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Motion Capture Setup

20th December 2017

Apparently you can do all of this with an Xbox Kinect and software called Brekel Pro Face 2 (and Pro Body 2). $239 for both, plus whatever a Kinect sensor costs.


Festive Holiday Time

20th December 2017

When I was just doing coding I used to work every day except Christmas day... though, I even went into work Christmas day when I was at Gremlin, but that's another story.
Thing is, after tomorrow I can't post stuff out to arrive in time for Christ*snip*


Festive Holiday Time

20th December 2017

Yay! Fecking MENTAL December at work is finally done! \\o/


Fake News

20th December 2017

[quote]When I was 14 I got chased off there by security for mooning at them[/quote]But not off the end where the water is (I assume).


Motion Capture Setup

20th December 2017

Nothing to do with that. ;) Been offered some video production work with not insignificant amounts of money changing hands. But I'm not going to take it unless I'm absolutely 100% sure I can pull it off within budget.


RIP : Heather North (Daphne)

20th December 2017

Jinkies..... :/


Motion Capture Setup

20th December 2017

Cheap motion capture / performance capture systems?


Metric vs Imperial

20th December 2017

Poll: Is it just me that sometimes uses metric, sometimes imperial?


Fake News

20th December 2017

That's nothing. When I'm asleep I sometimes get chased off of Brighton pier by a giant inflatable killer banana.


Fake News

20th December 2017

I've always believed the channel tunnel is a portal to an alien world. And it's full of French people.


Timeless Days

19th December 2017

I've done over 70 orders since the start of December. Closing up at 1pm tomorrow til 3rd January.
Cannot fecking wait! Coding ain't had a look-in.


Timeless Days

19th December 2017

Newsletter? Loseletter! \\o/


Santa's House of Misery

18th December 2017

This happens every year!!


Xmas Survival

18th December 2017

Had the first lot descend last week... don't mind, but its like, the ones who stay behind cannot fucking cope by themselves, ringing up every fifteen minutes.
They're adults ffs. Figure shit out for yourself!


Xmas Telly

17th December 2017

Just set that to record on ITV+1. Catching the end of Miracle on 34th Street.


Water Problem

17th December 2017

Yeah, less than a tenner to replace. Looks quite straightforward. House is rented tho so I'd probably get landlord to fix it at his expense. Plus if I break sommat cos it turns out I don't know what I'm doing, could end up paying for the rep*snip*


Water Problem

17th December 2017

Luckily, nope, but only for the grace of God.
Been in there five minutes earlier, then gone back in to run the bath for my kid. She went in to go in the bath, and came back shouting ''DADDY THERE'S A LEAK THERE'S A LEAK''. I thought &quo*snip*


Water Problem

17th December 2017

You know when you go in the bathroom, and there's water pouring out of the little hole in the front on the cistern? That. Had to learn myself some damn urgent plumbing skills. :/


Pentagon vs UFOs

17th December 2017

Think that's why he wears a foil-lined wig.


Pentagon vs UFOs

17th December 2017

Aliens could have technology that could make things like cancer as insignificant as having a cold. Or light speed travel. Or sustainable clean fuel sources.
Or they could kill us all.


RIP - Heinz Wolff

16th December 2017

Yeah I googled it, made in 2015 apparently.
It's hardly The Snowman, is it?


RIP - Heinz Wolff

16th December 2017

Still, it makes a change from ''Tales from the Trenches'' or some other war shit the BBC always seem to thrive on this time of year.


RIP - Heinz Wolff

16th December 2017

Speaking of the BBC... I just stumbled across ''All Aboard: A Sleigh Ride'' - I put it on out of curiosity thinking to myself ''surely there'll be more to it than that''?
Apparently not.
It's a reindeer, pulling a sleigh through t*snip*


RIP - Heinz Wolff

16th December 2017

Not if I can help it.


RIP - Heinz Wolff

16th December 2017

Never heard of him.
I do fancy some beans, though....

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