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Love Blocks

9th January 2018

Happens quite a lot. Heard about some woman who got married to the statue of liberty. Apparently common in people with Asperger's Syndrome or those with a history of sexual abuse.
It's all very odd. Cheap date, though.


Treasure trove of Retro Gamer mags.

9th January 2018

I've never seen this available anywhere. :/



9th January 2018

This is why I don't do crowdfunding.
Make your shit first, then I'll buy it if I like it. Because that's really how life works.


Problème de Pomme

8th January 2018

Sounds like Apple are in the shit... Linkage


Time to Move?

6th January 2018

Yeah I saw you on about SSL with Zen a while back and thought ''oh that looks easy''.
Checked how to do it on Hostgator... ''nah I'll leave it....''.
Do you really need SSL tho or just ''nice to have''?


Time to Move?

6th January 2018

[Again] Can't say I've ever had any real issues with Hostgator.


Wintery Warmth

6th January 2018

Scary to think that the temperature difference between Australia and eastern US is almost 80°C.
Makes you realise that the planet really is in a very narrow ''Goldilocks zone''. A few thousand miles this way or that, and we wouldn't exist.


Who Scarf

5th January 2018

Scarf is currently about two feet long but we weren't sure it was right. Turns out, Tom Baker wore four different scarf variations and the one she's doing is apparently the first one from 1974.


Who Scarf

4th January 2018

She hates Dr Who. Apparently it's too scary.
Nephew loves it tho and he wanted a Dr Who scarf. Luckily he's about 6ft12 so he's not likely to trip over the ends. :D


Who Scarf

4th January 2018

Missus is making a 10ft long Tom Baker Dr Who scarf. O_O


Cycle Helmet

4th January 2018

Could be purple with butterflies all over it, as long as it saves you from a fractured skull. ;)



4th January 2018

BBC has picked up the story, makes no mention of performance cuts (Linkage)



3rd January 2018

Typical that older processors seem to be going to get the maximum 30% punishment. Seizing the opportunity to ''encourage'' people to upgrade.


One a Penny, Two a Penny

2nd January 2018

At least you've only got a ginger head, not a ginger face. :D


Safari Fire

2nd January 2018

Yeah, was there two years back - probably had the little buggers sitting all over my car.


One a Penny, Two a Penny

2nd January 2018

Always remember boxing day.... first episode of the new series of Wish You Were Here with that woman with the bright orange face.
Cos we're all thinking about holidays when we're too fat to move.


Safari Fire

2nd January 2018

Yes it'd be in extremely bad tasteless.


Safari Fire

2nd January 2018

Monkey gone to heaven :( Linkage



2nd January 2018

What gets me is, why didn't they realise the call was made from a completely different address? Surely they can trace/check this stuff?
But no... they just roll up en masse, guns blazing.



1st January 2018

What the actual fuck is going on??? Linkage


One a Penny, Two a Penny

1st January 2018

Saying that, I might be picking up a few Christmas 2018 bargains as all the shops will be selling off the spare baubles, gift tags, wrapping paper et al.


Happy New Year

31st December 2017

@steve I live less than two miles from Greenwich Meridian, so it's new year when I say it's new year. Unless you know anybody who lives closer. :p


Happy New Year

31st December 2017

Happy 2018!


New Year's Resolution

31st December 2017

Probly the same as I say every year - make or break.
And the older I get, the more I mean it.


Happy New Year

31st December 2017

Not yet!

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