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Socoder -> Hardware and Technology -> ROG Ally

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Wed, 27 Nov 2024, 11:00

Default settings, runs silky smooth. I'll experiment with higher graphics settings and the like later, but .. honestly, it looks good enough on a little handheld device.

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Fri, 29 Nov 2024, 07:20
Seriously, though, who designed the interface for RetroArch? It's hideous!!!!

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Sat, 30 Nov 2024, 09:14

ROG Ally


I think I kinda like the Ally a bit better, even though the Ally is set to lowest settings all 'round! Bit odd to come to that conclusion.

Today I re-attempted the VR setup, and it still isn't exactly foolproof.
I can, at least, get Google Earth VR running on it, but it's a REALLY low resolution, and stutters at about .. I dunno, maybe 30fps, or something. I know that's not "too" bad, but .. It really is, though!!!
And, boy, does it drain the battery. About 10 minutes of trial and error, and the battery plummeted from 98% to 67%.
And it's slow and awkward and clunky.
Really.. Not recommended for VR.

..and No Man's Sky crashed whilst trying to load in VR mode, so that ain't happening any time soon

I think VR will be better left to VR machines.
The Ally's good enough for flat-screen games, once you can get Windows to behave itself!

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Sat, 21 Dec 2024, 20:14
With all the Advent chaos, I've barely had time to spend playing the ROGAlly.
It's been sitting on my desk pretty much doing nothing but occasional updates.

Tonight,, at 3 in the morning, I woke up to WHOOOOOOOOO!!!!! as the fans span up to an insane level like I haven't ever heard from it before.
ROAAAR they whooshed, enough to disturb my sleep.

Holy hell...

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Fri, 27 Dec 2024, 06:22
"Sure, have a play", and I handed the Rogally to my cousin, on Boxing Day, as the family gathered around for our regular Boxing Day festivities.

He asked about the Xbox app, and I said, as long as you've a Xbox Unlimited Cloud account, the RogAlly can be used to stream the game collection that's in there.
He seemed excited, opened up the Xbox app, and tried to choose a game.
"Gamepad not connected"
.. Because this is still fucking Windows, and it's still fucking broken.

I had to close the Xbox app, force the controller into GamePad mode (instead of Auto/Desktop mode), then reopen the Xbox app, and THEN he could play the games.

He could see the sheer frustration in my face as I had to fart about with the bloody thing to work the way it "should" work.

I also explained how there just isn't a nice and neat emulation-haven setup that I've found on Windows.
On MacOS, grab OpenEMU.. Give it 2 minutes, and experience sheer bliss.
Then switch back to Windows, where you have to come back to fucking RetroArch, and you'll tear your bloody hair out.


Honestly, I'm still ticked off by this thing. There's frustrations and annoyances galore.
From midnight fan-spinning, to constant Windows based annoyances, it really hasn't been a good experience.

I've got 12 months before the next Xmas gathering, and my vow is to make this bloody thing usable to the point where I can hand him the thing, and he can play games, and have fun with it.


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