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Created : 15 January 2009

LIFE on Mars!

Evidence of life has been discovered on Mars, Nasa scientists believe.



Thursday, 15 January 2009, 09:06
Interesting list of discoveries on the page..

Here are some of the most interesting scientific discoveries that have been made about the planet.
- It is named after the Roman god of war and is the fourth planet from the sun.

Wow.. They DISCOVERED that!?

So, um.. Methane.
Does that mean there's cows on Mars?
Thursday, 15 January 2009, 09:07
Yeah, bit of a rubbish article, but I couldn't find anything on the more sciencey news websites yet. NASA haven't officially announced it yet, either.

Edit: And it's not proof, just evidence... Still exciting, though
Thursday, 15 January 2009, 09:58
2pm Eastern Time, there's a briefing on Nasa TV (www.nasa.gov/ntv)
Thursday, 15 January 2009, 12:49
Interesting interview... they seem to be leaning very slightly leaning towards a biological cause over a geological one. But only slightly!

edit: we may know for certain soon; the Mars Science Laboratory rover should launch in 2011 and will be able to tell the difference.
Thursday, 15 January 2009, 13:50
I noticed in the video that Instinct posted, that they train spacewalkers in a water tank. But how does that train them for a frictionless environment ?.

There is friction underwater, that will give the astronaut something to reference against when tightening or losening a bolt. But in space, there is nothing to reference against, apart from inertia.

I wonder if an inexperienced astronaut spins the opposite way to the spanner the first time they undo a nut in space !
Thursday, 15 January 2009, 14:48
Jayenkai Does that mean there's cows on Mars?

Do they go OOOM instead of MOOO ?
Thursday, 15 January 2009, 23:53
steve_ancell I wonder if an inexperienced astronaut spins the opposite way to the spanner the first time they undo a nut in space !

Don't astronauts on space walks go out attached to a giant robot arm or something, so they don't float away? That would give them some sort of reference to stop them spinning, right?
Friday, 16 January 2009, 02:20
I'm not sure Shroom, they might do.
Friday, 16 January 2009, 14:12
Well, they have to be attached to the ship by something right? Otherwise, they'd just float off into space when they went on spacewalks.
Friday, 16 January 2009, 17:08
Yeah, come to think of it... I think they do have some sort of line attached to them.