

23rd October 2008

[quote]I pay for music and games. =O[/quote]
P...pay? How do you pronounce that? ;)


Coders Workshop Changes!

18th October 2008

Gamedev is great when you want to discuss programming, but there's no community atmosphere. You're just another faceless member (literally, since you have to pay to use an avatar).


Coders Workshop Changes!

18th October 2008

I don't want Coder's Workshop back, and I very surely don't want the Blitzcoder archives back. It was good while it lasted but I don't see why they so desperately want to revive the old out-dated - and fairly less useful than we remembered it to be - site.*snip*


Desktops : Make 'em

16th October 2008

Xor texture!
w = 256
h = 256
Graphics(w, h, 0, 2)
For x = 0 To w-1
For y = 0 To h-1
Color x Xor y, x Xor y, x Xor y
Plot x, y
Sorry, that was lame.


#173 - The 5 Objects Challenge

15th October 2008

An old favourite, then. I probably won't have the time to enter, though...


Gmail is "annoying"

15th October 2008

I use Windows Live Mail and I never have to sign in to those web clients. Sorted.


Desktops.. Go!

7th October 2008

@Afr0: A big one with virtual choclate chips inside of it :)
@Hoboben: Well, not really! Just some random picture I found on DeviantArt. I've been trying to find the author, but with no success. I can send it to you if you want it.


Desktops.. Go!

7th October 2008

With DD's fix:
[quote]Trust MS to take an idea they made that worked well, and then inexplicably change the entire way that it works, removing any clues as to how to now achieve something that worked so amazingly well before..


It's DS Time again!

2nd October 2008

With the Wiimote and a console with two screens, I was expecting their next console to have arms and legs and a built-in coffee machine. An upgraded DS is a bit of an anti-climax.
[small]Not that I'd buy one anyway...[/small]
[edit]Oops, I was under the *snip*


Google 2001

2nd October 2008

Actually, this version is much better! No ads, no stupid "you're signed in as blah, would you like to do this and that?" Although, there is no image searching.


QOTD : How to advertise online?

1st October 2008

I imagine that if there was an easy way to get many people to visit your site then SoCoder would've used it ages ago.
And Stealth, while minimalism is good your site could use some work ;)


Getting a file's creation date

29th September 2008

Fear not, for the knight in shiny armor comes and rescues you!
Put the .decls and the .dll in the userlibs folder, and then just use it like this:
date$ = GetFileCreationDate$("c:/myMegaAwesome.file")
Print date$
I now reali*snip*



29th September 2008

The pointer traversal seems to be working nicely :) If anyone is wondering what I'm up to I'm mixing software with hardware rendering, trying to get the good stuff from both worlds... again. There's probably lots of optimizations that can be done, much lik*snip*



28th September 2008

[quote]No way to draw anything other than pixels? No "Big chunky rectangle over all o' this" function or something?[/quote]
Well the problem is that I'm trying to make a "Big chunky rectangle over all o' this"-function.
[quote]Can you replace the texture*snip*



28th September 2008

No, unfourtunately not. I am trying to clear a texture's pixels, not an entire scene. Perhaps there is no way to do it effectively?



28th September 2008

That's what plSetPixel does, but that means that I have to loop through all of the pixels. I imagine that memset has some internal optimizations.
Actually, now that I think about it, I perhaps should represent pixels as integers instead of individual byte*snip*



28th September 2008

I'm working in C, and I have a piece of code which I don't really like.
for(i = 0; i < buffer->width; ++i)
for(j = 0; j < buffer->height; ++j)
plSetPixel(buffer, i, j, color);
It loops through all of the pixels (three bytes each)*snip*


Wario Ware : Shake It

24th September 2008

Awesome! I was completely fooled.


Infantry project close to beta test

24th September 2008

Might participate depending on what I'm doing on Friday.
WW-style countdown.


GTA3 cheat macro

22nd September 2008

GTA3 Macro Cheat thingy, 5.6 kb
Took me lots of tinkering to make, but it seems to be working :) Code isn't all that beautiful but it's rather short, so if you want to modify it I don't think it'll be too hard.
Edit the cheats.txt file to change hotkeys *snip*

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