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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Bluetooth Won't aGo Go

Mon, 31 Jul 2023, 14:57
Windows: You know what would be fun? If I fry tour bluetooth chip while your trying to code and prevent you from using your keyboard and mouse. You know what else? I won't let you pair them with your USB bluetooth adapter either, so you have to use that horrible USB keyboard and mouse that have been sitting in the bottom of the cupboard for years because you hated using them.

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Mon, 31 Jul 2023, 14:57
Oh, Geeze. Are the USB ports ok? You've not fried something on the motherboard, have you?

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Mon, 31 Jul 2023, 15:39
Mon, 31 Jul 2023, 16:08
Nah, it seems just a software thing. Probably.

Digging a bit it looks more like windows update strikes again.

Good news, probably not a hardware issue.
Bad news, windows says it has the right best drivers for the thing it says doesn't work, even though it's been working fine for years.

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Mon, 31 Jul 2023, 16:12
Never, have I relied on the drivers supplied by Windows. Learned that early on with game dev, as the graphics drivers supplied by Windows always had knackered OpenGL support. Appears it is not any better now.
Tue, 01 Aug 2023, 01:19

Today windows changed its mind and allowedboth my internal and usb bluetooth adapters to work again, that was nice of it.
However, I have ordered a new trackball because I'm tired of my mouse not always connecting.

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Tue, 01 Aug 2023, 01:31
Windows is a finicky bitch.

Had a lovely keyboard as a xmas gift one year, that instead of a numpad, it had a trackball. Was awesome! Unfortunately, the "Q" key gave out after a couple of days and you use the Q a hell of a lot more than you think you would. Could not be returned, either. :c( Damn good trackpad on it.
Tue, 01 Aug 2023, 05:23
Aye, Windows 10 did an update recently at work and now my old Photoshop CS3 has gone from super fast and reliable to 10 seconds to load an image.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 02 Aug 2023, 03:36
Just had a similar problem myself. My laptop wouldn't connect with Bluetooth (wouldn't even see the hardware on the motherboard), even though it never had problems before. A bit of Googling and come to find out a Windows update killed it. Tried updating the drivers, that did not work. Come to find out that the update was incompatible with my BIOS and had to flash an update for that. Still didn't work. Uninstalled the new drivers and rebooted the computer to allow Windows to redetect the Bluetooth and reinstall the drivers. Everything now finally works.
Wed, 02 Aug 2023, 03:42
Gawd, I sure as hell don't miss that aspect of Windows!!

Prior to switching from Amiga to PC, I have this memory stuck in my head of going round to a mate's and sitting there for about 3 hours whilst they struggled with Himem and Autoexec and more, to get his brand new copy of Lemmings 2 to actually work on his PC "Which was top of the range, and definitely capable!"
Then I eventually switched to PC, and definitely had those kinds of moments myself, but put up with it because "OMG!PC!!"

It's only having switched to a Mac, with it's "just works" mentality, that I'm thinking back on this a ton, and wondering just why I put up with that for so very long.

.. Then realise I still can't properly play any of my Steam library, and going "Oh yeah.. That"

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 02 Aug 2023, 03:48
The problem is, apple only need to account for a small handful of configurations of hardware, microsoft have to account for millions. it's a surprise to me that PCs work anywhere near properly most of the time.

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Wed, 02 Aug 2023, 04:41
Love my Chromebook, like Macs, it just works and before you buy it, you can look up exactly how long that model will be supported by Google with updates. Sometimes they even extend it. I wanted to get away from Intel based processors, but if I could have tolerated Intel, I could easily run my Windows software on it via Crossover or Wine on Linux. Linux is just a one click install on more powerful chromebooks, including mine. I am limited by the ARM processor, but happily so. I appreciate the battery life and a system that always runs cool and simply works.